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Volume 7(2); December 1990
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The development of organ transplantation.
Bo Yang Suh
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):1-11.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Dermatophytes Isolated From Korea.
Ki Hong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):13-26.   Published online December 31, 1990
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  • Decreasing Incidence of Trichophyton mentagrophytes in Korea: Analysis of 6,250 Cases during the Last 21-Year-Period (1992-2012)
    Weon Ju Lee, Kyung Hea Park, Mi So Kim, Seok-Jong Lee, Do Won Kim, Yong Jun Bang, Jae Bok Jun
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2014; 29(2): 272.     CrossRef
Original Articles
Distribution patterns of cytoskelectal proteins in cardiac endothelial cells : Investigation using monoclonal antibodies.
Han Chul Kim, In Hwan Song, Yung Chang Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):27-37.   Published online December 31, 1990
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To investigate the changing patterns of microfilament and microtubule arrangement and influence of myocardial cells and colchicines to microfilament and microtubule formation in cardiac endothelial cells the authors carried out indirect immunofluorescence stain for actin and tubulin with supernatant monoclonal antibodies. Secondary antibodies were IgG FITC conjugate. The results were summarized as follows. Fiberform reactions were stronger in the cells with many processes and spread cytoplasm and they became weaker after the endothelial cells formed monolayer. In the endothelial cells cocultured with myocardial cells the fiberform of the microtubule became less visible compared to control group but fiberform of the microtubule maintained strong intensity as endothelial cells formed monolayer. In the group treated with colchicines, there were no visible differences in microfilaments compared to control group but fiberform of microtubule revealed weaker intensity after colchicines treatment. The intensity of microtubule fiberform returned to control level after 2 days.
A Clinical Study of Congenital Duodenal Obstruction.
Young Soo Huh, Bo Yang Suh, Koing Bo Kwun
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):39-48.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Congenital duodenal obstruction in the newborn infant may be due to a variety of causes. Duodenal obstruction often presents with bilious vomiting and upper abdominal distention. Diagnosis is usually established on plain x-ray of the abdomen by the classic finding of the double-bubble. In the period July 1986 to June 1990, 16 patients with congenital duodenal obstruction were operated and the following results were obtained. 1. Sixteen patients were comprised of 11 males and 5 females, the ratio of male and female was 2.2:1. 2. Thirteen patients (81%) had been admitted to our hospital during one month of life. 3. Congenital duodenal obstruction was in 16 cases; malrotation in eight (50%), annular pancreas in six (38%), type 1 atresia in one (6%), and wind-sock anomaly in one (6%). 4. There were two premature patients and six patients of small for gestational age. 5. Overall, bilious vomiting, occurring in three fourths, was the single most frequent presenting complaint. 6. Polyhydramnios occurred in two of the patients. 7. Diagnosis was possible with clinical symptom and simple abdomen. 8. The operative procedures performed were; duodenoduodenostomy in five, duodenojejunostomy in two, excision of wind-sock membrane in one, and Ladd's procedure in eight. 9. A total of ten associated congenital anomalies were found in six patients. 10. Postoperative complications occurred in five cases (31%).
Palatoplasty with Reconstruction of Levator Sling (Preliminary report).
See Ho Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):49-54.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Ten cleft palate patients were operated with reconstruction of levator sling without pushback for the purpose of not to make raw surface in the anterior portion of hard palate to prevent maxillary retrognathia. Speech was evaluated by using speech assessment list. Maxillary growth was not evaluated due to in-growing age in majority patient. The report will be followed in next chance. We could impose the significance in clinical application of levator sling palatoplasty without any complications but improving speech.
A study on the attitude toward dying and hospice.
