Some patients, especially with chronic disease such as diabetes, who suffer from lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) just want to take prolonged oral medication (anticholinergics or alpha blockers) without proper evaluation for basic causes. LUTS is commonly occurred by urinary tract infection, several chronic diseases and/or aging itself. However, we should not pass over the fact that LUTS also can be evoked by malignancy. Because there is a higher detection rate of malignancy in patients with microscopic hematuria, urine cytology must be done with ultrasonography, IVP and cystoscopy. In those patients aged over 50 years or high risk group for urothelial carcinoma, it is mandatory to undergo ultrasonography and cystoscopy, even if there is no abnormalities on their urinalysis and urine cytology.
Ankle fractures are the most common types of fractures treated by orthopaedic surgeons. As a result of a better understanding of the biomechanics of ankle, improvements in fixation techniques, and findings of outcome studies, there has been a gradual evolution in the effective strategics for the treatment of ankle fractures. The goals of treatment continue to be both a healed fracture and an ankle that moves and functions normally without pain. The development of strategies for the treatment of various patterns of ankle injuries revolves around whether these goals can be achieved more predictably with surgical or nonsurgical means. Certain injury patterns have a better outcome after surgical treatment, while other pateerns are better managed without surgery. Surgical treatment is indicated when congruity of the joint cannot be restored with closed method.
Ultrasonography is an important imaging tool in the evaluation of the scrotal structures and various scrotal disorders because of excellent anatomic resolution, easy and speedy applicability, and safety with no inonizing radiation. Furthermore, a blood flow information can be obtained by the use of color Doppler ultrasonography and spectral waveform analysis. It plays a primary role in the detection, characterization, and localization of scrotal masses and fluid collections. Knowledge of characteristic imaging findings enables appropriate, expeditious evaluation of various scrotal disorders. The objective of this article is to familiarize the reader with the ultrasonographic features of various scrotal disorders.
Hybrid coronary revascularization combines left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to left anterior descending artery (LAD) grafting integrated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on stenoses in the non-LAD territories. Hybrid coronary revascularization offers multivessel revascularization with minimal morbidity in high risk patients. Usually hybrid coronary revascularization performs minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafting (MIDCAB) without cardiopulmonary bypass. The concept is now 10 year old. This procedure has been developed from MIDCAB plus percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) to totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass grafting (TECAB) procedures plus PTCA and drug-eluting stenting (DES). The hybrid coronary revascularization procedure may be especially useful in complex LAD lesions, restenotic lesions in LAD, acute myocardial infarction in “non-LAD” territory, high-risk elderly patients with multiple comorbidities and patients with severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction who are not ideal candidates for conventional bypass surgery. Hybrid coronary revascularization results according to the literature are very attractive. LIMA patency rates were found to be in the 98% range and restenosis rates in the PCI part of the procedure are in a 12% range.16) The wider introduction of hybrid revascularization is limited chiefly by the high number of repeat interventions compared with off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting, which occurs because of the target vessel failure rate of percutaneous coronary intervention. Drug-eluting stents substantially decrease the reintervention rate. However, the future role of hybrid coronary revascularization is unclear in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease involving the LAD if comparable results may be attained with multivessel PCI.
The purpose of this paper is to review the natural course of spinal stenosis in order to establish an optimal therapeutic plan. As the population becomes older, this condition is encountered more frequently. The numbers of detected cases were increased internationally with the diagnositc tools improved. Good knowledge of natural evolution and of the predictive factors influencing the course of the disease is crucial for the selection of methods of treatment. Unfortunately, in contrast with numerous reports of the results of surgical series, few studies have been reported on the natural evolution. However, results of the studies analyzed in this review suggest that a substantial proportion of patients do not automatically deteriorate and will remain unchanged or even improved by medical means. They also suggest that patients with severe baseline symptoms, block stenosis and degenerative spondylolisthesis tend to require surgical decompression.
As economical and social status are getting better, many ordinary people are interested in well being and leisure sports, the populations enjoying SCUBA diving are increasing recently. The medical problems from SCUBA diving are also increasing. To provide diving knowledge to the medical Drs. for prevention of barotrauma from SCUBA diving and to provide medical knowledge to SCUBA divers for safer diving, author reviews barotrauma of the human body from SCUBA diving. Review includes diving physics, mechanism, clinical manifestations and prevention of barotrama. Pulmonary barotrauma manifests as pulmonary tissue damage, pneumothorax, mediastinal emphysema with or without arterial gas embolism. Arterial gas embolism is one of the most serious and urgent medical problem from SCUBA diving and it need immediate recompression treatment. Barotrauma in the middle ear is the most common medical problem from SCUBA diving, it manifests as Eustachian tube salpingitis, otitis media with effusion. Inner ear barotrauma may lead permanent sensorineural hearing loss. Barotruma also can be occurred in mask,1)teeth, dry suit, and gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of barotrauma is more important than treatment. Prevention of barotrauma is up to divers, diving instructors and medical Drs. Divers and diving instructors should follow guidelines in diving fitness test, keep physical state always to fit to dive, keep diving skills as sharp and keep physical ability to adjust changeable ocean environment. Medical Drs. are responsible to their decision of medical fitness test, so they should know about diving physic, diving physiology and recent guidelines about medical fitness to dive.
Importance of science and technology is based on modern society which means knowledge based society. Now, today’s quality of science and technology in Korea says that is ordered as 8th powerful nationality in the world. Research and development budget of our government is over KRW 9.8 trillion dollars in 2007, it is ordered amount of 8th national in the world. First nation is America, followed Japan, Germany, France, England, Italy, China. By the Swiss IMD report, it is evaluated as competitive power of science of our country is 7th order and technology is 6th order in the world. These show brilliant achievement by recent many research products. 1) In order to increase investment efficiency of research & development of government, reorganization of government setups were carried out national innovation system (NIS) in Oct. 2004. Policy of coordination and division of government R&D budget is in force strategy by selection and convergence, total roadmap in mid- and long-term by technological field. The priority order by total roadmap take biological field as first. In the present 2007, government budget of biological field occupied 16.5%, it is developed 17% in next year. Next order is followed the Environment, the Space and the Universe. Strategy of R&D investment of fields of information and electron and field of machinery and the manufacturing industry will be decrease. National R&D investment will be used as an advanced country form. It will be induced to increase a private enterprise. These field will be decrease a weight. Especially, a scientist for life have to effort to development of global new drug by Korea-America FTA (Free Trade Agreement) and we will see what we can do a sense of responsibility and good results.
Anesthesia and surgery commonly cause substantial thermal perturbations. Mild hypothermia (33.0∼36.4℃) results from a combination of anesthetic-induced impairment of thermoregulatory control, a cool operating room environment, and factors unique to surgery that promote excessive heat loss. Perioperative mild hypothermia is extremely common and associated with adverse outcomes such as excessive sympathetic nervous system stimulation, prolonged drug metabolism, impaired platelet activity, impaired immune function and postanesthetic shivering. Prevention of perioperative hypothermia and post-anesthetic shivering improves the outcome in terms of reduced cardiac morbidity and blood loss, improved wound healing and shorter hospital stay. Core temperature monitoring, accompanied by passive and active methods to maintain normothermia, should be part of routine intraoperative monitoring for patients at high risk of perioperative hypothermia, particularly patients undergoing body-cavity surgery, surgery greater than 1 hour duration, younger children and the elderly.
