The etiology and possible molecular mechanisms underlying calcium channel blocker-induced gingival enlargement: a narrative review Seul Lee, Hyung-Keun You Oral Biology Research.2022; 46(4): 183. CrossRef
To investigate the effect of diazepam on the contractility of the intestinal smooth muscle, longitudinal muscle strip isolated from rat ileum was prepared for myography in isolated organ bath. 1) Basal tone of ileal muscle was reduced by diazepam concentration-dependently. 2) Higher concentrations (30 and 100 microM) of diazepam inhibited (p<0.05, p<0.001) The carbachol-induced contraction in a concentration-dependent manner; but lower concentration of diazepam (10 microM) enhanced (p<0.05). 3) Histamine-induced contraction was inhibited by pretreatment with diazepam in a concentration-dependent manner. 4) Ca⁺⁺-induced tension recovery in calcium-free solution was inhibited in the presence of diazepam concentration-dependently. These results suggest diazepam reduces the contractility of the longitudinal muscle isolated from rat ileum via interference with influx of calcium into the muscle cells.
After application of silver nitrate on every newborn, the incidence of gonococcal conjunctivitis was markedly decreased. But recently neonatal conjunctivitis due to chlamydial infection is increasing, so clinical observation was made on 26 newborn infants who showed eye discharge from June 1st to August 31st 1989. The results were as follows. 1. The incidence of chlamydial infection among neonatal conjunctivitis was 34.6%. 2. The most common age at diagnosis was 6-15days of life and there was no secual preponderance. 3. There was no significant difference on clinical symptoms between chlamydial conjunctivitis and other conjunctivitis. 4. Of 26 infants examined, 16 cases revealed no growth on routine bacterial culture. Of the organism cultured, P. aeruginosa was the most common agent (19.2%) and followed by S. aureus (11.5%) and S. epidermidis (7.6%). In one case of chlamydial conjunctivitis, there was concurrent S. aureus infections. 5. On this study, Giemsa stain did not give significant diagnostic aid of chlamydial conjunctivitis.
5 cases of lead poisoning were investigated clinically. Of the 5 patients, 4 were male and 1 was female. The causes of lead poisoning in 3 cases were ingestion of herb drug pills and in 2 cases were occupational poisoning. Chief complain at admission in 4 cases were ill defined colicky abdominal pain and constipation. Only 1 case complained of dizziness and palpitation without gastrointestinal symptom. On peripheral blood, normocytic normochromic anemia (mean Hgb 9.2 gm/dl), reticulocytosis (mean 4.7%) and basophilic stippling were found in 100% of patients. Bone marrow aspiration was done in 4 cases. Erythroid hyperplasia and basophilic stippling were found in all 4 cases. Mean M:E ratio was 0.7:1. The lead concentration in serum was increased in 4 cases (80%) of patients. Lead concentration, delta aminolevulinic acid concentration in 24 hours collected urine were increased in 5 patients (100%).
The tracheobronchial histopathologic findings in 7 healthy cats used with high frequency oscillation ventilation (HFOV) were compared with those in 6 cats used with conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV). 4-point, 9-variable scoring system was used to evaluate the injury in the trachea, right & left main bronchi and parenchyma. The following results were obtained; 1) The tracheobronchial tree received HFOV had no significant damage compared with CMV (P>0.05). 2) Intraepithelial mucus loss and emphysema were slightly more prominent in CMV groups. As above results; the tracheobronchial histopathologic difference was not prominent between CMV and HFOV groups received with relatively short period, however, the cellular of function and barotrauma may be more prominent in CMV groups. From now on, as causes of tracheobronchial injury in HFV, interaction between humidification and mechanical trauma considers further study.
