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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 7(2); 1990 > Article
Original Article The Clinical Review of Superior Vena Cava Syndrome.
Joung Sun Kang, Sam Beom Lee, Choong Ki Lee, Jin Hong Chung, Hyoung Woo Lee, Kwan Ho Lee, Myung Soo Hyun, Hyun Woo Lee, Sei One Shin, Myung Se Kim
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1990;7:151.
Published online: December 31, 1990
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We reviewed 30 cases of superior vena cava syndrome in adult patients who were seen at the Yeungnam University Hospital from January 1985 to June 1990. The results were as follows: 1. The male-to-female ratio was 6.5:1, and the most patients were in the age group between the sixth and seventh decades. 2. The most common symptoms were dyspnea (87%) and followed by cough (63%), facial swelling (63%) and chest pain (44%) and the physical signs were dilated neck vein (97%), facial edema (93%) and facial flushing (45%) in order of frequency. 3. The simple chest x-ray findings were superior mediastinal widening (90%), right hilar mass (77%) and pleural effusion (31%). 4. Diagnosis was made by history and physical examination (100%), chest C-T scan (100%), simple chest x-ray (97%), bronchoscopy with biopsy (40%) and so on. 5. 21 cases of patients were confirmed by histology: 14 cases (46%) of bronchogenic ca, 4 cases (14%) of lymphoma, 3 cases (10%) of metastatic lung ca. Of bronchogenic ca, small cell ca was 7 cases (23%), squamous cell ca, 5 cases (17%), and unclassified cawas 2 cases (6%). 6. In response of treatment, the clinical improvement was achieved in 18 cases with radiotherapy alone, 1 case with chemotherapy only, and 6 cases with radio-chemotherapy.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science