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Effect of the ASPAN Guideline on Perioperative Hypothermia Among Patients With Upper Extremity Surgery Under General Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Trial Sookyung Kang, Soohyun Park Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing.2020; 35(3): 298. CrossRef
Regional anesthesia, an attractive choice of anesthesia for the patients with systemic illness such as pulmonary/heart diseases or endocrine dysfunctions, is generally accepted as a safe anesthetic method. However, there are various kinds of complication annoying the physician and the patient following a regional anesthesia. Therefore, physicians and patients must understand the risks in addition to the benefits of regional anesthesia to make an informed consent of anesthetic technique. 1) This review will give an overview of delayed complications following a regional anesthesia.
Ketamine has used as a dissociative anesthetics from 40 years ago. Its mechanism of action is an antagonism of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, which has an important role into the central sensitization during pain states. The role of ketamine, in lower sub-anesthetic doses, has recently gained increasing interest in pain management. There are considerable numbers of trials to use ketamine in acute or chronic pain states. Recently, Hocking et al. summarized their recent reviews of the evidence concerning ketamine’s clinical use on PAIN: Clinical Updates. In this review, the author introduce their summery with personal experience. Based on their summary, the primary role of ketamine in such subanesthetic doses is as an ‘anti-hyperalgesic’, ‘anti-allodynic’ or ‘tolerance-protective’ agent rather than as a primarily ‘analgesic’. However, to support the evidence-based clinical guideline using a ketamine in pain management, there will be needed numerous high-quality studies that access both immediate and long-term outcomes.
The category of small sized cell lymphoid neoplasms include chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) / small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), follicular lymphoma, marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) and lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LDL) / Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (WM). The unifying feature for this group of neoplasms is their derivation from mature B cell and are indolent lymphomas mostly. But, their morphological and immunophenotypical findings, cytogenetics and molecular genetics exhibit considerable heterogenic expression. The recent identification about pathologic features of the small cell lymphoid neoplasms might contribute to their better understandings.
Curative surgery is the most common and desirable treatment for advanced gastric cancer(AGC), but macroscopically curative resection of AGC dose not always mean a curative outcome. For the tailored management of AGC, accurate preoperative stage are made by using abdominal CT, FDG PET and laparoscopy is necessary. In case of T3/T4 lesion, neoadjuvant chemotherapy(NAC) and neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy(NACR) are effective therapeutic approaches with acceptable toxicity without increasing surgical morbidity and mortality. I recommend the use of a multidisciplinary therapeutic strategy for treatment of AGC. Future applications of newer cytotoxic drugs such as oxaliplatin, capecitabine, irinotecan, and docetaxel or targeted therapies may help to improve the management of AGC.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis and a major cause of disability in people aged 65 and older. OA is not a single disease; rather, it is a group of overlapping yet distinct diseases with different etiologies but similar pathologic, morphologic, and clinical outcomes. OA occurs when the dynammic equilibrium between the breakdown and reapir of joint tissues is overwhelmed. Systemic and local biomechanical factors contribute to the development of the disease, with systemic factors also making the joint vulnerable and resulting in a greater impact of local joint factors. Systemic risk factors include ethnicity, gender, age, genetic factors, hormonal status, bone density, and nutritional factors. Local biomechanical factors include altered joint biomechanics, prior injuries, the effects of physical activities, sports participation, occupation, developmental abnormalities, and obesity. The normal joint is protected by biomechanical factors such as alignment and muscle strength, the lubrication provided by the synovial fluid, and the shock-absorbing function of bone and cartilage. When these functions are altered, changes occur at both the macroscopic and cellular levels, with derangements in any structure contributing to further joint destruction. 1) Further studies of both risk factor modification and cellular changes in OA will hopefully continue to enhance our understanding of this complex disease and lead to improved outcomes.
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Prevalence of Osteoarthritis and Its Affecting Factors among a Korean Population Aged 50 and Over Hye-Ryoung Kim, Eun-Jung Kim Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2013; 27(1): 27. CrossRef
Platelet activating factor (PAF) is a phospholipid with a strong inflammatory mediator. PAF is synthesized in a variety of cells in response to inflammatory stimuli. PAF is degraded by intracellular and extracellular PAF-acetylhydrolases (PAF-AHs) thus providing proper level of PAF. Plasma PAF-AH deficiency is associated with several diseases such as asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, acute myocardial infarction, diabetes, and membranous nephropathy. Cloning of plasma PAF-AH gene enabled the use of recombinant PAF-AH as a therapeutic tool for these PAF-mediated diseases.
Patients with early gastric cancer (EGC) have had a good prognosis with conventional gastrectomy and radical lymph node dissection. The conventional surgery revealed some kinds of early and late complications which may hurt patients seriously. Therefore, treatment options for EGC which preserve patients’ quality of life with maintaining a high level of curability have been developed. In surgeon’s field, these include limited gastrectomy with or without modified lymph node resection, gastrectomy with vagal nerve preservation, pylorus preserving gastrectomy, and laparoscopic gastrectomy. Laparoscopic gastrectomy has introduced a new concept of procedure in the treatment of EGC. Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) by endoscopist has also become a standard treatment option for EGC with limited indications. The development of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) expanded the clinical relevance of EMR. Certain treatment options for EGC, such as laparoscopic surgery or EMR, are known to be good options for EGC treatment, but the long-term results should be confirmed by randomized prospective study before becoming standard treatments. At present. these less invasive treatment should be applied under the strict indications.
Dementia in the Parkinson’s disease has been increasingly recognized especially in old age. And akinetic-rigid symptoms or cognitive impairment at onset of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are also high risk factors for dementia. However, there have been no gold standard guideline in order to identify the Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD). Recently, the Movement Disorder Society developed a new diagnostic criteria for PDD in December 2007. I introduce a new PDD diagnostic criteria proposal with a review of treatment strategy of PDD. After the sensitivity and specificity of these criteria ascertained, a revision may be need. But they promising clinical and prospective research baselines in the future.
Adrenal glands are relatively small than other upper abdominal solid organs but they are affected by complex physiologic and neoplastic processes. In the past, normal adrenal gland and small adrenal masses are difficult to examine because adrenal gland is small and located deeply in the abdominal cavity. However, by the recent remarkable advance of the MR and CT machines and imaging techniques detection of normal adrenal gland and detection and differential diagnosis of various adrenal lesions are possible. And so radiology is playing a critical role in not only the detection of adrenal abnormalities but in characterizing them as benign or malignant. In the diagnosis of adrenal lesions, various imaging modalities are used including, ultrasonography, CT, MR imaging and nuclear medicine imaging. Ultrasonography plays a role as a screening imaging modality. CT is the imaging modality of choice for both detection and characterization of adrenal masses. MR imaging is a problem solving modality in cases of inconclusive or insufficient on CT. The purpose of this article is to give an overview of adrenal diseases and their imaging appearances and describe the current concepts of differentiating a benign from a malignant adrenal mass.