Young Uck Kim, Jung Hoon Lee, Jong Bum Lee, Byung Tak Park, Seung Duk Cheung, Myung Se Kim, Hoo Ja Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):55-66.   Published online December 31, 1990
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This research is focused on the attitudes toward dying and hospice. 4subjects groups are Ca. patient, Ca. patient's family, elderly, medical personnel. A 40 questionnaire was filled out by each participant. For this study chi-square and T-test was done. The results were as follows: 1. Telling the truth 61.2% of all subject groups agreed upon telling the impending death. About 40% of elderly group and cancer patient group were disagreed which is the highest percentage in all groups. Particularly medical personnel group were remarkably high in telling the truth. 2. Attitudes of medical personnels 43.3% of all groups agreed upon medical personnels prefer to avoid dying patient. In medical personnel group. 44% of respondents disagreed comparably higher than other group, But 37.3% of medical personnel agreed. It showed that medical personnels admitted their negative feelings toward dying patient in considerable degree. 3. Attitudes toward mechanical assistance for life-expanding or hopeless patient. 44.8% of all groups disagreed upon mechanical assistance for hopeless case. Elderly (54.9%) and medical personnels (50%) disagreed, which is higher than cancer patient (33.3%) and (22.8%) of cancer patient's family. 4. Special facility and educational preparation for dying patient. 67.4% of all groups agreed upon the needs of special facility for dying, 81.3% of medical personnels agreed which is highest percentage in all group. 5. Attitudes of family members of dying patient. 82.3% of all groups agreed upon the family members feel annoyed at dying patient. 34% of cancer patient's family member and 48% of cancer patients group agreed, but elderly group showed highest percentage (84%). 6. Perception of dying patient about imminent death. 58.3% of all group thought dying patients are aware of their impending death even though they had not been told. 77.3% of medical personnel agreed which is highest percentage in all group.


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  • Effects of Death Preparation Education on Awareness of Hospice Palliative Care and Withdrawing Life Sustaining Treatment in City Dwellers
    Pei-Ling Tsung, Yoon Joo Lee, Su Yeon Kim, Seul Ki Kim, Si Ae Kim, Hyeon Ji Kim, Yi Nam, Suk Young Ham, Kyung Ah Kang
    The Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care.2015; 18(3): 227.     CrossRef
Effect of the Early Traumatic Experience on the Mental Health of the Elderly.
Kwang Hun Lee, Jung Hoon Lee, Jong Bum Lee, Byung Tak Park, Seung Douk Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):67-77.   Published online December 31, 1990
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This study was intended to analyze the relation between the psychic traumatic experience and the psychological health of the aged. The authors carried out this study by means of the combined anxiety-depression scale (CADS) and the preadolescence traumatic experience scale (PTES) with 278 aged men and women residing in Taegu from September to October 1988. The results were as follows: 1. Based on the scores evaluated by CADS, the scores of the both groups showed that comparative group was accounted for 40.15±6.19, while the experimental group for 57.75±6.37, which showed significantly higher score in the experimental group (p<0.001). 2. The experimental group showed significantly higher early experience score than the comparative group in the dietary difficulty, alcoholism among family members, disunion between husband and wife, trouble between mother and children, early mother loss, parent's indifference and unwanted birth (p<0.001). 3. The experimental group showed higher early experience score than the comparative group by sex, age, marital status and grown location (p<0.001). 4. When the subjects were included in the unemployed and in the middle or low classes and their parents were engaged in agriculture and commercial business and believing in buddhism or no-religion, showed higher experience score (p<0.001).
A Study of Depression Observed Among The Eledrly Residing in Home For The Aged In Korea.
Byung Tak Park, Jong Bum Lee, Jung Hoon Lee, Seung Douk Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):79-87.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Using Zung's self-rating depression scale, the authors studied depression in 310 elderlies residing in the 9 home for the aged (HFA) in Kyungbuk area, and 234 elderlies living in Taegu city and 107 elderlies attending a Life-long education program in Taegu, which serve as a control group, Community resident elderlies (CRE). The research had been administered during the period from June to August, 1986. The results were as follows: 1. The mean scores of male, female, and the total of the elderlies in HFA were 38.95±11.55, 44.18±14.15, and 42.8±13.7 respectively while CRE marked 40.8±11.3 for male, 45.2±12.0 for female, and 43.4±11.9 for the total. Therefore there were significant differences between male and female in both groups (<0.01, p<0.001), though no significant difference between the two groups. However, the depression score of elderlies in HFA might be much higher than that of CRE if 81 elderlies (14.2%) in HFA who had been left out of the statistical evaluation due to their having severe depression, organic brain syndrome, or pseudoementia, etc had been included. 2. The score distribution by items for the elderlies in HFA were from highest scores hopelessness, worthlessness, emptiness, decreased appetite, confusion, while for CRE, hopelessness, decreased appetite, psychomotor retardation, indecisiveness, and worthlessness, Elderlies in HFA showed significantly high scores in depressed mood, weight loss, suicidal rumination (ideation) and psychomotor excitement, while CRE showed significantly high scores in decreased appetite, psychomotor retardation, indecisiveness, and dissatisfaction. 3. Elderlies who scored over 50 numbered 10 males (16%), 57 females (34%), and total of 67 (29%) in HFA and 28 male (21%), 77 females (37%), and total of 105 (31%) in CRE: female showed higher seores in both groups. 4. Psychococial factors such as getting older (respectively p<0.01, p<0.01), being Buddhist (respectively p<0.01, p<0.01), and monthly pocket money less than ₩30,000 (respectively p<0.001, p<0.001) were found to have a noticeable impact on the depression level of the elderlies in both groups. Factors such as illiteracy (p<0.001), monthly pocket money less than ₩10,000 (p<0.05), and having no family (p<0.01) recorded significantly higher scores among CRE than the elderlies in HFA.
