Soft-tissue expansion is a new surgical technique of providing donor tissue in modern reconstructive surgery. This technique provides a quantity of tissue of similar color, texture, and hair-bearing qualities for reconstruction of adjacent defects. It is known that the expanded skin shows several constant histologic changes including the increase in collagen fibers and vascularity within dermis, and thinning of subcutaneous tissue and dermis. In this study, the author observed serial histologic changes of rabbit skin induced by progressive tissue expansion up to excessive expansion of 6 times. The results are as follows: 1. Changes in the thickness of the epidermis was minimal until 3 times of expansion, but slight thinning was observed at excessive expansion state. 2. The thickness of the dermis was progressively decreased, and collagen fibers in the dermis was rapidly increased in early phase of expansion. 3. The vascularity in the dermis was also progressively increased. 4. The skin appendages showed no structural changes even in excessive expansion. 5. The panniculus carnosus showed no atrophic changes and the thickness was maintained in excessive expansion.
In recent years there has been a growing interest in all forms of rotational therapy, and many different types of therapy machines designed for this kind of treatment have become available. To the medical radiation physicist, the dosimetry of rotation therapy has presented a number of interesting problems, and much useful work has been published on the basic date of dose distribution and dosage calculation. The setting dose for ARC therapy were obtained by computer calculation and measurement with cylindrical phantom. Authors compared computer calculation with measured value. And in ARC therapy, the region of maximum dose in shifted from the tumor center. The extent of shift was analyzed by isodose distribution for ARC therapy techniques.
Phosphoinositide-specific Phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is a second messenger of signal transducer on cell membrane. In the previous study, PLC of bovine brain has been purified three isozymes. In this paper, uterus and seminal vesicle have been purified. Two peaks of PI-PLC activity were resolved when bovine uterus and seminal vesicle proteins were chromatographed on a DEAE and phenyl TSK 5PW HPLC column. Each two peak was compared with PI-PLC I, II and III from bovine brain and we got the retention time on HPLC. The peak fractions with PLC activity were tested homogeneity with brain PLC monoclonal antibodies (Mab). Mab-labeled affigels were bounded in the range of 73.8%~97.5% with PLC I, II and III. Homogeneity of fractions were revealed that DEAE F-1 and phenyl F-1-I were highest level of PLC III in uterus and seminal vesicle and DEAE F-2 and phenyl F-2-I were mixed PLC I and II.
The intradermal (ID) test has been widely used in Korea and several reports about the results of the ID test are known. We examined the egg of Clonorchis sinensis (C.s.) by ID test in 443, stool's egg-counting technique in 79 and direct smear (cellophane thick smear technique) in 1204 subjects. The results are as follows: 1. The positive rate of C.s. was 3.8% out of 1304 persons. 2. The sensitivity of ID test was 82.1% out of 39 persons and the specificity was 64.6% out of 404 persons. 3. The false positive of ID test was 35.4% out of 404 persons and, the false negative was 17.9% out of 39 persons. Intradermal test is a rapid, sensitive and useful supplementary diagnostic tool for the detection of Clonorchiasis infection and must be used as screening test with direct smear of stool but cross reaction with other helminth infections and moderate false reaction are the main disadvantages in its practical application.
KOH examination is a simple, rapid and diagnostic procedure to confirm dermatophytic infections. It is important to select a proper examination site of the lesion. To determinate the proper examination site of the lesion, mycologic studies were done with multiple specimens collected from the center, margin and out of margin of the ring-shaped dermatophytic skin lesion on the 58 patients. The results were as follows. Positive rate of KOH wet smear was 94.8% at the center and 100% at the margin of the lesions, 22.4% at the 1 cm and 5.2% at the 2 cm out of the lesions. The more hyphae were found in the lesion, the more hyphae were found out of the lesion. Culture was done on the Sabouraud's glucose agar from the highest KOH positive area and the positive culture was 48 strains (82.8%) of 58 patients. These findings suggested that the ring-shaped active margin was the best site to examine mycologic studies.