The spasticity of cerebral palsy is usually a useful substitute for deficiency of motor strength. However not infrequently, it may become harmful leading to an aggravation of motor disability. When excessive spasticity is not sufficiently controlled by physical therapy and pharmacological treatment, patients can have recourse to neurosurgery: neurostimulation, intrathecal baclofen or selective ablative procedures. Because excessive hypertonia has to be reduced without suppression of the useful muscular tone or impairment in the residual motor and sensory functions, neuroablative procedures must be as selective as possible. These selective lesions can be performed at the level of peripheral nerves, spinal roots, or the dorsal root entry zone(DREZotomy). The new neurological status brought about by the neurosurgical operation will reach its optimal level only if intensive, prolonged, comprehensive treatment is provided by an expert multidisciplinary team including rehabilitation medicine. The neurosurgical treatment must take place before the onset of irreversible articular disturbances and musculotendinous retractions, which require complementary orthopedic corrections.
Pain is probably one of the most common cancer symptoms. In addition to being a major source of suffering and disability, cancer pain is extremely frightening for patients and their families. The authors propose to adjust the World Health Organization (WHO) pain management ladder from its current three-step approach to a more sophisticated five-step algorithm that includes physical and psychological modalities along the entire continuum of care and adds two more steps related to neuromodulative and neurodestructive procedures once the opioids fail. This review discusses the current surgical options for treating cancer pain, focusing on the continuous drug infusion pump currently available and briefly exploring some of the other surgical options for pain management. The introduction of intrathecal opioid administration for intractable cancer pain is considered as one of the most important breakthroughs in pain management. Morphine, the only opioid approved by FDA for intrathecal administration, has been increasingly utilized for this purpose.
The sinuvertebral nerve(SVN) supplies the laterodorsal outer annulus of the intervertebral disc, the posterior longitudinal ligament(PLL), the anterior 2/3 of the dural sac and the anterior vascular plexus. Many blood vessels pass through the lateral neural canal: the anterior and posterior spinal canal branches, anterior and posterior radicular branches, and veins of the anterior and posterior internal vertebral venous plexus. The PLL is assumed to play an important role in proprio- and nociception. In the neighborhood of the SVN, other small branches emanate from the rami communicantes and join the dorsal ramus and the segmental artery that enters the neural canal. The sympathetic nerve plexus inside the anterior longitudinal ligament and the SVNs provide a network of nerve fibers around the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs. These pathways explain the sympathetic component of the innervation of a number of spinal structures. The dorsal ramus innervates the facet joints at the corresponding level and one below, before it gives off muscular and cutaneous branches.
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Protocol for Ultrasound-guided Acupotomy Procedure at Ligament Flavum Kyungho Kang, Kichang Oh, Jaehyo Kim, Hongmin Chu Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology.2023; 7(1): 1. CrossRef
Relationship Between Low Back Pain and Depression Among Some Elderly Seong-Woo Yun, Kyeong-Ae Oh Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(3): 1599. CrossRef
About 1,000 metal mines have been abandoned all over the country in the Korea. Major reasons for mine closure may be mainly due to poor economies of the commodity making mining unprofitable, and technical difficulties. Abandoned mines are known to contaminate soil, surface water, and private drinking water wells with toxic metals and arsenic (As). Little attention is given, however, to sites in rural areas with low population densities where natural, geologic sources of contaminants might also occur. Abandoned heavy metal mines have been identified as one of the major concerns because of their significant long-term environmental problems. The topic of abandoned mines is complex because of the associated financial and legal liability implications. 1) In the Korea, most of the metal mine were in operation from 1940s to 1970s, before ceasing operation because of the decline in world market price for the commodity. Mine-waste calcines (retorted ore) were produced during mining and these calcines were dumped into nearby mine. It is estimated that about 50,000 people reside in the nearby abandoned mines. Recently the Korean government decided to apply public health assessment for the investigation of increasing complaints of unusual symptoms or public concern among residents of vicinity of abandoned mines. Several health reports revealed significant elevation of blood lead, cadmium, mercury and urine arsenic levels exceeding the background level or recommended exposure level. Even though the heavy metal specific toxic symptoms were not found, the association was seen between high blood metal levels and the distance from dumping area to residential district. These findings emphasizes the need to test soil, corps and drinking water in the vicinity of abandoned mines to determine the extent of risk to human health and to reduce the estimated carcinogenic risk and the noncarcinogenic hazard.
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Association between levels of exposure to heavy metals and renal function indicators of residents in environmentally vulnerable areas Jung-Yeon Kwon, Seungho Lee, Ulziikhishig Surenbaatar, Hyoun-Ju Lim, Byoung-Gwon Kim, Sang-Yong Eom, Yong Min Cho, Woo Jin Kim, Byeng-Chul Yu, Kwan Lee, Young-Seoub Hong Scientific Reports.2023;[Epub] CrossRef
Water Consumption as Source of Arsenic, Chromium, and Mercury in Children Living in Rural Yucatan, Mexico: Blood and Urine Levels F. Arcega-Cabrera, L. F. Fargher, I. Oceguera-Vargas, E. Noreña-Barroso, L. Yánez-Estrada, J. Alvarado, L. González, R. Moo-Puc, N. Pérez-Herrera, M. Quesadas-Rojas, S. Pérez-Medina Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.2017; 99(4): 452. CrossRef
Blood levels of cadmium and lead in residents near abandoned metal mine areas in Korea Dong-UK Park, Dae-Seon Kim, Seung-Do Yu, Kyeong-Min Lee, Seung-Hun Ryu, Soo-Geun Kim, Won-Ho Yang, Doo-Yong. Park, Yeong-Seoub Hong, Jung-Duck Park, Byung-Kook Lee, Jai-Dong Moon, Joon Sakong, Seung-Chul Ahn, Jung-Min Ryu, Soon-Won Jung Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.2014; 186(8): 5209. CrossRef
Blood Cadmium Concentration of Residents Living near Abandoned Metal Mines in Korea Young-Seoub Hong, Byung-Kook Lee, Jung-Duck Park, Joon Sakong, Jae-Wook Choi, Jai-Dong Moon, Dae-Seon Kim, Byoung-Gwon Kim Journal of Korean Medical Science.2014; 29(5): 633. CrossRef
Association of arsenic levels in soil and water with urinary arsenic concentration of residents in the vicinity of closed metal mines YongMin Cho, SungChul Seo, Seung-Hyun Choi, SeungKil Lee, KyungHee Kim, Hae-Joon Kim, Jae-Wook Choi International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health.2013; 216(3): 255. CrossRef
Assessment of exposure to heavy metals and health risks among residents near abandoned metal mines in Goseong, Korea Kyunghee Ji, Jungkon Kim, Minjung Lee, Soyoung Park, Ho-Jang Kwon, Hae-Kwan Cheong, Jae-Yeon Jang, Dae-Seon Kim, Seungdo Yu, Young-Wook Kim, Kwang-Young Lee, Seoung-Oh Yang, Ik Jae Jhung, Won-Ho Yang, Do-Hyun Paek, Yun-Chul Hong, Kyungho Choi Environmental Pollution.2013; 178: 322. CrossRef
Blood lead levels of residents living around 350 abandoned metal mines in Korea Nam-Soo Kim, Joon Sakong, Jae-Wook Choi, Young-Seoub Hong, Jai-Dong Moon, Byung-Kook Lee Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.2012; 184(7): 4139. CrossRef
The Effect of Exposure Factors on the Concentration of Heavy Metals in Residents Near Abandoned Metal Mines Sanghoo Kim, Yong-Min Cho, Seung-Hyun Choi, Hae-Joon Kim, Jaewook Choi Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2011; 44(1): 41. CrossRef