High frequency ventilation (HFV) is a new ventilatory technique that uses very small tidal volume (less than the anatomic dead space) and high frequency, and classified 4 distinct types according to frequency and mode of gas delivery. The mechanism of gas transport of high frequency oscillation ventilation (HFOV) is somewhat different to other types of HFV. To evaluate the determinants of PaCO² in HFOV, a study was done with a HFOV on 9 cats, and the results are: 1) PaCO² was not correlated with frequency at the constant stroke volume (6 voltage) and bias flow (6 L/minutes). 2)PaCO² was correlated with stroke volume but not with bias flow under the constant frequency (15 Hz/min) and bias flow (3 to 6 L/min). From above results, the main determinant of PaCO² on artificial ventilation with HFOV was stroke volume, but further study between flow, the site of delivery to the airway and humidification of bias flow and CO² elimination is required in future research.
Clonidine, α2-adrenergic agonist, applied spinally or epidurally has been shown to be effective in blocking noxious stimuli in human applications. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the analgesic effect of epidurally administered clonidine. In 40 patients undergoing hemorrhoidectomy or anal fistulectomy, 1.33% lidocaine 15ml (Group I) or 1.33% lidocaine mixed with 75µg clonidine (Group II) administered epidurally through sacral hiatus. Intraoperative changes of vital signs and duration of postoperative analgesic effects were observed. The results were as follows: 1) In the group I, average analgesic duration was 2.42 hours. 2) In the group II, average analgesic duration was 7.32 hours. 3) After epidural clonidine injection, the decrease in heart rate and blood pressure was not significant without sedation. 4) Postoperatively, any complaints related clonidine were not reported. In conclusion, postoperative pain control with epidural clonidine was effective.
This paper describes to design and to examine the mechanical characteristics of high frequency jet ventilator. The device consists of Phase lock loop (PLL) system, solenoid valve driving control part and Air regulating system. This study is carried out by changing several factors such as endotracheal tube (E.T. tube) diameter, injector cannula diameter, 1%, and frequency (breaths/min.) having direct effects on the gas exchange as well as parameters of the entrained gas by venturi effect, so as to measure the tidal volume and minute volume. This system characteristics were as follows: 1) Frequency: 6-594 bpm 2) Inspiration time: 1-99% 3) Variance of input air pressure: 1-30 PSI
Horizontal Mattress Suture Technique on Microvascular Anastomosis of rat (body weight: 200-250 gm) femoral artery was evaluated. The present study was conducted to compare the horizontal mattress suture with simple interrupted suture on the suture time, patency rate of the sutured vessels, and the histological changes of surgical site of the vessel wall during wound healing period. The mean suture time of the vessel wall with horizontal mattress suture technique was 15 min 49 sec ± 2.14, which is significantly shorter than that of simple interrupted suture technique. The patency rate of the sutured vessel in both groups was statistically not different each other till post-operative 3rd day but patency rate of horizontal mattress suture was higher than that of simple interrupted suture at post-operative 3rd week. The histological findings such as intimal noss, medial degeneration and intimal regeneration were similar in both groups.
Computerized Tomography is now well established and important noninvasive method of diagnosting mediastinal mass lesions because of its superior imaging of their size, location and internal composition. Authors analyzed and present CT findings of 30 surgically proven mediastinal tumors and cysts that were studied and treated at the Yeungnam University Hospital during recent 6 years. The most common tumor was thymoma (9 cases), and teratoma (6 cases), lymphoma (6 cases), bronchogenic cyst (4 cases), neurogenic tumor (4 cases), pericardial cyst (1 case) were next in order of frequency. There were 5 cases of thymoma showing homogenous solid density mass, 2 cases were malignant thymoma and myasthenia gravis was present in 2 cases. A case of thymolipoma and a case of thymic carcinoma were included. All teratomas were cystic masses but pathognomonic fat, and calcified density were seen only in 4 cases. 5 cases were located in anterior mediastinum and 1 case was in posterior mediastinum. Lymphoma (3 Hodgkin's and 3 non-Hodgkin's) appeared as irregular lobulated mass in anterior mediastinum. Neurogenic tumor (2 ganglioneuroma and 2 neurilemmoma) appeared as homogenous density mass located in posterior mediastinum. Among the 4 bronchogenic cysts, 2 were located in retrotracheal area, 1 was located in subcarinal and 1 was in parathoracic area. One case of pericardial cyst was oval shaped cystic mass located in left pericardiac border.
