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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science

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PubMed Central, CAS, DOAJ, KCI
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The main readership of the Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science (JYMS) primarily consists of practitioners in the field of clinical medicine and researchers in the field of basic medicine. Considering the various content in JYMS, its readership can be expanded as follows:

  • Researchers from various medical fields may be included in the expanded readership.
  • Medical students can study in-depth research results in basic and clinical fields, in addition to basic medical knowledge, through the journal's contents.
  • Medical professionals such as nurses or paramedic personnel can also be provided with fast and in-depth information on current medical issues.
  • It can provide medical policymakers with knowledge of domestic and international medical issues and research.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science