Relationship between Heavy Metal Concentrations in the Soil with the Blood and Urine of Residents around Abandoned Metal Mines Bong-Ki Jang, Sang-Il Park, Nam-Soo Kim, Kyung-Sick Jung, Byung-Kook Lee, Jong-Wha Lee Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences.2011; 37(5): 348. CrossRef
Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) which is well known as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is a chronic disorder that repeats improvement and exacerbation. The possible causes of the disease are environmental factors, genetic factors and immune deficiency resulted from bacterial infection. Recently, IL-23 is proved to be a main cytokine which has a central role in Crohn’s disease. The diagnosis of IBD is made by clinical manifestation, serologic test, endoscopic finding and histologic finding. The mainstay of remission and maintenance therapy of ulcerative colitis is 5-aminosalicylate(5-ASA). Steroid can be used in severe or refractory case and nowadays, budesonide shows a good effect with minimal side effects. In cases of steroid dependent, we can use the immunomodulators such as azathioprine, cyclosporin and 6-thioguanine. The cytokine associated with inflammation of IBD has been emphasized and the treatment which targets the cytokine such as tumor necrosis factor is tried. Infliximab and adalimumab block tumor necrosis factors-a and they are proved the efficacy by many clinical trial. Leukocytapheresis(LCAP) is tried in ulcerative colitis since 1980 in Japan. When we treat IBD patients, we need to consider all the things such as safety, side effects and economy of the patients. We expect that the development of new biologic agent which is more cost effective and more effect with more convinience.
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Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Cytokine Eun Young Choi, Kwang Keun Cho, In Soon Choi Journal of Life Science.2013; 23(3): 448. CrossRef
Venous insufficiency can be divided into primary venous insufficiency and chronic venous insufficiency. The latter is characterized by advanced skin changes of hyperpigmentation, edema, ulceration, scarring from healed ulcers or open ulcerations. Pretreatment evaluation is done with a standing ultrasound reflux examination. Thorough mapping of extremity reflux is desirable. Physiologic tests of venous function, such as plethysmography, are unnecessary. Treatment is directed at closing refulxing axial veins as well as controlling those perforating veins with outward flow. Varicose veins contribute to axial reflux and must be obliterated. In performing ablation of saphenous vein reflux, techniques include high ligation with strrpping, radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser therapy, and foam sclerotherapy. Initial treatment of severe chronic venous insufficiency is usually carried out by controlling the edema with elastic bandaging or nonelastic support, such as Unna boot or the CircAid dressing. Incompetent perforation interruption can be accomplished surgically by subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery (SEPS) or controlled sclerotherapy using ultrasound.. Surgical intervention has been successful but the advent of foam sclerotherapy has proven to be an attractive alternative to surgery and has added a new tool for the treatment of severe chronic venous insufficiency.1)
Although occasionally used as a therapeutic modality, radiotherapy was not a routine part of the treatment of stomach cancer. As a single modality, preoperative radiotherapy showed some benefit, but this was not confirmed in radomized trial. In recent neoadjuvant trials, radiotherapy is usually given concurrently with chemotherapy, and pathologic complete response rates was about 30%. There were small studies of radiotherapy as an adjuvant, either alone or with chemotherapy, but the randomized studies using postoperative radiotherapy alone did not show a survival benefit. The results of intergroup gastric adjuvant trial(INT 0116) were presented in May 2000 at American Society of Clinical Oncology. In that report, postoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy showed survival benefit. INT 0116 has established postoperative chemoradiotherapy as the standard care for high risk patients with resected stomach cancer. But, INT 0116 had several weak points including lack of standardized nodal dissection and delivery rates of treatments. So, Asian and European investigators did not agree. Korean study showed benefit of postoperative chemoradiotherapy after D2 dissection, but this study was not randomized. Recently, Korean investigators started randomized trial of chemoradiotherapy in D2 dissected patients. This trial may give answer to us about the benefit of postoperative chemoradiotherapy in resected stomach cancer.
Pediatric bipolar disorder(BD) is one of the significant psychiatric health problems, which begins in childhood, has chronic persisting clinical course and leads impairs academic, occupational and legal problems of the patients. Fortunately, there has been increasing recognition of pediatric bipolar disorder during the past 10 years, even there are still controversy about clinical features and diagnosis. The clinical presentation of pediatric BD is greatly different to classic BD, relatively higher percentage of mixed, rapid cycling subtypes, not episodic and chronic lasting nature. In addition, pediatric BD has many comorbid psychiatric conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorder and that makes more difficult to treat the patients with pediatric BD. To reduce confusion about diagnosis, the National Institute of Mental Health Research Roundtable divided pediatric BD into narrow and broad phenotype. 1) Given the paucity of medication trial studies of pediatric BD, no psychotrophic medications have been approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except lithium. There have been a few open trials and retrospective chart reviews on the efficacy and side effects of mood stabilizers, anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics. More short and long-term randomized, double blind, well controlled trials of medication for pediatric BD are needed.
Breast conserving surgery has become the preferred method of treatment for breast cancer. Therefore clear surgical margin is critical to minimize the risk of local recurrence. Although paraffin section of inked surgical margin is the gold standard for margin assessment, this process is time consuming, and results are not available until after the operation. Several methods of intraoperative margin assessment are available including gross evaluation of the tumor specimen, specimen slice radiography, pathologic evaluation with touch preparation cytology or frozen section analysis. Here I review three methods of pathologic evaluation -macroscopic evaluation, touch preparation cytology, and frozen section- and deal with problems and pitfalls that can happen in routine diagnostic fields.
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A Study on the Quality of a Frozen Section of Breast Resection Margin during Breast-Conserving Surgery Byung-Il Choi, Su-Sie Chin The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science.2021; 53(3): 233. CrossRef
Bone is the only solid organ and serves as a mechanical support and a reservoir of minerals. Bone homeostasis is achieved by the balance between bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Osteoblasts, which are derived from mesenchymal stem cells, secrete bone matrix proteins and promote mineralization. Otherwise, osteoclasts are derived from hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) that are capable of differentiating into all immune cells and resorb bone matrix by acid decalcification and proteolytic degradation. Osteobalsts and osteoclasts are an important role in the regulation of HSC niche and development, showing that bone remodeling was linked to hematopoietic regulation. Long-lived memory T and B cells and bone cells coexist in the bone marrow reservoir as well as activated T cells that mediate adaptive immune system and osteoclasts that regulate bone turnover share a common molecules that are essential for their development and differentiation. In addition, activated T cell-expressed RANKL directly stimulates osteoclastogenesis. Accumulating evidence indicates that there is the interplay between the immune-related cells and bone remodeling-related cells. This review will discuss the osteoimmunology, an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the cross-talk between bone and the immune cells.