The goal of therapy in patients with traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulas is to occlude the fistula preferably while maintaining the carotid blood flow. Since the introduction of the concepts of detachable balloon technique to occlude arteriovenous fistulas, the technique has become the treatment of choice in the management of traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulas. The major symptoms of traumatic CCFs are (1) pulsating exophthalmos, (2) orbital and cephalic bruit and murmur, (3) headache, (4) chemosis, (5) extraocular palsies, and (6) visual failure. Traumatic CCFs are combined with multiple associated lesion. We tried the occlusion of fistulas using Goldvalve balloons in 8 consecutive cases of traumatic CCF and the result of our experience is reported. Transarterial approach with manually-tied latex balloons is tried in all cases and the fistulas was successfully occluded in all cases. In 5 cases, the internal carotid artery was preserved and the arterial lumen was occluded along with fistula opening in cases. In one case, surgical ligation was done because of symptoms recurred and incomplete occlusion of fistula. We experienced hemiparesis as a major complication in one case during occlusion tolerance test, which was remitted spontaneously. The results of Debrun balloon treatment were relatively excellent. We consider that the first choice of treatment of traumatic CCF is occlusion of the fistula by a detachable balloons.
The object of this study was to determine the radiation effect on the urinary bladder and to establish the basic date for optimal fraction schedule on the whole abdominal irradiation of the mice. Although radiation damage of the urinary bladder is one of the dose-limiting factor for treatment of lower abdominal cancer, such as uterine cervical or rectal cancer, systematic histopathological study of total dose and recovery duration is very rare, especially in conventional fractionation regimen of clinical use. Authors used 198 mice and analyzed histopathological findings according to total dose (40&50 GY) and recovery duration (1-15 weeks after completion of irradiation) The results were summarized as follows: 1. No definite difference of radiosensitivity was noted between male and female group. 2. Most of mucosal injuries were recovered within 14 weeks in 40 GY irradiated group. 3. Vascular injury and change of connective tissue were prominent and persisted even mild degree until 15 weeks after completion of irradiation in 50 GY irradiated group. 4. Although follow up duration of this study (105 days) was not enough to compare life span of mice, this study emphasized that precious schedule for treatment planning was necessary for preventing or reducing of late complication.
In recent years there has been a growing interest in total body, hemibody, total lymphoid irradiation. For refractory leukemia or lymphoma patients, various techniques and dose regimens were introduced, including high dose total body irradiation for destruction of leukemic or bone marrow cells and immunosuppression prior to bone marrow transplantation, and low dose total body irradiation for treatment of lymphocytic leukemias or lymphomas. Accurate provision for specified dose and the desired homogeneity are essential before clinical total body irradiation. Purposes of this paper are to discuss calibrating Cobalt Unit in 3m distance using Rando Phantom, to compare calculated dose, calibrated dose, and compensating filters for homogeneous dose distribution in the head and neck, the lung and the pelvis. Results were following. 1. Measured dose on the lung was 6% higher than on the abdomen. Measured dose on the head (10%) and neck (18%) were higher than the abdomen because of thinness. Pelvic dose was measured 12% less than the abdomen. Those date suggest that compensating filter was essential. 2. Measured dose according to distance was 3% less than calculated dose which suggest that all doses in clinical use should be compared with calculated dose for minimizing error.