This study was designed to investigate the effect of substitution of strontium for calcium on mechanical activity in isolated perfused spontaneously beating rat hearts. The mechanical activity of the hearts of Langendorff's preparation in conditions of low calcium and strontium-substitution for calcium was compared. The effect of norepinephrine and verapamil were also observed in those conditions. The results were as follows: 1. In low calcium, the mechanical activity of the heart preparation was significantly reduced, but when the equimolar strontium was substituted for the reduced calcium, the activity was kept at similar level to the normal condition. 2. When equimolar strontium was substituted for the total calcium in perfusate, the heart preparation stopped its beating, and it was not restored in spite of reperfusion with normal calcium perfusate. 3. Norepinephrine-induced positive inotropic effect was inhibited in low-calcium condition especially with low concentration of norepinephrine, but not in strontium-substitution for calcium. 4. Verapamil reduced the activity of the heart both in low-calcium and strontium-substitution as well as in normal calcium conditions. From above results, it was concluded that strontium served as a substitute of calcium in maintaining mechanical activity and in responsiveness to norepinephrine, and the influx of strontium through cell membrane is inhibited by verapamil as the influx of calcium.
This study was made to investigate the influence of mouth breathing to tongue, mandible and hyoid bone position. It has been clinically suggested that the mouth breathing is induced by the respiratory dysfunction of nasopharyngeal airway causing by the Adenoids. The author used the 50 children, who were the nasal breathes with normal occlusion as the control group, and 50 children, who were mouth breathers with Adenoid as the experimental group. Results were as following: 1. In experimental group, the tongue was positioned more anterior and lower than that of the normal children. 2. In experimental group, the mandible was positioned more lower than that of the normal children. 3. In experimental group, the hyoid bone was positioned more anterior and lower than that of the normal children.
In the present study the effect of exercise on the conversion rate of ingested glucose to glycogen in the different types of hindlimb skeletal muscles in Sprague-Dawley male rats was studied. The amounts of synthetized glycogen from ingested glucose of fast-twitch white (WV), fast-twitch red (RV), mixed type of fast-twitch white and red (EDL), and slow-twitch (SOL) muscles were determined at 30 and 90 min. after ingestion of 25% glucose solution which contained 14C-glucose(2 ml(luCi)/100gm B.W.) in control and exercise loaded rats. The result was summarized as follows: The about 55% at 30 min. and 70% at 90 min. after glucose ingestion were absorbed from gastrointestinal tract. This result shows no effects of exercise on absorption rate from gastrointestinal tract. The amount of synthetized glycogen of SOL from ingested glucose at 30 and 90 min. after glucose ingestion were highest, whether WV were lowest in hindlimb skeletal muscles in control and exercise loaded rats. In the exercise loaded rats, the amounts of synthetized glycogen of SOL, RV, and EDL at 90 min. after glucose ingestion was much higher than control rats, but not different in WV between exercise-loaded and control rats. At 30 min. after glucose ingestion, only SOL of exercise loaded rats was higher than control rats. In the control rat, the synthesis of glycogen was almost completed during initial 30 minutes. On the other hand, in the exercise loaded rat, except WV was opposite result of control rats, i.e., amounts of synthetized glycogen were major during late period. The amount of synthetized glycogen of liver at 30 and 90 min. after glucose ingestion in exercise loaded rats was higher than control rats. The rate of glycogen synthesis in control and exercise loaded rats were higher between 30-90 minute than initial 30 minutes.
The diagnosis of OPCA could be made clinically with important aid of brain CT scanning, although the definite and conclusive diagnosis only by postmortem pathological determination. We reviewed, clinically and with brain CT examination, 12 cases of patients with OPCA who were admitted to the Yeungnam University Hospital for a recent 5 years. The result were as following: 1. The distribution of age is from 49 to 72, mainly 50 to 60. Man is more frequent than women at the 4.5 times. 2. The interval period from Sx. Onset to diagnosis is 1 year to 6 years. 3. The usual initial Sxs. Were dizziness (58%), ataxia (33%), and other less frequent Sxs. Were weakness of low extremities, dysarthria, headache and urinary incontinence. The clinical manifestations at the initial diagnosis were cerebellar disturbance (100%), dysarthria (83%), and increased deep tendon reflexes (58%). 4. The results of brain CT finding are like this: the width of cerebellar sulci is more than 1mm, other 4 cases more than 2mm. the width of cerebellar pontine cistern of the patient if usually 3 to 4mm, other 2 cases extended to the 5 mm. the A. P and lateral lengths of 4th. ventricle is 4 mm and 4 to 8 mm respectively. 6 cases of whole patients show coincidentally cerebral atrophy.
