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- Volume 4(2); December 1987
- Second Look Laparotomy in Patient with Ovarian Cancer.
Sung Ho Lee, Jong Wook Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):1-14. Published online December 31, 1987
- No abstract available.
- Transfer of Drugs Resistancy in Staphylococci.
Jae Kyu Chung, Sung Kwang Kim, Hee Sun Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):15-21. Published online December 31, 1987
- No abstract available.
Original Articles
- Electrocardiographic Findings in School Children.
Jae Honng Park, Jin Gon Jun, Jeong Lan Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):23-27. Published online December 31, 1987
- Mass electrocardiographic (ECG) examination was performed on 13,801 children (male 7,526 and female 6,275) of elementary and middle school in Taegu from May 1. 1986. to April 30. 1987. We read their ECG according to the “pediatric Electrocardiography”1) The results were as following: The incidence of ECG abnormality was 1.05% (male 1.3% and female 0.75%). Fifty eight children (0.42%) had atrial and ventricular hypertrophy; two right atrial hypertrophy, five left atrial hypertrophy, thirty five right ventricular hypertrophy and sixteen left ventricular hypertrophy respectively. Ectopic beats occurred in 25 children (0.18%); They were atrial in 12 children, ventricular in 8 children and junctional in 5 children. There were 62 children (0.45%) of conduction disturbance; They were first degree atrioventricular (A-V) block in 21 children, type I second degree A-V block in 1 child, A-V dissociation in 1 child, right, right bundle branch block in 36 children, left bundle branch block in 1 child and WPW syndrome in 2 children. Nonspecific ST, T changes and sinus tachycardia were found in 3 and one children respectively.
- A Study on Anxiety-Depression in College Freshmen.
Jong Bum Lee, Chang Su Kim, Hyung Bae Park, Byung Tak Park, Jung Hoon Lee, Seung Deuk Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):29-38. Published online December 31, 1987
- The authors studied anxiety-depression using New Anxiety-Depression Scale (NADS) in the subjects of 2,564 male and 1,252 female college freshmen of Yeungnam University. The authors collected the reports of NADS during the periods from January to February 1987, and applied ANOVA and t-test on anxiety depression scores in order to compare them between various psychosocial factors and sexes. The results are as follows: There was significant difference in the mean average of total scores between male and female students: male students scored 33.41±8.76 and female students scored 35.34±9.02 (P<0.001). The anxiety-depression scores relating to the items of sleep disturbance, apprehension, facial flushing and fatigue were relatively scored higher in both groups. One hundred and thirty nine male students (5.4%) showed seriously higher degree of anxiety-depression scores of 50 or more, while eighty eight female students (7.0%) showed the same scores. There was a strong tendency toward higher anxiety-depression scores in the students who were dissatisfied with their home atmosphere, colleges, departments, familiarity of parents and those who had pessimistic views of self image in the past, presents and future in both groups (P<0.001).
- A Study on Paranoid Ideation & Obsession in College Freshmen.
Byung Tak Park, Jin Sung Kim, Jong Bum Lee, Jung Hoon Lee, Seung Deuk Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):39-50. Published online December 31, 1987
- The authors studied paranoid ideation and obsession, using Derogatis' SCL-90, in the subjects of 2,564 male and 1,252 female college freshmen of Yeungnam University. The authors collected the reports of Self-Rating Paranoid ideation and Obsession Scale during the periods from January to February, 1987, and applied ANOVA and t-test on paranoid ideation and obsession scores in order to compare them between various psychosocial factors, and sexes. The results are as follows: 1. There was not significant difference in the mean averages of total paranoid ideation scores between male and female students: male students scored 4.16±3.09, female students scored 4.16±2.91. 2. High scored items were delusion and suspiciousness. 3. Fifty-nine male students (2.3%) showed high paranoid ideation scores of 12 or higher, while twenty-six female students (2.1%) showed the same scores. 4. There was strong tendency toward higher paranoid ideation scores in the students who were dissatisfied with their home atmosphere, college, department and familiarity of parents and those who had pessimistic view of self in the past, present or future in both group (respectively P<0.001). The male students who believed protestantism showed higher level of paranoid ideation scores (P<0.01). The male students who attended the department of fine art showed higher level of paranoid ideation scores (P<0.05). 5. There was significant difference in the mean averages of total obsession scores between male and female students (P<0.05): male students scored 10.40±5.43, female students scored 10.75±5.02 6. High scored items were perfectionism, indecisiveness, inattention & obsessive thoughts. 7. Thirty-eight male students (1.6%) showed high obsession scores of 25 or higher, while fifteen female students (1.2%) showed the same scores. 8. There was strong tendency toward higher obsession scores in the students who were dissatisfied with their home atmosphere, college, department and familiarity of parents and those who had pessimistic view of self in the past, present, or future in both group (respectively P<0.001). The female students who attended the department of home economic & whose educational fees were paid by her brothers & sister, showed higher level of obsession scores (respectively P<0.01).