A Study on Discriminant Function of KWIS Subscales in Schizophrenic Patients.
Jung Hoon Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):89-96.   Published online December 31, 1990
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The purpose of this article was to determine the discriminant function analysis of the Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale (KWIS) for 110 normal controls and 98 schizophrenics. Of special interest was to verify the clinical discriminant power of two subtests of the KWIS (Vocabulary and Digit Symbols) and Zung's Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS). Four major hypotheses were postulated. The normal control group would show higher scores then the schizophrenics; mean scores on both Vocabulary and Digit Symbol. The mean difference in Digit Symbol between the two groups would be greater than that in the Vocabulary. There would be no significant relation among Digit Symbol, Vocabulary, and Anxiety. The most powerful discriminant power would be expected from subtest of Digit Symbol. The mean discriminant scores were 1.34425 for the control subjects, 1.34425 for the schizophrenics. The correctly discriminated percentage was 89.1% for the control subjects, 90.8% for the schizophrenics. From the findings it was concluded that both Digit Symbol and Vocabulary scales had strong diagnostic value but the former was more powerful than the latter. However, the Anxiety scales had less diagnostic value.
Clinical Experiences of the Ureteroscopic Management for the Lower Ureteral Stone.
Seong Jong Mo, Young Soo Kim, Jun Kyu Suh, Tong Choon Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):97-102.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Ureteroscopic removal of the stone is now popular for the management of the lower ureteral stone. A clinical study was performed on our 75 patients with lower ureteral stone treated with ureteroscopy. Of the 75 stone manipulations 62 (83%) were immediately successful and the final success rate including spontaneous delivery of stone or fragment after the procedure was 87 percents (65 cases). Of 57 smaller calculi than 1 cm (radiographic largest diameter) 50 (88%) were removed successfully. Mean duration of postoperative hospitalization was 5.6 days. There were no interrelations between the success rate and anesthetic methods. Significant complications during or after procedure were not identified. We conclude that ureteroscopic removal of stones under direct vision can be done safely and be the first choice of procedure for the lower ureteral stones.


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  • A Clinical Case Report of Severe Hematuria Patient after Ureterolith Lithotripsy
    Sang Hyun Lee, Ju Yong Jeong, Myoung Rae Cho
    Korean Journal of Acupuncture.2015; 32(3): 144.     CrossRef
Fundamental Study for Rolling-Over Motion of the Body by Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES).
Joon Ha Lee, N Hoshimiya
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):103-108.   Published online December 31, 1990
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A method to roll-over the paralyzed body by means of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is considered. It is demonstrated that individual joint motions necessary for the rolling-over are realized by electrical stimulation. EMG measurements are also performed to analyze the cooperative activities of the muscles during rolling-over motion in a case where an upper extremity was used. These results of two experiments using normal subjects verifies the fundamental feasibility of body control by FES.
Radiation Therapy of Head and Neck Cancer with CO-6O HDR Transcatheteric Irradiation.
Sei One Shin, Sung Kyu Kim, Myung Se Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):109-114.   Published online December 31, 1990
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The basic strategy of irradiation is to deliver a dose to the cancer that is high enough to make cancer cells incapable of reproduction, while keeping the doses to the various healthy tissues below tolerable levels. In order to improve local control and survival, as a boost therapy after external radiotherapy, high dose rate transcatheteric irradiation using remote control after loading system (RALSTRON-20B) was used for twelve patients with head and neck cancers. Present results showed complete remission of cancer in 9 out of 112 patients without treatment related complications. Although this procedure is easy to operate, well trained skillful hand in essential for good results. Furthermore out experience suggested that meticulous treatment planning should be developed for better results.