Ipratropium bromide (IP) is a new anticholinergic bronchodilator. To evaluate its effect on bronchial asthma which is still unknown in Korea, a double blind and randomized study was done on all patients of bronchial asthma who visit out-patients clinic of out department from June to September 197 and showed 75 to 100% of FEV1/FVC ratio on prebronchodilator spirometry (pre BD). The selected patients were given 2 puffs of Fenoterol (FE) or Ipratropium inhalator blindly and Spirometry. The repeated results are: 1. In both FE and IP groups, there was a significant bronchodilatory effect on 5 and 60 minutes after administration. 2. One 5 minutes, effect of FE was significantly greater than IP (FVC p<0.05, FEV1 p<0.01). 3. One 60 minutes, effect of IP was slightly less than FE but statistically non-significant. On the basis of above results, we concluded that onset of effect of IP is slower than FE, but its effect is significant and nearly comparable to FE.
Between April, 1984 and September 1988, 459 patients underwent cardiovascular surgery at the Yeungnam University Hospital. Of these, 355 cases were open heart surgeries and 104 cases were non-open heart surgeries. There were 237 patients of acyanotic congenital cardiac anomalies, 40 patients of cyanotic congenital cardiac anomalies, and 85 patients of acquired heart diseases. The sex ratio of cardiovascular diseases was represented as 1:1.3 in male and female. The age distribution was ranged from 1 day to 65 years old. The common congenital cardiovascular anomalies were ventricular septal defect (38.7%), patent ductus arteriosus (25.5%), atrial septal defect (20.7%), Tetralogy of Fallot (8.3%), and pulmonary stenosis (2.4%) in order of frequency. Among 87 acquired cardiovascular diseases, 81 patients underwent operation for cardiac valvular lesions, 51 patients had mitral valve replacement and 13 patients had aortic valve replacement and 17 patients had double valve replacement. The overall mortality of cardiovascular surgery was 3.3% and mortality of open heart surgery was 3.9%.
To elucidate the effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on of myocardial and endothelial cells in culture, the cells were exposed to 10% dimethyl sulfoxide in culture medium for 1 hour at 48 hours after cell isolation. The general morphology and the cytochemical reaction of marker enzymes for mitochondria and Golgi complexes were investigated. The results were summarized as follows 1. DMSO induced elongation and narrowing of the cells and increase of mitochondrial reaction in myocardial cells. 2. DMSO induced destruction and disruption of myofibrils in myocardial cells resulting in increase of contractile activities. 3. In the endothelial cells, DMSO suppressed proliferative activities but thiamine pyrophosphatase reactions were enhanced indicating increase of Golgi complex activity. 4. DMSO seemed to hamper with the adhesiveness and motility of the endothelial cells causing the decrease of the number of cells in vitro.