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The Study on the Korean and Western Medical Literatures for Aging and Skin Aging Jung-Min Han, Woo-Shin Ko, Hwa-Jung Yoon The Journal of Korean Oriental Medical Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology.2014; 27(1): 45. CrossRef
Selenium is an essential biological trace element in mammals and adults should be intake 100 μg per day. Selenium is inserted into selenoproteins as selenocysteine (Sec), which is encoded by the UGA “STOP” codon in open reading frame. The translational process for selenoproteins in mammals is achieved by various components, such as the selenocysteineinsertion- sequence (SECIS) in the untranslated region of mRNA, the SECIS-binding protein SBP2, the Sec-specific translation factor EF-Sec, and the Sec-specific tRNASec. Generally, most selenoproteins including glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase exhibit antioxidant function to protect cells from oxidative stress. In addition, thyroxine deiodinase plays an important role in the control of thyroid hormone metabolism. These results indicate that the adequate diet of selenium is essential for maintaining redox status and hormone. On the other hand, a deficiency intake of selenium shows Keshan’s disease (cardiomyopathy), Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis), white muscle disease, and cretinism as well as an excessive intake of selenium results in toxic symptoms, including blind staggers and alkaline diseases. Therefore, an adequate intake of selenium is necessary to maintain in vivo function. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of selenium in vivo.
Treatment for rectal cancer continues to develop towards the improved local control and overall survival, maintaining quality of life, and preserving sphincter, genitourinary, and sexual function. Preoperative assessment for tumor depth, lymph node, and distant metastasis has an important role on treatment plan. Preoperative staging is used to determine the indication for neoadjuvant therapy as well as the indication for local excision versus radical cancer resection. Local excision is likely to be curative in patients whose tumor are confined to the submucosa without regional lymph and systemic metastasis. Total mesorectal excision (TME) and autonomic nerve preservation are standard procedure for advanced rectal cancer. In patients with advanced tumor stage (T3/T4 and/or N1) with no distant metastasis, preoperative chemoradiation followed by radical resection has become widely accepted recently.
Background :This study performed to evaluate the patterns and prevalence of depression in patients with schizophrenia and to identify risk factors, using subjective and objective forms of depression scales.
Materials and Methods:Demographic data and psychiatric history were obtained from the 139 participants with schizophrenia. The Beck Depression Inventory, Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, and Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia were applied to the participants to evaluate depression.
Results :Thirty percent of all the participants had significant degree of depression, more in participants of outpatient unit and with earlier onset. Schizophrenic participants had more subjective feeling of depression than objective evaluation, performed by independent evaluators.
Conclusion :Many schizophrenic patients have significant degree of depression. In treating schizophrenic patients, depression should be considered as an important target and variable of treatment.
Background :Pneumonectomy has been known with higher rate of morbidity and mortality. Thereby, we evaluated patients who received pneumonectomy for lung cancer and infectious lung disease related to postoperative morbidity and mortality.
Materials and methods:The retrospective study was undertaken in 55 patients who had undergone pneumonectomy at Yeungnam University Hospital from January 1996 to December 2004. We devided into two groups, lung cancer group (group A, n=40) and infectious lung disease group (group B, n=15) and then compared and analyzed.
Results :The mean age was higher in group A and there was statistical significance (60.8 9.4 vs 45.7 12.1, p<0.001). With preoperative pulmonary function test, FEV1, FVC were higher in group A and there were statistical significane (p<0.001, p=0.006). With preoperative lung perfusion scan, the perfusion ratio of affected lung and postoperative predicted FEV1 were higher in group A and there were statistical significance (p<0.001, p=0.007). According to MRC dyspnea scale, change of respiratory difficulty of group A had statistical significance (p<0.001). There were a total 20 postoperative complications (36.4%) of which arrhythmia 7, postoperative bleeding 5, empyema and/or bronchopleural fistula 3, pneumonia 2, adult respiratory distress syndrome 1, vocal cord palsy 1. The postoperative complication rate was no difference between two groups (37.5% vs 33.3%) but arrhythmia developed in group A only. There were 3 postoperative mortalities, all in group A.
Conclusion :Preoperative pulmonary function test and postoperative predicted FEV1 were lower in group B, however, postoperative complication rate was no difference between two groups and mortality developed in group A only. Because of lesser resected lung volume and well adopted in long term diseased period, there was lesser hemodynamic change in infectious lung disease. So postoperative mortality not developed in infectious lung disease group due to arrhythmia and respiratory failure.
Purpose:This study was done to arrange the cases showing temporally hyperperfusion in the periphery of the liver, to check the etiology and mechanism, and to find out the new radiologic role on diffuse liver disease.
Materials and Methods:We reviewed 12 cases of showing transient arterial hyperperfusion in the just peripheral portion of the liver on the arterial dominant phase on dynamic CT and the absence of abnormal perfusion between central and peripheral portion on tissue equilibrium phase. We retrospectively analyzed final diagnosis and the presence of main portal vein thrombi, and cavernous transformation.
Results :Final diagnosis in 12 cases was as follows: diffuse liver disease was in seven cases, pancreatitis in three and pyogenic portal thrombosis in two. Main portal vein thrombosis were detected all cases of pancreatitis and pyogenic portal thrombosis. In seven diffuse liver disease, two cases shown thrombosed, two cases shown normal and the other cases are collapsed. Cavernous transformation was in three cases of pancreatitis and two of diffuse liver disease.
Conclusion :We think that the causes of this phenomenon maybe as follows: the difference of the hemodynamic compensation mechanism between central and peripheral zone of the liver, presence of microscopic thrombi in peripheral portal branch which cannot be detected by imaging technique, hypercoagulability in portal area, the systematic destruction of terminal portal branch and the development of ectopic portal pathway.
Purpose or Background:This study was performed to identify the usage patterns of oral care products of the patients visiting a National University dental clinic.
Materials and Methods:A questionnaire survey was administered to 298 patients visiting the K dental department based in Daegu during the period from December 10, 2005 through January 30, 2006.
Results :Of total respondents, 42.3% used moderate toothbrush or soft toothbrush, 53.7% replaced their toothbrush every two or three months. Patients with periodontal diseases were aware of 2.1 devices and currently used 1 device out of 10 auxiliary oral hygiene devices recommended by dentist. Spacing patients were aware of 1.8 devices and currently use 1 device out of 3 auxiliary oral hygiene devices recommended by dentist. Patients wearing a fixed dental prosthesis were aware of 2.6 devices and currently used 1.6 devices out of 8 auxiliary oral hygiene devices. Those who received dental implant procedure were aware of 2.9 devices and currently used 1.5 devices out of 6 auxiliary oral hygiene devices. Those with orthodontic problems were aware of 2.7 devices and currently used 1.8 devices out of 6 devices, showing a higher level of awareness on oral hygiene devices. Those wearing dentures recognized 0.6 device and currently used 0.3 device out of 3, showing a lower level of awareness and usage. Of total respondents, 70.2% citied “no knowledge of oral care products” as the reason for not using any oral care product, which was followed by “no one recommended that for me” (15.8%) and “cannot be sure about efficacy” (11.4%). These findings underscore the need for recommending the use of oral care products when a patient sees the dentist.