- Reduction Mammaplasty by the Inferior Dermal Flap (Modified Mckissock Method).
Sang Hyun Woo, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):51-58. Published online December 31, 1987
- The goal of reduction mammaplasty is a breast with natural contour and volume, aesthetically situated scars, and a well-placed, sensate nipple and areola. The most successful techniques achieve this through the excision of tissue from the lower part of the breast based on some variation. However, the Mckissock's vertical bipedicle technique is the popular method for reduction mammaplasty. As an alternative modified Mckissock's method, we have found the use of only an inferior dermal flap with a keyhole pattern to be a simple and safe method for obtaining satisfactory aesthetic results. We have used inferior dermal flap for 4 patients recently and obtained the advantages as below compare to the Mckissock's method. 1. Rich blood supply to the broad based inferior flap. 2. More easy transposition of the nipple and areola. 3. More good operation field for resection of breast tissue. 4. Short operation time. 5. Can applied to the gigantomastia.
- Medium Supplementation and Atmospheric Condition for Growth of Campylobacter pylori isolated from gastric biopsy tissue.
Chang Ho Jeon, Eun Kyung Bae, Kyung Dong Kim, Seak il Hong, Chung Sook Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):59-64. Published online December 31, 1987
- Experiments were conducted to define the optimal constituents of culture medium and atmospheric condition for growth of Campylobacter pylori. Two clinical isolates were streaked onto various media, incubated in two different atmospheric conditions (microaerophilic condition and carbon dioxide incubator), and growth was assessed semiquantitatively according to relative colony size and extent of growth through the streak. The growth obtained on Campy media, composed of GC agar base plus 1% hemoglobin, 0.2% activated charcoal, 1% IsoVitaleX, vancomycin 6mg /L nalidixic acid 20mg/L and amphotercin 2 mg/L, was used as reference. Our conclusions were as follows: Tryptic soy agar base was not acceptable for the growth of C. pylori. The organism grew in both atmospheric conditions, but generally showed a scantier growth in the carbon dioxide incubator than under the microaerophilic condition, however GC agar containing 1% hemoglobin and 0.2% activated charcoal supported well the growth of C. pylori in the carbon dioxide incubator. The authors have found that the GC agar base supplemented with 1% hemoglobin and 0.2% charcoal was the most satisfactory medium and a microaerophilic condition was optimal atmospheric condition for the growth of Campylobacter pylori in this study.
- Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and Associated Diseases in Yeungnam Province Area.
In Ho Cho, Jung Kyu Choi, Seong Chul Yoon, Soo Bong Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):65-73. Published online December 31, 1987
- To know the prevalence of the diabetes mellitus and associated diseases, we analyzed the date of the 3,088 subjects who were examined with the Computed Automated Medi-Screening Test System which consisted of 65 parameters including blood glucose determination fasting and one hour after 100 g of oral glucose load. We grouped the subjects by the modified criteria of National Diabetic Data Group. Followings are the results of the various analysis: 1. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance in 2.27% and 18.26% respectively. 2. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is 2.63% in male and 1.66% in female. There is no statistically significant difference between male and female. 3. There in tendency of increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus as the age increases. From second to eighth decade, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus increases as 0.0, 0.45, 0.67, 2.28, 3.47, 5.36, 10.00% respectively. 4. There is no statistically significant difference of prevalence of obesity between normal and diabetes: that is, 18.03%, 22.86% respectively (P≥0.1). 5. There is no statistically significant difference of prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes between non-obese and obses group (P≥0.1). 6. There is statistically significant increases of frequency of proteinuria, azotemia, hypertension as the glucose tolerance decreases (P≤0.05).
- Use of the Autogenous Calvarial Bone in Craniofacial Bone Graft.