Clinical and histopathological studies were made on 202 cases of malignancy of cervix, that were visited to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yeungnam University Hospital, during 5 years from 1983 to 1987. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Malignancies of the uterine cervix were 10% of total female malignancies. 2. Among 202 cases, 195 cases (96.5%) were squamous cell carcinoma, in which 60 cases (30.0%) of carcinoma in situ, 9 cases (4%) of microinvasive, and 126 cases (62.5%) of invasive carcinoma were included. 3. The average age of the patients with squamous cell carcinoma was 49.4 years old; In case of carcinoma in situ, it was 43.8, microinvasive, 40.0, invasive 52.1 years old. 4. Clinical symptoms of the patient with squamous cell carcinoma in order of frequency were as follows; vaginal bleeding (47.5%), abnormal cytology (15.4%), and abnormal vaginal discharge (9.4%). 5. Duration of the chief complaints was most commonly less than 6 months (73.2%), and the average duration was 3.8 months. 6. The most common age of marriage was between 19 to 22 years old (46.5%). The average was 21.5 years old. 7. The gravity was 51.5% in 5-8 times, and average 6.2 times. The parity was 61.9% in 1-4 times, and average 3.9 times. 8. The subdivision of 126 cases of invasive carcinoma was made according to FIGO stage classification, stage I, 40 cases (31.8%), stage II, 54 cases(42.9%), stage III, 11 cases (8.7%), and stage IV, 8 cases (6.3%). 9. The histologic subtypes of invasive squamous cell carcinoma were distributed as follows; large cell keratinizing type, 25 cases (19.8%), large cell nonkeratinizing type, 101 cases (80.2%). 10. In the cytologic diagnosis, class I was 2 cases (1.9%), class II was 16 cases (15.1%), class III was 33 cases (31.1%), class IV was 31 cases (29.3%), class V was 24 cases (24.6%). 11. The frequency of lymph node metastasis was 7.5% in stage I, and 11.1% in stage II.
Vaginitis is one of the most common disease in gynecologic field in recent days. About 90% of these patients suffer from the infection of the vagina caused by Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida, or Trichomonas, either alone or in combination. For the effective diagnosis and management, it is essential to get an accurate identification of the causative agent. Applying simple and easy diagnostic methods such as pH of vaginal discharge, amine test and microscopic examination of wet mount preparation of normal saline and 10% KOH to 549 cases of randomly selected patients visiting Out-patient Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Yeungnam University Hospital through May 1st to Sept. 31st, 1987, the following results were obtained. 1. In the Gardnerella vaginitis vaginal pH was more than 5.0 in 81.0% of total cases, positive amine test in 62.8%, decreased lactobacilli in 77.4% & decreased WBC counts in 70.1%, In the Trichomonas vaginitis vaginal pH more than 5.0 was noted in 93.3% of the cases, negative amine test in 90%, decreased showed vaginal pH of 3.0~4.0 in 83.2%, negative amine test in 90%, decreased lactobacilli in 90% & increased WBC counts in 93.3%, whereas Candida vaginitis and normal groups showed vaginal pH of 3.0~4.0 in 83.2%, negative amine test in 100%, normal distribution of lactobacilli in 89.7%, normal WBC counts in 72.4%. 2. The accuracy rates of physical diagnosis by wet mount preparation of normal saline and 10% KOH revealed 26.3%, 47.5%, 70.0% in Gardnerella vaginitis, Candida vaginitis, and Trichomonas vaginitis, respectively. The vaginal pH and amine test showed 83.2% of accuracy rate in Candida vaginitis group, 60.6% in Gardnerella vaginitis group and 83.3% in Trichomonas vaginitis group. 3. In 23 cases of Gardnerella vaginitis showing vaginal pH of 3.0 or 4.0 and positive amine test, the clue cells were observed in 10% or less in 12 cases, 30% in 5 cases, 50% in 4 cases and 50% or more in 2 cases. In summary vaginal pH and amine test could be useful in screening and differentiating the different types of infectious vaginitis. Furthermore by adding microscopic examination of normal saline and 10% KOH wet mount preparation to them, they not only could obtain higher diagnostic accuracy rate but would be more valuable in selecting the patients requiring cultures to confirm the diagnoses.