Total 21 patients with airway obstruction from lung cancer treated with radiotherapy at Department of Therapeuctic Radiology, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, between April 1986 and December 1988 are retrospectively analyzed by means of roentgenologic findings. Obtained results are as follows. 1. 15 out of 21 patients (71%) showed complete or partial response. 2. Patients with small cell lung cancer showed 100% response in spite of low dose (30 GY/10 fractions.) 3. Patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with 50 GY or over showed better response than below 45 GY or below. 4. There is no relationship between the response and site of airway obstruction. These date suggested that high dose irradiation is more effective in the management of airway obstruction from lung cancer and meticulous radiotherapy planning with appropriate protection of normal lung and critical organs should be investigated in order to maximize radiation effect and minimize side effect, complication or sequelae.
The upshoot and downshoot in Duane's retraction syndrome is believed to be related to a leash effect from the lateral rectus muscle. When the eye is rotated into the adducted position, the lateral rectus muscle slips over the globe, producing the up-and downshoot on adduction. The splitting of the ends of the lateral rectus into a Y configuration prevents the rotation of the globe up or down by stabilizing the muscle's position on the eye. Three patients with Duane's retraction syndrome demonstrated abnormal vertical movement on adduction and underwent a Y-splitting on the lateral rectus. In all patients, marked decrease in the up-and downshoot in noted after surgery.
To investigate recovery, growth, and activity of hepatocyte in primary culture after cell separation, the authors followed up the marker enzyme activities of golgi complex, mitochondria and biologic membrane. Thiamine pyrophosphatase, the marker enzyme of golgi complex, activity approached the level of long term culture at 4th day. Succinate dehydrogenase, the marker enzyme of mitochondria, activity decreased with time, then it maintained constant level after 4th day. Alkaline phosphatase, the marker enzyme of biological membrane, activity increased from 3rd day, and after 5th day it showed strong reaction. These data suggested that hepatocytes were stabilized and recovered normal activity 4 day after cell separation. But the main secretory function was speculated to be reduced in culture.
In an attempt to eliminate some negative aspects of conventional extensive laminectomy, 4 cases of multiple level of cervical compression myelopathy, 1 OPLL (ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament) and 3 cervical stenosis, were treated with a technique of expansive laminoplasty. Operative results in all patients were satisfactory without surgical complications and all patients had a neurological improvement. We suggest that our technique is more effective one for cervical canal stenosis, OPLL, and spondylosis than conventional extensive laminectomy.
To investigate the blood lead concentration, their interrelation, correlation factor and influence on pregnant women and newborn, lead concentration in the maternal blood and umbilical cord blood were determined. Samples were collected from 130 mothers who were living in the Taegu City, during March, 1989. Blood lead concentration was estimated using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (IL. 551) equipped with Flameless Furnace Atomizer (IL. 665). The mean lead concentration of maternal and cord blood were 17.47±7.92 µg/dl, 15.31±7.98 µg/dl, respectively. A significant correlation was observed between the lead concentration of maternal and cord blood, r=0.663, Y=0.667X+3.646. No significant correlation was observed between previous spontaneous abortion and obstetric complication of mother and maternal blood lead concentration. Similarly, no significant correlation was observed between the sex, gestational age of neonate and cord blood lead concentration. But the birth weight of neonate had some negative correlation with cord blood lead concentration. The blood lead concentration of mother who had engaged in manufactures were higher than others and the longer working years were, the higher blood lead concentration were. Significant correlation was observed between husband's occupational exposure to lead and maternal blood lead concentration.