Sang Hyun Woo, Jae Ho Chung, Tae Hoon Lee, See Ho Choi, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):75-81. Published online December 31, 1987
- Bone grafts are an integral and important aspect of craniofacial reconstruction. Rips, tibia, and iliac bone have traditionally used as donor site but each of these has various problems, however using to the calvarial bone as a donor site has several advantage. These are as follows; there are abundance of material, easy to reach the donor site through coronal incision, minimal pain of donor area, less functional inability, shorter hospitalization, no need of immobilization, hidden scar at donor site, no secondary deformity and appropriate curvature obtained properly selected. From March to December 1987, we experienced three cases of autogenous calvarial bone graft such as congenital saddle nose deformity, fibrous dysplasia on the right side frontal bone, and deviated nose. The results were very excellent without any significant complication. The detail technique of autogenous calvarial bone graft and its advantages compared with the traditional methods of bone grafts are discussed.
- A Study on Equivalent Square Field in High Energy Photon Beam.
Seong Gyu Kim, Sei One Shin, Myung Se Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):83-88. Published online December 31, 1987
- An analytic expression for equivalent square fields and a table are derived using the empirical representations obtained from the measured field size dependence of output for square field in a phantom. The expression is applicable to radiation fields that consistent with the following two assumptions imposed on these representations. 1) It is a linear function of the logarithm of the field area. 2) It is approximately the same function for both square and circular field of similar areas. In this paper, the derived tables and BJR table were consulted.
- Effects of same TDF Factors on Body Weight of Mice and Peripheral Blood Picture.
Sei One Shin, Seong Gyu Kim, Myung Se Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):89-96. Published online December 31, 1987
- Using same TDE factors, the authors studied the effects of whole abdominal irradiation on body weight and peripheral blood picture in 30±3 day old mice. Fractions of 100 and 200 cGy were given five times a week to the final TDF factors 17, 33, and 49. Total 80 mice were irradiated with orthovoltage x-ray machine. Our results can be summarized as follows: There were no significant differences by sex. Body weight was progressively decreased by the duration for irradiation, but no remarkable difference by fractional dose. Hemoglobin level showed no remarkable change by fractional dose or TDF factors. Leukopenic changes showed that severity of decrease seems to be more related to TDF factors. There were no significant changes of differential count by TDF factors of total doses.
- A Clinical Study on Low Birth Weight Infants.
Han Ku Moon, Jung Ok Kim, Jae Honng Park, Son Moon Shin, Jeong Ok Hah
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):97-103. Published online December 31, 1987
- Neonatal and obstetrical problems related to the low birth weight infants were evaluated by a retrospective review of the medical records of the 186 low birth weight infants born at Yeungnam University Hospital during 3 years and 8 months from May 1, 1983 to February 28, 1987. The results were as follows: 1. The incidence of the low birth weight infants was 4.98% among 3,803 live births. 2. Male to female ratio was 1.02:1. 3. The incidence of the low birth weight infants was lowest in mothers of 25 to 29 years, increased in mothers of 19 years of less and 30 to 39 years significantly. 4. There was no difference in the incidence of low birth weight infants between primiparous and multiparous mothers. 5. Common obstetrical complications associated with low weight infants were multiple pregnancy, toxemia and premature rupture of membrane in order of frequency. 6. Common neonatal problems in low birth weight infants were jaundice, idiopathic respiratory, distress syndrome, asphyxia and metabolic derangement such as hypocalcemia and hypoglycemia in order of frequency.
- Mutagenicity of Human Urine Excreted after Ingestion of Roast Beef.
Dong Gu Shin, Jung Hee Kim, Jae Ryong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):105-111. Published online December 31, 1987
- This study was undertaken to observe the mutagenic occurrence in urine excreted after the ingestion of roast beef. Two healthy nonsmoker persons of both sex were selected for this test, employing two strains (TA98, TA100) of Salmonella typhimurium according to Ames' method. The mutagenic activity began to appear in urine of both sex three hours after ingestion of 300 g of roast beef, gradually increasing until 6 hours and declining thereafter.
- Effect of Submucosal Formalin Injection on Bladder Wall in Rats.