Conclusion :Given a significant association between oral health education and the use of auxiliary oral care products, it is important to promote oral health education among dental patients.
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Analysis of Dental Plaque Removal Effect by Floss Type Using QLF-D Myoung-Hee Kim, Yu Jin Park, Young Sun Hwang Journal of Dental Hygiene Science.2022; 22(4): 199. CrossRef
A Study on the Awareness and Use of Oral Hygiene Supplies by Dental Patients Kui-Ye Yang, Sun-Rak Jeong, Ji-Eon Jang The Korean Journal of Health Service Management.2015; 9(4): 91. CrossRef
Effects of edcuation about dental hygiene devices on their use Kyeong-Hee Lee, Eun-Seo Jung Journal of Digital Convergence.2015; 13(2): 245. CrossRef
Oral health knowledge and attitude toward the patients in dental hygienists Sook-Hyang Kim, Yun-Ji Lee, Jeong-One Moon, Soo-Kyung Kim Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene.2014; 14(3): 333. CrossRef
Purpose:The purpose of the study was to determine factors affecting bone mineral density among premenopausal women aged over 45 years old and make a contribution to preventing osteoporosis among postmenopausal women.
Materials and Methods:A total of 133 women enrolled in the study and completed a self-administered questionnaire that measured results of bone mineral density exam and biochemical exam, demographic characteristics, smoking and drinking, physical activities and reproductive characteristics.
Results :The results of the study are summarized as follows: Of total subjects, 20.2% showed a reduction on bone mineral density. Age was the most important factor predicting bone mineral density level. A frequent intake of meat rather than vegetables had a significant impact on bone mineral density. Women with a menstruation cycle shorter than 28 days showed significantly high bone mineral density. Multiple regression analysis revealed a correlation between age and risk of osteoporosis. The explainability for variables was 16%.
Conclusion :It is necessary to develop programs designed to help women in their 30s to maintain the maximum bone density and prevent osteoporosis after menopause.
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Problems with Bone Health and the Influencing Factors of Bone Mineral Density in Women across the Life Cycle Nami Chun, Hyunju Chae Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2015; 21(1): 43. CrossRef
Factors related to Osteopenia in Community People Sung Hey Kim, Young Hee Lee Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2015; 29(2): 177. CrossRef
The Bone Mineral Density Impact Factors of Adult Women before the Menopause - based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - Kyung-Hee Kim, Jung-Hee Lee, Jin-Dong Yeo Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology.2015; 9(3): 147. CrossRef
Effects of Body Weight Control Behaviors on Bone Mineral Density in Korean Young Adult Women Chae Weon Chung, Suk Jeong Lee Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2013; 19(1): 57. CrossRef
Purpose:To evaluate the status and activities of the clinical clerkship in the Yeungnam University Medical School through the surveying of the clerkship directors and 4th grade medical students in 2003.
Materials and Methods:A total 22 clerkship directors and 60 medical students who finished their clerkships were enrolled. For the faculties, the questionnaire was composed of appointment status of clinical instructors, clerkships' logbooks, main activities, type and scope of assessment, feedback mode and opinion to improve the clerkships with a 10 scaled score. For the students, selfassessment for learning the basic clinical skill, effectiveness of ambulatory care and ward round, attendance of the surgical procedures, experience of making the preliminary chart were included.
Results :The clerkship directors have provided logbooks, activities in various fields and feedback. However, the satisfaction scores (10 scaled sore) of the students was followed; confidence of the basic clinical skills 4.7, acquaintance with the clerkship objectives 5.3, relevance the logbook contents 5.2, relevance the lecture contexts 5.6, respectively. In the ambulatory cares, ward round and the attendance of the operative procedures did not contribute to learning the etiology of disease, process of treatment and prognosis.
Conclusion :The clerkship program of the Yeungnam University Medical School have some discrepancy in the satisfaction scores between the clerkship directors and students. To reinforce the educational effects of the clinical clerkships, each course will be composed of the main learning objectives based on the clinical situation. The teaching skill training programs should be operated for clerkship directors or instructors, including the residents. Appropriate educational environment will be established, also.
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Accreditation Standards for Designating Teaching Hospitals for Medical Students in Korea Jonghoon Park, Youngchang Kim, Dongseok Moon, Kwihwa Park, Sujin Chae, Hyohyun Yoo, Ducksun Ahn Korean Medical Education Review.2015; 17(1): 15. CrossRef
Background :The purpose of this study was to estimate noise levels in hospital and effects of noise on patients and staff members and provide basic information required for reducing noise and improving working environment in hospital.
Material and Methods:A structured questionnaire was served to patients and employees at a general hospital based in Daegu during the period from December 2004 to January 2005. Noise levels were measured at locations where noise level was high in the hospital.
Results :Of total employee respondents, 95.8% cited work interruption and 94.5% cited interruption in conversation as noise disturbance. Also, 98.7% of total employees respondents regarded noise in hospital as a nuisance. Those working in intensive care units (58.8%) and boiler maintenance room (66.7%) said noise level was high all day. Those working in Nutrition Division (47.5%) said noise level was high in the morning between 10 and 11 a.m. Patients in the hospital cited sleep disturbance (59.0%), nuisance (38.0%) and interruption in conversation (38.0%) as a consequence of noise. Of these patients, 75.0% said they were just tolerating noise. By the source of noise, patients described talks between patient and family member who sharing the same room, visitors, squeak noise from beds and chairs, trolley, telephone bell and toilet flush.
Conclusion :Noise in the hospital resulted in sleep disturbance, nuisance and interruption in conversation for patients and poor working environment, reduced performance and interruption in conversation for employees. Noise control seems imminent to make hospital environment comfortable for both patients and employees.
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Degree of Alarm Fatigue and Mental Workload of Hospital Nurses in Intensive Care Units Yoonhee Seok, Yoomi Cho, Nayoung Kim, Eunyoung E. Suh Nursing Reports.2023; 13(3): 946. CrossRef
Noise Experience Status and Response to Noise of Patients and Nursing Staff in the ICU Sun-Hee Yun, Jung-Eun Choi, Hyoung-Soon Kim, Yang-Sook Yoo Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2021; 28(2): 207. CrossRef
Development and Application of an Intervention for Noise Reduction in Intensive Care Units Sun-Hee Yun, Na-Young Kwak, Yang-Sook Yoo Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2020; 32(6): 584. CrossRef
The relationship between noise awareness, hearing ability, and dental hygiene performance in dental hygienists Kyung-Hwa Park, Hyo-Jin Kim Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene.2015; 15(1): 11. CrossRef
Effects of Noise Block on Anxiety and Vital Sign of Patients with Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery in Operating Room Mi Son Choi, Eun Ja Lee Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing.2012; 21(3): 317. CrossRef
Occupational Diseases of Health Care Workers Eun-A Kim Hanyang Medical Reviews.2010; 30(4): 265. CrossRef
Background :Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and neutrophil appear to contribute to the pathogenesis of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Reactive oxygen species, as well as elastase released from activated neutrophil, are thought to play pivotal roles in the experimental models of acute lung leak. This study investigated whether aerosolized vitamin E can attenuate acute lung injury induced by IL-1 in rats.
