The authors studied the mental health status of the 1989 freshmen of Yeungnam University using the psychotic scale of Derogatis SCL0-90, Zung anxiety and depression scale and MMPI from January 1988 to February 1988. The subjects of this study were contained 3792 students (1206 female, 2586 male). 392 students (10.3%), out of all respondents were screened to fall on high score ranges. The authors performed a second test to 156(39.8% 47 female (30.1%), 109 male (69.9%) of the high-scored in order to clarify their mental health status and analyze various psychosocial factors; using MMPI. The MMPI results were categorized with Lachar's classification. The results were as follows: 1. By the MMPI scores, 24 respondents (15.4%) had neurotic trends, 20 (12.8%) had psychotic trends and 7 (4.5%) had trends of behavior disorder. It was about 1.4% of all 3792 freshmen. 2. On the close examination of the MMPI, 8 respondents were diagnosed for affect disorder, 6 for anxiety disorder, 9 for schizophrenia and 3 for personality disorder. It was 0.7% of all freshmen. 3. One the analysis of the psychosocial factors, the schizophrenic scores were high in the case of unsatisfy in family atmosphere, unsatisfy in marital intimacy of parents, serious in conflicts between father and I, and serious in conflicts between mother and I. 4. The hypochondriacal scores were high in the case of weak in physical condition, having hospitalization experience and physical illness.