Dong Heon Lee, Dong Chun Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):113-120. Published online December 31, 1987
- The effect of intravesical formalin instillation as a therapeutic modality for intractable bladder hemorrhage in well known. And despite clear evidence of therapeutic efficacy of intravesical cytotoxic drugs and / or BCG immunotherapy, there have been substantial recurrences during follow up after transurethral resection for superficial bladder tumor. If formalin injected at the bed of superficial bladder tumor is able to coagulate and necrotize the tumor, it will be greatly helpful to the patients with recurrent bladder tumor developed during follow up. Since this technique is applicable on outpatient basis, an economical as well as a psychological burden of the patients can be reduced considerably. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of submucosal formalin injection on rat bladder wall. 36 healthy adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (weighing 350 gm in average) were divided into 3 groups: In Group I (control group), 0.01ml of normal saline was injected submucosally at the left posterolateral wall of the bladder opened under intraperitoneal Nembutal anesthesia; In Group II and III, 0.01 ml of 10% and 4% formalin, respectively, were administered at the same site as in the Group I, two rats in each group were sacrificed at day 1, 2, and 3, and week 1, 2, and 4 after injection, respectively. Gross and microscopic examination of the cystectomized specimen were done in each group. In the Group II, bladder stones were formed at week 1, and in both the Group I and III, stones were seen at week 2 post injection. There was no significant difference in histologic findings of the bladder between the group II and III. Mucosal ulcer and/or prominent mucosal disruption was observed at 24 hours after injection in both Group II and III. Epithelial regeneration began at day 2, and was marked at day 3, and epithelial lining was almost normalized one week after injection. Subepithelial edema, telangiectasia and inflammatory reaction were prominent at 24 hours post formalin injection. Subepithelial edema persisted in moderate degree for 1 week. Telangiectasia and inflammatory reaction were noted for 4 weeks. Mild degree of these findings also appeared in the control group. Fibroblastic proliferation appeared at day 2 and persisted in moderate degree for 4 weeks. There has been no mortality or bladder perforation. These results suggest that clinical application of this technique is feasible for the selected cases of recurrent, solitary superficial bladder tumor. However, optimal dosage of formalin in relation to the size of the lesion remains to be investigated.
- A Study of Serum HBV Markers in Term Pregnant Women and Their Neonates.
Tae Hyung Lee, Wan Seok Park, Sung Rim Kim, Kang Wan Lee, Sung Ho Lee, Wun Yong Chung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):121-129. Published online December 31, 1987
- To evaluate the status of hepatitis B virus infection in the mothers and neonates and to determine the maternal-neonatal transmission of hepatitis B virus, 2,276 term pregnant women were screened for presence of serum HBsAg, at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yeungnam University Hospital, during the period of 18 months from Jan. 1986 to Jun. 1987, and the sera of sixty-six HBsAg carrier mothers and their neonates were tested for HBV markers and liver enzymes. The results were as follows: 1. The prevalence rate of asymptomatic HBsAg carrier in the term pregnant women was 4.7% (53/1,279). 2. Positive rates of HBsAg and anti-HBs in the sera of sixty-six neonates born to asymptomatic HBsAg carrier mothers were 12.1% and 9.1%, respectively. Transient elevation of SGOT (three to four times of upper normal limit) was detected in one of eight HBsAg-positive neonates and one of six anti-HBs positive neonates. 3. Positive rates of anti-HBc, HBeAg and anti-HBe in the sera of sixty-six asymptomatic HBsAg carrier term pregnant women were 93.9%, 45.5%, 50%, respectively. The rates of transmission of maternal anti-HBc, HBeAg and anti-HBe to the neonates were 85.5 (53/62), 90% (27/30) and 87.9% (29/33), respectively. 4. Serum HBsAg was detected in four of thirty neonates born to HBeAg positive HBsAg carrier mother, three of thirty-three neonates born to anti-HBe positive HBsAg carrier mothers, and one of three neonates born to both HBeAg and anti-HBe negative HBsAg carrier mothers.
- Clinical Study on Monteggia Fracture.
Jae Sung Seo
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):131-138. Published online December 31, 1987
- In 1814, Giovanni Battista Monteggia first described two cased of fracture of proximal third of ulna with a dislocation of radial head, and this combined injury is now known as the Monteggia fracture. Despite its rarity, the importance of early recognition of dislocated radial head and correct treatment has been emphasized. Eight cases of Monteggia fracture were studied from March, 1984 to June, 1987. The results are as follows 1. Male patients were six and female were two. 2. The frequent cause of injury was fall down in four cases. 3. Bado type I accounted for 50%, type II for 12.5% and type III for 37.5%. 4. The level of ulna fracture was above upper one third of ulna in seven. 5. The common direction of dislocated radial head was anterior. 6. Two children and two adults were managed by closed reduction. 7. The results (by Bruce et al. criteria) were 3 excellent, 2 good, 1 fair and 2 poor. Four ulna fractures in adult were treated by open reduction and internal fixation using a semitubular plate.
- A Survey on Activities of Community Health Practitioners in Rural Area.