This study was conducted to compare the date on knowledge, attitude and motivation toward blood donation between donors and non-donors. The study population included 622 donors and 322 non-donors who visited the mobile blood donation car of Taegu Red Cross Blood Center and participated the group appointed blood donation campaign managed by the center from March 1 to March 31, 1989. The donors and non-donors were questioned above mentioned items with a formulated questionnaire. Among the general characteristics of the subjects in the study, male predominance (84.1% in donors and 73.6% in non-donors) in young age group (16-24 years) was the outstanding feature. As a medium of information about blood donation, “television” was playing a dominant role (donors; 75.2%, non-donors; 78.9%), while “magazine” played more important roles among donors. Of the donors, 70.6% and of the non-donors, 58.1 replied that they had ever been induced to donate blood (p<0.01). Major inducers were friend and personnel of mobile blood donation vehicle. On the measuring of knowledge level, the average rates of correct answer was higher in donors (62.6%) than in non-donors (54.1%) (p<0.01). Higher the education level was presented, higher the knowledge level (p<0.05). There have been noticeable difference between donors and non-donors in blood replying the questionnaire set to measure their attitude toward blood donation, especially in the items such as “impression toward blood”, “selection of transfusion blood source” and “view on the situation of blood shortage.” The major motivation toward blood donation of the groups were “possible future need” and “altruism or humanitarian interest”. The major reasons for not donation blood in both groups were “fear of the needle” and “dread to visit to mobile car or center”.
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Association between Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Regarding Blood Donation in University Students Jung-Hyun Kim, Joong-Soo Yoon The Journal of the Korea Contents Association.2015; 15(10): 316. CrossRef
The effect of interpregnancy interval on birthweight of the subsequent child was investigated for the 1,347 women of 25 to 40yearsold age who visited OBGY and Pediatric department of the general hospital in Taegu city. Questions in designed questionnaire were asked by student interviewers who were trained in nursing school. Mean birth weight by interpregnancy intervals were compared by intervals of 6 months. Mean birth weight increased from 3,250 grams for intervals of 6 months to 3,357 grams for intervals of 25-30 months, but the difference was not statistically significant (=0.47). Correlations between the continuous variables which were suspected as confounders and interpregnancy interval and birth weight were investigated. The coefficient of correlation between maternal age and interpregnancy interval was 0.39, between gestational period and birth weight 0.30 and between prepregnancy weight and birth weight 0.16 and between birth weight of first baby and birth weight (of second baby) 0.44. But maternal age, gestational period and prepregnancy weight were not considered as confounder, because they were not correlated simultaneously with birth interval and birth weight. Associations between the discrete variables which were suspected as confounders, and interpregnancy interval were investigated by Chi-square test. Associations between interpregancy interval and educational level of mothers, types of husband's occupation, types of medical security, sex were not significant (P-values were 0.59, 0.75, 0.75, 0.82 respectively), so we did not considered these variables as confounding variables. In multiple regression analysis of birth weight, significant variables were birth weight of first baby, gestational analysis of birth weight, significant variables were birth weight of first bay, gestational period, sex of neonate and prepregnancy body weight of mother. Of the 1,347 births, the rate of low birth weight was 2% (27 birth). The rate for interpregnancy interval 7-12months was highest as 3.6% and that for 13-18 months was lowest as 0.6%, but there was no regular tendency related with interpregnancy interval.
This is a report of 2-cases of mandibular prognathism corrected by Intraoral oblique splitting osteotomy of mandibular rami. The Intraoral oblique splitting osteotomy is a modification of sagittal split osteotomy of ramus and it is documented by Yoshida, on 1985. By this method, authors obtained the following results. 1. The patients' esthetic, psychological and functional problems were dissolved by setback of mandibular prognathism. 2. The postoperative infection splitted bone segments fracture, paresthesia of the face and T.M.J. dysfunction were not appeared. 3. Postoperative intermaxillary fixation was maintained for 8 weeks. The patients could open their mouths in normal range after a week of intermaxillary fixation removal. 4. The soft tissue changes of lower lip and chin were about 1:1 to the hard tissue changes. 5. During intermaxillary fixation period and postoperative orthodontic treatment, slight relapse was observed. Now, the patients are under postoperative orthodontic treatment.