Materials and Methods:We intratracheally instilled either saline or IL-1 with and without pretreatment with aerosolized vitamin E in rats. After 5 hours of intratracheal instillation, lung lavage neutrophils, lung lavage protein concentration, lung myeloperoxidase(MPO) activity and lung wet weight to dry weight ratio(WW/DW) were measured in rat.
Results :In rats given IL-1 intratracheally, lung lavage neutrophils, lung lavage protein concentration, lung MPO activity and WW/DW were higher. Pretreatment with aerosolized vitamin E decreased lung lavage neutrophils, lung MPO activity and WW/DW in rats given IL-1 intratracheally.
Conclusion :These results suggest that direct pulmonary supplement of vitamin E decreases lung inflammation and leak in rats given IL-1 intratracheally.
Background :The action of chemokines to the vascular inflammation plays a pathogenic role in the development and maintenance of hypertension.
Materials and methods:In the present study, the expression of chemokine IL-8/CXCL8, MCP-1/CCL2 and RANTES/CCL5 was investigated in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) obtained from the thoracic aorta of normotensive Wister-Kyoto rat (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). We used real-time PCR and western blotting.
Result :The expressions of IL-8/CXCL8, and MCP-1/CCL2 mRNA were stronger in VSMC from SHR than in WKY. However, the expression of RANTES/CCL5 was stronger in VSMC from WKY than in SHR. Expressions of CXCR1, CCR2, CD14 and PPARγ mRNA were stronger in VSMC from WKY than in SHR. Expressions of LPS-induced IL-8/CXCL8 and MCP-1/CCL2 mRNA were stronger in VSMC from SHR, but expression of LPS-induced RANTES/CCL5 was stronger in VSMC from WKY. A PPAR-γ ligand, 15-deoxy-Δ12, 14- prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) which possesses anti-inflammatory activity suppressed the expressions of LPS-induced IL-8/CXCL8, MCP-1/CCL2 and RANTES/CCL5 in VSMC from WKY and the expressions of LPS-induced MCP-1/CCL2 and RANTES/CCL5 expressions in SHR. But, the expression of LPS-induced IL-8/CXCL8 mRNA in SHR was increased by 15d- PGJ2. Angiotensin II (AngII) also induced IL-8/CXCL8 and MCP-1/CCL2 mRNA expressions in VSMC from SHR, but inhibited the expression of RANTES/CCL5 mRNA. Activities of LPS, or AngII-induced MAP kinases were stronger in VSMC from SHR than in WKY. Expression of AngII-induced IL-8/CXCL8 mRNA was associated with ERK phathway, and the expression of AngII-induced MCP-1/CCL2 mRNA was associated with p38 pathway, and the inhibition of RANTES/CCL5 mRNA by AngII was not associated with MAP Kinases pathways.
Conclusion :Chemokine IL-8/CXCL8 and MCP-1/CCL2, not RANTES/CCL5, has a possibility to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of hypertension in the SHR.
Background :The incidence of Ulcerative colitis (UC) in Korea are low compared with those of Western countries, but have been increasing rapidly during the past decades. Clinical characteristics of UC in Asian population are not well recognized. Therefore we investigated the clinical course of UC in Korea.
Material and Methods:We retrospectively analyzed 211 UC patients first diagnosed and long term follow up colonoscopic examined at Yeungnam University Medical Center between 1989 and 2006. We reviewed extension of lesion by follow up endoscopic finding and symptom depend on treatment.
Results :The male to female ratio was 1 : 1.1 and the median age at diagnosis was 46.0 years (range, 17-83 years). At diagnosis, proctitis was noted in 70 patients (33.2%), proctosigmoiditis in 40 (19%), left-sided colitis in 22 (10.4%), extensive colitis in 79 (37.4%). Further extension in the colon was most frequently observed in patients with proctitis (22.8%). In the patients initially diagnosed with proctitis, 28.6% of the patients were not taking any kind of medication for UC and 54 patients (77%, treatment group 34 patients, untreatment group 20) had not progressed during the observation period (56 months, range 2-193 months). The maximal extent of the disease was not affected by treatment (P = 0.99).
Conclusion :The initial extent of the disease in Korean UC patients was similar to that found in other Western studies. In the present study, most of limited UC(proctitis, proctosigmoiditis, 77-82%) did not progress to extensive colitis regardless of treatments, but large scale multicenter analysis was needed.
Purpose:Although several chemotherapy regimens used against advanced and recurred gastric cancer have been studied extensively in an attempt to further improve the prognosis of patients, no standard chemotherapeutic regimens have been established. The aim of this study was to determine the anti-tumor efficacy and safety of TS-1 or TS-1 plus cisplatin (CDDP).
Materials and Methods:From December 2004 to June 2007, we treated 43 patients with unresectable or recurred gastric cancer either with 80 mg/m2 of TS-1 for 28 days, which was followed by a 2-week rest, or with 80 mg/m2 of TS-1 for 28 days and 60 mg/m2 of CDDP on day 3 every 6 weeks.
Results :Tumor response rates in the primary chemotherapy group and in the recurrent group were 46.7% and 21.4%, respectively. The median survival rates in the primary and the recurrent group were 14 months and 8 months, and it was not significantly different. But the one-year survival rates according to the kinds of regimens (TS-1 or TS-1/CDDP group) were significantly different (P=0.0014). The incidences of grade 3 or 4 adverse effects were 18%, respectively.
Conclusion :The anti-tumor efficacy and safety of TS-1 and TS-1 plus CDDP in unresectable or recurred gastric cancer patients seemed to be high with modest adverse effects, thus suggesting the possible use of this regimen for unresectable or recurred gastric cancer patients.
Purpose:To investigate the efficacy and safety of docetaxel based chemotherapy as a secondline treatment in patients with metastatic or recurrent gastric cancer.
Materials and Methods:Between January 2001 and March 2007, 28 patients with recurrent or metastatic gastric cancer were enrolled. The administered doses of decetaxel was 75 mg/m2 on day 1 and 5, cisplatin 60 mg/m2 on day 3, 5-FU 600 mg/m2 over 24 hrs on day 1 to day 5, every 4 weeks. The response was assessed every 2 cycles. The toxicities were evaluated for every course of chemotherapy according to National Cancer Institute-common toxicity criteria (NCI-CTC).
Results :For response rates, 3 (10.7%) partial response, 13 (46.4%) stable disease, and 12 (42.9%) progressive disease, respectively. The overall disease control rate was 57.1%. The median time to progression was 3.0 months (2-8 months). Median overall survival was 8 months (5-11 months). NCI-CTC grade 3 leukocytopenia occurred in 1 cases, grade 3 anemia in 1case and grade 3 nausea/vomiting in 2 cases.