Pock Soo Kang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):139-148. Published online December 31, 1987
- The community health practitioners (CHP) play an important role in primary health care services to the underserved population in rural area. Time and motion study of 26 CHPs in Kyungpook Province was conducted through work diary method for 6 consecutive days from the time they arrived until they left the primary health post (PHP) during the past 3 weeks from November 16 to December 5, 1987. The allocation of activity time by working category, service category, location of activity and CHP's function was analyzed according to the characteristics of CHPs i. e., age, marital status and experience as CHP. The major findings are as follows: The mean activity time per CHP in a week was 2,918 minutes. The length of their working hours as longer for older, married and more experienced CHPs than other. About 80% of the CHP's activities took place within the PHP and only about 20% occurred outside of the PHP. Working hours for the outdoor activities were longer for younger, single and less experienced CHPs than others. The allocation of activity time by working category showed 46.3% in the technical work and 18.7% in the administrative work. Working hours for the technical activities were longer for younger, single and less experienced CHPs than others. The percentage of activity time revealed greatest as much as 63.1% for direct patient care in technical word and 61.6% for record keeping in administrative work. Of the total working hours in a week, direct patient care and public health activities accounted for 29.2.% and 16.2%, respectively. Of the indoor activities, working hours for direct patient care were longer than those for public health activities. However, of the outdoor activities, working hours for public health activities were longer than those for direct patient care. The allocation of activity time by CHP's function showed 49.7% in management of common disease, 31.8% in management of PHP and technical supervision of village health workers, 9.5% in MCH and family planning, 6.6% in community health management and 2.4% in community approach. Based on these findings, it was found that CHPs were mainly working in the PHP with a majority of their time being spent of direct patient care rather than preventive and promotive health cares. To enhance the preventive and promotive health services of the CHPs and to involve the activities for community development, refresher course for CHPs should be reinforced and supervision mechanism of the CHPs should be established and operated in Gun- and province- level.
- Histopathological Studies on Tumors of Testis in the Taegu Area.
Suk Jae Hong, Tae Sook Lee, Won Hee Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):149-154. Published online December 31, 1987
- For evaluation on the histopathologic studies and age distribution of the testicular tumors in the Taegu area, the inguinal orchidectomized materials were collected at the Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, and the analyzed results were as follows: 1. In total of 11 cases of orchidectomized materials, germ cell tumors are 10 cases (90.9%). In germ cell tumors according to the histologic types, seminoma was 5 cases (45.5%), and embryonal carcinoma, 3 (27.2%). 2. The highest age incidence of the group is 20th and 30th, and the next, 50th and 10th.
Case Reports
- Anesthetic Management of Corrective Operation of Tracheal Stenosis.
Dae Pal Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):155-157. Published online December 31, 1987
- A 25 years old male patient was experienced Trough method operation to correct of Tracheal stenosis following Tracheostomy. After admission, a No.3 Magill plastic portex tube had been placed in the previous tracheostomy opening. Stenotic narrowing portion was noted low trachea (about 3.5 cm above carina) Despite of narrowing of the lesion, anesthetic course was uneventful with oxygen, halothane and non depolarized muscle relaxant by controlled respiration. Postoperative course were also favorable with adequate respiratory cares and blood gas analyzed.
- One Case of Acute Renal Failure with Toxic Hepatitis Caused by Bile Juice of Cyprinus Carpionudus.
Shie Hwoa Park, Kyeung Woo Yun
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):159-163. Published online December 31, 1987
- The toxic effect of carp bile is well documented since earlier times but its exact mechanism of toxicity is unclear till now. Recently we have experienced a case of acute renal failure with toxic hepatitis in a 32-year-old man who ingested raw carp bile. He suffered from abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, which occurred 3 hours after the ingestion of raw carp bile juice. Hematuria, proteinuria, oliguria and jaundice developed subsequently. 9 times of hemodialyses was performed and hepatitis was treated by conservative measure. The patient was discharged after 17 days of hospitalization. About 1 month after carp bile ingestion, no sequelae was detected. The authors report a case of acute renal failure due to carp bile juice ingestion with review of literature. Further study in needed as to the toxic substances of carp bile and pathogenesis.
- Histiocytic Medullary Reticulosis.
