Neonatal and obstetrical problems related to the low birth weight infants were evaluated by a retrospective review of the medical records of the 186 low birth weight infants born at Yeungnam University Hospital during 3 years and 8 months from May 1, 1983 to February 28, 1987. The results were as follows: 1. The incidence of the low birth weight infants was 4.98% among 3,803 live births. 2. Male to female ratio was 1.02:1. 3. The incidence of the low birth weight infants was lowest in mothers of 25 to 29 years, increased in mothers of 19 years of less and 30 to 39 years significantly. 4. There was no difference in the incidence of low birth weight infants between primiparous and multiparous mothers. 5. Common obstetrical complications associated with low weight infants were multiple pregnancy, toxemia and premature rupture of membrane in order of frequency. 6. Common neonatal problems in low birth weight infants were jaundice, idiopathic respiratory, distress syndrome, asphyxia and metabolic derangement such as hypocalcemia and hypoglycemia in order of frequency.