Development of drug resistance in tumors during treatment is a major factor limiting the clinical use of anticancer agents. When tumor cells acquire resistance to anticancer drug, they show cross-resistance to other antitumor agents. In the present study, SNU-1 cell was induced adriamycin 10-7 drug resistance, SNU-1/ADR, in vitro culture system. We got the doubling time and number for viability test during 96 hours by MTT assay. To investigate the cross resistance of various anticancer drugs in human stomach cancer cell SNU-1 and SNU-1/ADR, We compared IC50 (drug concentration of 50% reduction) and the relative resistance (RR). SNU-1/ADR was expressed multidrug resistant with vinblastine (RR;>31.62), vincristine (RR;29.50), dactinomycin (RR;21.37), epirubicin (RR;17.78), daunorubicin (RR;14.12), adriamycin (RR;7.76), and etoposide (RR;4.46), and other drugs, 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and calarubicin, have not cross resistant with adriamycin. There was double minute chromosome in SNU-1/ADR by karyotyping although this change was not seen in SUN-1.
The authors studied ED50 of bethanechol on the contractilities of the smooth muscles isolated from various organs of rat under the presence of atropine (a classical competitive blocker of cholinergic muscarinic receptor) or minaprine (a newly developed antidepressant drug) to investigate the peripheral anticholinergic effect of minaprine. The results were as follow: 1) There was no significant difference between ED50 of bethanechol in the control group and that under the presence of minaprine 10⁻⁸M and 10⁻⁷M in the smooth muscles isolated from the duodenum. 2) There was no significant difference between ED50 of bethanechol in the control group and that under the presence of minaprine 10⁻⁸M and 10⁻⁷M in the smooth muscles isolated from the ascending colon. 3) There was significant difference between ED50 of bethanechol in the control group and that under the presence of minaprine 10⁻⁸M and 10⁻⁷M in the smooth muscles isolated from the urinary bladder (P<0.01) 4) There was significant difference between ED50 of the atropine 10⁻⁸ and minaprine (10⁻⁸M) in the smooth muscles isolated from the urinary bladder (P<0.05).
In this study, high frequency oscillatory ventilator was designed and constructed. Using designed by phase-lock loop system, in order to accurately and easily treat both the outlet volume and rpm. A system has been designed and is being evaluated using CD4046A PLL IC. We use this PLL IC for the purpose of motor controls. The device consists of PLL system, pumping mechanism, piston, cylinder, and special crank shaft are required. This system characteristics were as follows: 1) Frequency: 20-1800 rpm 2) Outlet air volume: 1-50 cc
To observe the change in the status of stresses according to three different postural angulation of an intervertebral disc with or without nucleus pulposus, 6 specimens of a 3-dimensional photoelastic model of the spine were made of epoxy. The nucleus pulposus portion was replaced with silicon in three models, and the three were made without silicon. Through axial application of a vertical compressive load of 8 kg, the peculiar patterns of the isochromatic fringes were observed. Stresses on the intervertebral disc were analyzed according to three different postural angulations of the intervertebral disc with the nucleus pulposus and without the nucleus pulposus. The results of these study are as follow: 1. In an erect neutral posture with the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was much increased at the posterior portion rather than at the anterior portion. Also, the high stress was concentrated at the medial and central portion. In an erect neutral posture without the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was much increased at the anterior portion rather than at the posterior portion and the stress distribution seemed to be locally concentrated. 2. In a maximal flexed posture, the stress concentration was much increased at the posterior portion rather than at the anterior portion. Comparing the presence of the nucleus pulposus with the absence of the nucleus pulposus, the stress concentration was lower at the anterior portion in the presence of the nucleus pulposus than in the absence of the nucleus pulposus. However, the stress distribution at the posterior portion was nearly same in the two groups. According to the analysis of the stress distribution diagram, as a whole, the stress pattern around the disc was evenly distributed. 3. In a maximal extended posture, the higher concentration of the stress distribution at the anterior and medial portion rather than in the posterior and lateral portion was observed. The stress concentration was higher in the presence of the nucleus pulposus than in the absence of the nucleus pulposus. 4. Comparing the maximal flexed posture with the erect neutral posture, the stress concentration in the flexed posture was much decreased in the posterior portion rather than in the erect neutral posture, and an even distribution of the stress pattern in the flexed posture was observed. 5. In the presence of the nucleus pulposus, at the anterior and posterior portion, the stress concentration in the flexed posture was much decreased compared with the extended posture. In the absence of the nucleus pulposus, at the anterior and posterior portion, the stress concentration in the extended posture was much decreased compared with the flexed posture.