The authors studied the mental health status of the 1989 freshmen of Yeungnam University using the psychotic scale of Derogatis SCL0-90, Zung anxiety and depression scale and MMPI from January 1988 to February 1988. The subjects of this study were contained 3792 students (1206 female, 2586 male). 392 students (10.3%), out of all respondents were screened to fall on high score ranges. The authors performed a second test to 156(39.8% 47 female (30.1%), 109 male (69.9%) of the high-scored in order to clarify their mental health status and analyze various psychosocial factors; using MMPI. The MMPI results were categorized with Lachar's classification. The results were as follows: 1. By the MMPI scores, 24 respondents (15.4%) had neurotic trends, 20 (12.8%) had psychotic trends and 7 (4.5%) had trends of behavior disorder. It was about 1.4% of all 3792 freshmen. 2. On the close examination of the MMPI, 8 respondents were diagnosed for affect disorder, 6 for anxiety disorder, 9 for schizophrenia and 3 for personality disorder. It was 0.7% of all freshmen. 3. One the analysis of the psychosocial factors, the schizophrenic scores were high in the case of unsatisfy in family atmosphere, unsatisfy in marital intimacy of parents, serious in conflicts between father and I, and serious in conflicts between mother and I. 4. The hypochondriacal scores were high in the case of weak in physical condition, having hospitalization experience and physical illness.
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The relationship between stress and life satisfaction of Korean University students: mediational effects of positive affect and self-compassion Hyojin Cho, Sung-Kyung Yoo, Chan Jeong Park Asia Pacific Education Review.2021; 22(3): 385. CrossRef
To evaluate the features of pyuria related to the bacteriuria, 140subjects were studied from Jan. 1987 to Dec. 1987. They pyuria was frequently developed from the age 30 to 60 years old, and male to female ratio was 1:1.41. The most common disease was urethrocystitis that was shown 42.8%. Common precipitating factors were urethral catheterization (25%) and urinary tract obstruction (11.4%). Through the observation, symptomatic pyuric patients were 66 subjects (47.1%), and the subjects with significant urine culture were 121 subjects (86.4%). In the urine culture, the most common bacteria was E. coli (41.4%), and the next was Pseudomonas (19.3%). A large percentage of E. coli and Pseudomonas was susceptible of amikin. The pyuria due to S. epidermidis and Accinatobacter was well treated. High therapeutic rate was observed in the acute pyelonephritis (71%) and urethrocystitis (67%). In the persistent urinary tract infection, there were relapsing (22 cases) and recurrent urinary tract infection (16 cases).
Neonatal Sepsis is a frequent and important cause of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period. This study was undertaken to observe the 55 cases of proven neonatal sepsis among 6,717 newborn infants under 4 weeks of age, admitted to the nursery of Yeungnam University Hospital from May 1, 1983 to April 30, 1988. We observed following results: 1. The morbidity rate of male (1.12%) was higher than that of female (0.44%) significantly (p<0.05). 2. The morbidity rate of prematurity (2.65%) was higher than that of full term (0.76%) significantly (p<0.05). 3. The incidence of perinatal obstetric complications in early onset neonatal sepsis was higher than that of late onset neonatal sepsis (38.5% vs 10.3%, p<0.05). 4. The common clinical manifestations were poor feeding (52.7%), jaundice (45.5%), diarrhea (30.9%) and irritability (30.9%). 5. Among the causative organism, gram positive organisms were predominated and Staphylococcus epidermidis was the most common organism. There was no difference in the causative organisms between early onset and late onset sepsis.
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Antioxidant and Anti-Hemolytic Effects of Human Breast Milk from Koreans Jeong-Eun Lee, Eun-Ji Yi, Moochang Kook Resources Science Research.2022; 4(2): 67. CrossRef
Recently, several reports of extrahepatic hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis demonstrated by technetium-99mTc-IDAs scan have shown that 99mTc-IDAs can be used to detect extrahepatic metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma. We report here a case of hepatocellular carcinoma with pulmonary nodules that were demonstrated as metastasis in nature by the use of the 99mTc-DISIDA. The findings in this case and several reports reviewed here suggest that the 99mTc-DISIDA scan may be a useful diagnostic agent that can detect the extrahepatic metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma and stage the disease. But more clinical study in needed to establish the position of 99mTc-DISIDA in the field of diagnosis of extrahepatic hepatocellular carcinoma.