A Study on the dosimetry in boundary of shielding block in high energy irradiation.
Myung Se Kim, Sung Kyu Kim, Sei One Shin
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):115-120.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Scatter-air ratios are used for the purpose of calculating scattered dose in the medium. The computation of the primary and the scattered dose separately is particularly useful in the dosimetry of irregular fields with shielding block in radiation field, dose distribution of scattered radiation using 18MeV Linear accelerator and Co-60 teletherapy measured. The effect of scattered radiation dose by protecting block was been ignored in radiation therapy, 2-3% of scattered radiation may be 90-200cGy which could be influence vital complication such as cataract, oligospermia or sterility. So that exact calculate scattered radiation by protecting block exactly for irregular field c small protection of vital organ is very important. The purpose of this article is to calculate scattered radiation by protecting block exactly for irregular field c Linac or Co-60 irradiation and to applicate these data in clinical radiation field. Authors could obtain following results. 1. The lesser angle between shielding block showed more scattered radiation. 2. With decreasing distance between shielding blocks, the dependent of scattered radiation were increased. 3. Output of 18 MeV Linear accelerator and Co-60 was related linear proportion on field size, but independent according to the size of shielding block in 18 MeV Linear accelerator.
Spinal Anesthesia for Lower Extremities : Comparison of Plain 0.5% Bupivacaine and Hyperbaric 0.5% Tetracaine.
Sun Ok Song, Bon Up Koo
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):121-130.   Published online December 31, 1990
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Plain 0.5% bupivacaine and hyperbaric 0.5% tetracaine were compared for spinal anesthesia in 40 patients undergoing operation of lower extremities. Lumbar puncture was performed with a 22 gauge spinal needle with the patient in the lateral recumbent position. The third lumbar interspace was chosen for the puncture, when a free flow of clear CSF was obtained, the local anesthetic solution (2.5 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine or 2.0 ml of hyperbaric 0.5% tetracaine) was injected at a rate of 0.1ml/sec without barbotage. After injection of anesthetics, clinical features were observed and compared between the two groups. The results were as follows: 1. The two groups were well matched for age, sex, height and weight. 2. In both groups, sensory block to T₁₂ dermatome was obtained within 4 minutes, mean maximal level of analgesia was T₆₋₇, and the mean time for maximal level was around 20 minutes. 3. The onset times of motor block were similar in both groups and complete motor block was obtained in all cases within 20 minutes. 4. The duration of analgesia above the T₁₂ dermatome was 3 hours, postoperative analgesia was 7 hours. These value were significantly prolonged than those of the tetracaine group (p<0.05). 5. The changes in systolic pressure in the bupivacaine group were significantly less than those of the tetracaine group (p<0.05). 6. The complications after spinal anesthesia were headache, numbness, urinary retention and backpain, and were no significant difference in both groups. From the obtained results, we concluded that plain 0.5% bupivacaine was a relatively satisfactory agent for spinal anesthesia for operation of lower extremities. The time of onset, height of block and the complications of postoperative period were similar in both groups. The advantages of plain 0.5% bupivacaine were less hypotension and long duration of analgesia.
Roentgenographic Cephalometric Study for Normal Occlusion in Korean Adults According to the Ricketts Analysis.
Byung Rho Chin
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1990;7(2):131-139.   Published online December 31, 1990
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The purpose of this study was to assess the skeletal characteristics of the maxillofacial norms and the interpretation of craniofacial relations in Korean adults by applying the Ricketts Analysis. The factors of the applied lateral cephalometric measurements were composed of the 10 factor analysis (Summary Analysis) and 7 internal structures to be suggested by Ricketts. Lateral cephalograms were obtained from 60 subjects over 21 years old that consisted of 30 males and 30 females with normal occlusion, acceptable profile. The results were as follow: 1. The tables of means, standard deviations in each item and sex were made. 2. The author performed whether there was significance (P<0.05) between the registered male and female's measurement in each item.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science