Induction of A-V block by tachycardia is a well-known phenomenon. But there are few case reports of bradycardia-dependent A-V block. We report a case of bradycardia-dependent A-V block with review of literatures. This patient was a 52-year-old female who complained of dizziness and anterior chest discomfort. Electrocardiographic recording demonstrated complete A-V block. Monitor electrocardiographic recordings during sitting position and after atropine administration demonstrated decrease of degree of block from complete A-V block to first degree A-V block. The occurrence of complete A-V block from bradycardia during supine position suggests a phase 4-dependent block. After a permanent ventricular pacemaker was implanted, the patient recovered and was without symptoms during 12 months follow up.
We report a case of polycythemia vera combined with coagulation disorder. The patient was 54 years old man who complained of continuous bleeding after incision of skin abscess 20days ago. Laboratory tests were revealed prolonged aPTT and slightly prolonged PT. Coagulation factor, I, VIII, IX, XI and fibrinogen decreased, however FDP did not increased. It appears that patient with polycythemia vera have chronic activation of coagulation system, probably initiated by activation of factor XII. Platelet aggregation test to ADP, collagen, epinephrine was also revealed poor response.
Rotor syndrome is a rare disease of hereditary hyperbilirubinemia transmitted with autosomal recessive trait. In general, Rotor syndrome shows direct hyperbilirubinemia and there has been several reports since Sons's report in 1966, in Korea. A 34-year-old female was admitted with the chief complaint of intermittent icteric sclera for 24 years. There was no family history of jaundice. Rotor syndrome was diagnosed by oral cholecystogram, BSP retention test, 99mTc-DISIDA scan, liver biopsy and electron microscopy study of liver biopsy specimen. We report this case with brief review of the literature.
Extramammary paget's disease is uncommon intraepithelial carcinoma of the skin and frequently associated with a subjacent or a regionally proximate carcinoma. We have experienced a case of extramammary Paget's disease affecting 71 year-old man. The patient has been suffered from a well demarcated, and slowly growing erythematous plaque on the left suprapubic area of 3 years. A biopsy specimen reveals infiltration of typical Paget's cells within the epidermis and the adnexa. We review the literature briefly.
There have been reported cases that the Krukenberg Tumor had been primary ovarian carcinoma. But the Krukenberg Tumor is generally known as one special type of metastatic ovarian carcinoma, which histologically consists of nest of mucin filled signet-ring cells in a cellular, nonneoplastic stroma. The most common gastrointestinal tract origin for Krukenberg tumor is the stomach, and the next frequent is the large intestine. Generally the Krukenberg tumor is difficult to diagnose and treat until somewhat enlarging its size. We experienced a case of the Krukenberg tumor on the remained ovary after the previous unilateral adnexectomy, which was metastasized from adenocarcinoma of stomach. We present this case with a brief review of literature.
Inverted Papilloma arising from mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses is rare benign neoplasm, and usually unilateral arise from lateral wall of nasal cavity. This tumor is histologically benign neoplasm but clinically malignant, because of frequent recurrence and extensive bone destruction. And occasionally, this tumor can be transformed to squamous cell carcinoma or verrucous carcinoma. Recently, we have experienced a case of the inverted papilloma with verrucous carcinoma of the nose and paranasal sinuses and patient expired due to extension of intracranial cavity. We report out case with review of current literatures.