We reviewed 30 cases of superior vena cava syndrome in adult patients who were seen at the Yeungnam University Hospital from January 1985 to June 1990. The results were as follows: 1. The male-to-female ratio was 6.5:1, and the most patients were in the age group between the sixth and seventh decades. 2. The most common symptoms were dyspnea (87%) and followed by cough (63%), facial swelling (63%) and chest pain (44%) and the physical signs were dilated neck vein (97%), facial edema (93%) and facial flushing (45%) in order of frequency. 3. The simple chest x-ray findings were superior mediastinal widening (90%), right hilar mass (77%) and pleural effusion (31%). 4. Diagnosis was made by history and physical examination (100%), chest C-T scan (100%), simple chest x-ray (97%), bronchoscopy with biopsy (40%) and so on. 5. 21 cases of patients were confirmed by histology: 14 cases (46%) of bronchogenic ca, 4 cases (14%) of lymphoma, 3 cases (10%) of metastatic lung ca. Of bronchogenic ca, small cell ca was 7 cases (23%), squamous cell ca, 5 cases (17%), and unclassified cawas 2 cases (6%). 6. In response of treatment, the clinical improvement was achieved in 18 cases with radiotherapy alone, 1 case with chemotherapy only, and 6 cases with radio-chemotherapy.