Kyoung Hee Lee, Myung Soo Hyun, Young Jo Kim, Bong Sup Shim, Kyung Dong Kim, Chung Sook Kim, Won Hee Choi, Tae Sook Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):165-172. Published online December 31, 1987
- The term histiocytic medullary reticulosis first was introduced by Scott and Robb-Smith. It is a clinicopathologic syndrome characterized by wasting, fever, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, pancytopenia, and is often accompanied by jaundice, purpura. Cardinal pathologic feature are systemized proliferation of atypical, neoplastic, erythrophagocytic D. We are here reporting one case which considered compatible for HMR, with a few elementary reviewed literatures.
- Osteogenic Sarcoma of the Mandible.
Sang Kil Byun, Hee Kyung Lee, Byung Rho Chin, Tae Ju Kim, Young Joon Kim, Jong Won Kim, Jeung Mee Lee, Kee Young Do
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):173-178. Published online December 31, 1987
- Osteogenic sarcoma is a malignant primary tumor of bone composed of a malignant connective tissue stroma with evidence of malignant osteoid, bone and/or cartilage formation. A 23 year old man was admitted to dental department of Yeungnam University hospital with chief complaint of swelling and pain on alveolar ridge of lower right molar region. It was certain of osteogenic sarcoma through clinical and radiographic features and biopsy. Surgical resection of the lesion was performed by partial mandibulectomy and resin plate insertion. By follow up check of the patient, we made good result of functional reconstruction without any sign of recurrence of the lesion.
- A case of Renal Vein Thorombosis Associated with Nephrotic Syndrome.
Kyung Hwa Jung, Woo Mok Byun, Jae Chun Chang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):179-184. Published online December 31, 1987
- Renal vein thrombosis is usually a complication of multiple underlying renal disease rather than primary process. High incidence of renal vein thrombosis in patients with nephritic syndrome, which suggest the nephrotic syndrome play a paramount role in the genesis of renal vein thrombosis or thromboembolic phenomena. But these are likely to relationship of “egg and chicken”, and then we cannot determine what is primary of these. Recently authors experienced a case that was questioned renal vein thrombosis with nephrotic-syndrome clinically, laboratory and preliminary radiologically, and this case in confirmed by selective left renal venography. Here we report a case of renal vein thrombosis with nephrotic syndrome which successfully managed with oral anticoagulants and reviewed literatures.
- Two cases of Lupus Nephritis.
Ki Hyuck Lee, Yong Hoon Park, Jeong Ok Hah
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):185-191. Published online December 31, 1987
- The systemic lupus erythematosus is a self-perpetuating disease with multisystem involvement, i.e.; skin, kidney, serous membrane, nervous system and other organs. The mortality in SLE is determined primarily by the extent of renal involvement and the degree of immunosuppression resulting from the therapy. We experienced two cases of lupus nephritis in SLE with clinical, serologic, immunologic and pathologic evaluations. Renal biopsy revealed focal and segmental proliferative glomerulonephritis and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis. Both patients have been improving with prednisolone on follow-up studies.
- Two Cases of Vaginal Injury due to Coitus.
Yung Ha Choi, Chung Ok Park, Jae Wung Kim, Jong Wook Kim, Sung Ho Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):193-195. Published online December 31, 1987
- Two cases of vaginal injury due to Coitus are presented. One is the case of the laceration of midportion of posterior vaginal wall with shock and the other one in the laceration of posterior vaginal fornix and pelvic peritoneum. They are all in multiparity. And a review of literature on vaginal injury due to coitus is made briefly.
- A Case of Primary Carcinoma.
Young Gi Lee, Sung Ho Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):197-203. Published online December 31, 1987
- No abstract available.
- Three Cases of Kaposi's Varicelliform Eruption.
Hyun Sug Kim, Kae Yong Hwang, Jong Soo Choi, Ki Hong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1987;4(2):205-210. Published online December 31, 1987
- Kaposi's varicelliform eruption is a more or less generalized infection of the skin, and sometimes of internal organs, with herpes simplex, vaccinia or Coxsackie virus A 16; it appears in people who have atopic dermatitis or some other skin diseases. There is a predilection for infants and children, but no age-group is exempt. We reported 3 cases of Kaposi's varicelliform eruption with atopic dermatitis. They had characteristic multiple umbilicated vesicles on the sites that atopic dermatitis had been involved. A 14-year-old boy and a 2-month-old infant had fever. A 17-year-old boy had wide-spread vesicles. All three patients showed multinucleated giant cells on Tzanck test, that suggests herpes simplex virus origin. They were treated with acyclovir. Within 1 to 2 days after the initiation of the therapy, new lesions had ceased to develop. Most of the lesions were cleared in 7 days without complication.