Cryptococcosis of central nervous system in uncommon, but fatal if untreated. We experienced a case of cryptococcal ventriculitis with hydrocephalus. The symptom was an increased intracranial pressure without meningeal irritation sign. It was confirmed by pathology and cytology taken from fibrous material, which caused an obstruction of shunt catheter in the lateral ventricle. We report a case of cryptococcal ventriculitis in 6 years old male child.
Although halothane is one of the most widely used inhalation anesthetics, it may cause postanesthetic complications such as halothane hepatitis. Halothane hepatitis has been reported intermittently with variable incidence. However it is not easy to prove halothane as a causative agent, because there are many factors causing postoperative hepatic dysfunction. The author had a case of acute hepatitis developing after open heart surgery used halothane. 37-year-old female underwent an open heart surgery for ASD repair under halothane anesthesia. On the 14th postoperative day, she developed high fever of 38℃. Liver function tests showed marked elevation of SGOT, SGPT, and bilirubin, followed by gross jaundice. HBs Ag(−) and HBs Ab(+) were reported. She died of acute respiratory, hepatic, and renal failure on the 19th postoperative day. Possible causes of the hepatitis were considered halothane, blood transfusion, and drugs.
Adenosquamous carcinoma of stomach is a mixed glandular-epidermoid tumor where both components are neoplastic. Its incidence is extremely rare. The five theories on the origin of squamous components are 1) island of ectopic squamous epithelium in the gastric mucosa, 2) squamous metaplasia of gastric epithelium, 3) squamous differentiation in a preexisting adenocarcinoma, 4) endothelial cell differentiated toward squamous elements, and 5) totipotential undifferentiated cells of the gastric mucosa. We experienced three cases of adenosquamous carcinoma. Case 1 was a 71-year-old female patient; an ulcerative lesion was present in the pylorus, measuring 5 cm in diameter. Case 2 was a 57-year-old male patient; an ulcerative lesion is present in the pylorus, measuring 6 cm in diameter. Case 3 was a 58-year-old female patient; an ulcerative lesion was present in the body and fundus, measuring 10 cm in diameter. Microscopic examination revealed a mixed malignant squamous and adenomatous component.
The incidence of multiple meningiomas found prior to the introduction of CT was 1~2%, the incidence since the introduction of CT was 8.9%. The authors report a case of multiple meningiomas without evidence of von Recklinghausen's disease. The possible presence of more than 1 tumor in a patient with an intracranial meningiomas must always be kept in mind. The pathogenetic factors related to true multiple meningiomas in unknown. We report a patient with multiple meningiomas which was confirmed by operation.
Separation of the symphysis pubis in association with delivery is very rare. The Korean orthopedic and obstetrical literature pertaining to this syndrome is absent. The physiological widening is small and asymptomatic, but a separation of more than one centimeter may occur and in usually symptomatic. A twenty-six-year-old woman of separation of symphysis pubis associated with delivery was treated successfully with the treatment of reduction and pelvic band, with absolute bed rest in the lateral decubitus position.
Insulinoma is a rare tumor, occurring more often in women and in the older age range. Eighty percent of patients have a single benign tumor, usually 2 cm in diameter, located with about equal frequency in body, head or tail of pancreas and amenable to surgical cure. About 10% have multiple tumors. The remaining 10% of patients have metastatic malignant insulinoma. The symptom of insulinoma is characterized by the periodic attack of hypoglycemia of blood sugar level below 50mg%, by fasting or exertion, and rapid relief of symptom by oral or intravenous administration of glucose. Symptom often lead to misdiagnosis as a neurologic or psychiatric disorder. A case described by authors was 44-year old female with the chief complaints of the loss of consciousness, epileptic seizure although she has been treated by anticonvulsants. Serum blood sugar and insulin level during fasting suggested insulinoma but abdominal computed tomography shows no definitive mass in pancreas. Celiac angiography revealed insulinoma. She transferred to the department of General Surgery and was performed enucleation. Microscopic findings shows the islet cell tumor of pancreas. A brief review of the literature was made.
In the geriatric patient with COPD, incidence of postoperative pulmonary complication is higher than young patient. Therefore, some anesthesiologists preferred spinal anesthesia to general anesthesia for surgery of the perineum, lower extrimities, and pelvic extraperitoneal organs. But, during spinal anesthesia, the same careful observation in required as during general anesthesia. We experienced a case of the convulsive seizure at about 1 hour after spinal anesthesia for open prostatectomy in a 76-year-old male patient with COPD. It was suspected that his convulsive seizure be resulted from hypercapnea combined with hypoxia following upper airway obstruction. This patient was treated successfully by ultrashort acting barbiturate and controlled ventilation.
Though the occurrence of multiple primary malignant tumor is a rare finding but the reported cases of it has increased in recent years. We collected multiple primary cancer of different organ, tissue and the multicentric origin of bilaterally paired organs. This paper reports 6 cases of multiple primary malignant tumors which were experienced at Yeungnam university hospital in Taegu during the past 2 years with review of journals. The results were as follows. 1. The incidence of multiple primary cancer was 0.31% for 2 years (1987-1988). 2. The ratio between male and female was 1:1 and mean age of incidence was 54.1 years. 3. The ratio between synchronous and metachronous (interval more than 6 months) was 1:1. 4. The time interval between first and second cancer was average 2.7 years in metachronous cases. 5. The most frequent involved organ was stomach, breast and colon in order of frequency. 6. The incidence of familial cancer associations was found in one out of 6 cases. 7. The test of DNCB, multitest CMI and ratio of T4 to T8 were performed in 4 cases but there was no definitive evidence of abnormality. We concluded that every effort should be made to discover the presence of synchronous malignancies in the patients who are being treated for a known tumor, and also special care should be given to detect new metachronous lesions is required.
A relatively rare and puzzling tumor of the testicular tunic is reported. The tumor, so called a fibrous pseudotumor of testicular tunics, in presented because of the clinical dilemma this rare entity causes urologists and pathologists. This report demonstrates the necessity for familiarity with testicular pseudotumors in order to avoid an unnecessary orchiectomy.
Duplication of the urethra within a single penile shaft is a rare anomaly. These can be divided into those that are in the sagittal plane, which is most common, and those that occur side by side. In some cases, the accessory channel is complete, having a separate bladder opening and no communication with the more normal ventral urethra. In other cases, the accessory urethra is incomplete, either ending blindly or communicating with the urethra distal to the bladder neck. We report on a 20-year-old male with incomplete double urethra.
Pure red cell aplasia in uncommon disorder characterized by finding of anemia, absence of nucleated red blood cell in the marrow, absence of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood and normal peripheral platelet and leukocytes counts. We experienced one case of pure red cell aplasia associated with hemolytic anemia characterized by hemoglobinuria, reticulocytopenia, and erythroid hypoplasia of the bone marrow. The cause of the illness was not definitely identified, but we concluded that this patient had simultaneous occurrence of PRCA and hemolytic anemia following administration of diphenylhydantoin after craniotomy rather than virus or bacteria induced. The simultaneous occurrence of PRCA and hemolytic anemia in uncommon and the mechanism for diphenylhydantoin induced PRCA and hemolytic anemia is unclear.
Serum lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme are separated 5 fractions (LD1-LD5) in normal serum by agarose electrophoresis. An unusual band on the cathodic side of LD5 isoenzyme has been found on lactate dehydrogenase electrophoresis is of serum, called LD6, and the presence of which signifies a poor prognosis for the patients of myocardial infarction. In recent, we have experienced LD6 in two patients with myocardial infarction. Cardiac arrest was noted within 24 hours after exhibition of LD6 extra band and they did not recover from their illness.
Conjoined twinning is a rare congenital malformation, accounting for 1% monozygotic twins. Conjoined twins result if twining is initiated after the embryonic disc and rudimentary amniotic sac have been formed and if division of the embryonic disc is incomplete. Recently we experienced a case of conjoined twins, dicephalus dipus dibrachius, who had died at 3 hours of life, and performed autopsy. Autopsy revealed a total duplication of the heads, spines up to sacrum, small bowels, thymus and lungs. Two hearts existed within a common pericardium.