Conclusion :Docetaxel based chemotherapy has a tolerable efficacy with acceptable toxicities in patients with recurrent gastric cancer as a second-line treatment.
Background :To investigate the relationship between clinical grading and electrophysiological parameter in carpal tunnel syndrome.
Materials and Methods:This studies examined 75 outpatients (100 hands) who were diagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome at neurologic clinic from March to July in 2006. They were divided into three groups by clinical grading and then each groups were compared with sensory nerve conduction velocity (SNCV) and sensory compound nerve action potential (CNAP) amplitude of I-W, F-W, and P-W segments, motor terminal latency (TL), motor compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude of distal segment, and disto-proximal ratio on the third finger.
Results :The first group(mild) was 46 (51 hands) patients, second group(moderate) was 29 (35 hands) patients, and the third group (severe) was 14(14 hands) patients. The mean ages were 55.9, 57.4 and 57.0 years in each group, and there were no statistical differences in age and sex between 3 groups. SNCV of I-W, F-W and P-W segments and motor TL were different significantly between 3 groups, but disto-proximal ratio on the third finger was not different significantly(P<0.05). Motor TL was correlated with clinical grading. And also sensory CNAP amplitude of I-W, F-W, and P-W segments, and motor CMAP amplitude of distal segment were different significantly between 3 groups. Especially, sensory CNAP amplitude of P-W segment and motor TL were correlated with higher clinical grading groups(2, 3 groups)(p<0.05).
Conclusion :SNCV of F-W and P-W segments, motor TL, motor CMAP amplitude of distal segment and sensory CNAP amplitude of each segments were correlated with the clinical grading of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Purpose:A difference of a pathologic characteristic in proportion to depth of invasion analyzed in T2 gastric cancer and a difference of depth of invasion examined an influence to lymph node metastasis and prognosis.
Materials and Methods:The clinicopathologic outcomes of 432 patients who underwent curative resection for pT2 stage gastric cancers from 1995 to 1999 were reviewed retrospectively. We are compared on lymphatic metastasis, stage distribution, histologic classification, Bormann’s classification, Lauren classification, vessel invasion, lymphatic invasion, neural invasion and 5-year survival rate of pT2 groups(mp vs. ss).
Results :pT2b(ss) group compare to pT2a(mp) in Lauren classification, ratio of diffused type was higher(p<0.05) and in Bormann classification, infiltration type was higher (p<0.01). Vessel and lymphatic invasion, neural invasion showed significant difference between pT2a(mp) and pT2b(ss) (p<0.01). Difference noted between pT2a(mp) and pT2b(ss) group in a lymph node metastatic rate, degree of a metastasis and stage distribution (p<0.01). On stratifying patients according to depth of invasion, 5-year suvival rate for those with pT2a(mp) group was significantly greater than those with pT2b(ss) group(82.4% vs. 47.4%, respectively: P<0.01). In this study, appeared with the significant prognostic factor in 5-year suvival rate which multivariate analysis, depth of invasion(P<0.05) and lymph node metastasis (P<0.01) that enforced the total gastric cancer patient who had T2 gastric cancer with the object noted, but for patients with accurately staged pN0 group, suvival characteristics were similar for pT2a (mp) and pT2b(ss) gastric cancer (P=0.97).
Conclusion :The subclassification of pT2 gastric cancer into pT2a(mp) and pT2b(ss) is necessary to demonstrate their different prognosis.
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The Analysis of Clinical Characteristics of pT2a and pT2b Gastric Cancer Byoung Hyun Choi, Ji Hoon Kim, Jin Ho Kwak, Hyuck Jae Jang, Myung Sik Han Journal of the Korean Surgical Society.2009; 77(4): 257. CrossRef
Background :Diffusion tensor image tractography (DTT) can visualize white matter tracts and provide us with a powerful vehicle for investigating the neuralpathway at the subcortical level. Using DTT, we attempted to demonstrate abnormal transcallosal fibers from the corticospinal tract in patients with brain injury.
Materials and Methods:Four adults with brain injury (2 patients: stroke, 1 patient: brain tumor with hemorrhage, 1 patient: diffuse axonal injury) and 14 normal control subjects were enrolled in this study. DTT was performed using 1.5-T with a Synergy-L Sensitivity Encoding head coil. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the fiber tracts were obtained with FA<3.0, and an angle change >45o as termination criteria.
Results :Transcallosal fibers were observed in two of 14 normal controls, and ascended to the cortex leaving the corpus callosum. All four patients showed transcallosal fibers which stemmed from the corticospinal tract of the unaffected hemisphere, and descended to or around the lesion at the subcortical area.
Conclusion :It seems that transcallosal fibers which arise from the corticospinal tract of the unaffected hemisphere may act as pathological fibers for motor deficit compensation.
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Usefulness of DTI-based three dimensional corticospinal tractography in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy Ji Hyun Yeo, Su Min Son, Eun Sil Lee, Han Ku Moon Korean Journal of Pediatrics.2009; 52(1): 99. CrossRef
Background :It is important to select appropriate antimicrobials for the treatment of infection according to the results of antibiotic susceptibility test(AST). AST interprets as susceptible, resistant or intermediate on the base of breakpoints of Clinical and Laboratory Standard Institute(CLSI), but do not take into account the antimicrobial concentrations of variable tissues. As different tissues have different distributions of antimicrobials, it is necessary to interpret AST according to the tissue concentration. Thereby we intend to evaluate the usefulness of interpretation of antimicrobial susceptibility depending on tissue distribution of antimicrobials.
Materials and Methods:Gram negative bacilli that isolated from clinical specimens in Yeungnam University Hospital from August to September, 2007 were evaluated retrospectively. The data of blood concentration and tissue distribution of antibiotics with variable administration route and dosage were collected and arranged in the forms of previous reported data and regarded as resistant if minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) is higher than the expected concentration of each tissues.
Results :Among the data reported as susceptible, aztreonam, imipenem and ciprofloxacin were relatively good relationship with AST. But, ampicillin, ticarcillin, cefazolin and cefotaxime of sputum or bronchial secretion were less effective with high MIC of organism. Gentamicin and amikacin also were shown as less effective in respiratory tissues and wound with high MIC of oganism.
Conclusion :As different tissues have different antimicrobial concentrations for identical antimicrobial, more informations on antimicrobial tissue distribution is needed for appropriate treatment in infection. Reporting of MIC should be considered for selection of antimicrobials rather than AST with breakpoints. Therefore interpretation of AST considering tissue concentration is more helpful for prevention of major error and control of infection.
Purpose:This study compared 3 dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT) to intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in parotid glands sparing in head and neck cancers.
Materials and Methods:Planning target volume (PTV) was outlined on each CT slice. The dose of 50.4 Gy was prescribed to the PTV with the conventional fraction, 5 fractions per week. We also outlined spinal cord and both parotid glands. With Eclipse 3 dimensional planning system, 3DCRT and IMRT planning were done.
Results :After plan optimization, PTV dose distribution was evaluated with dose volume histogram. The 90% isodose curve covered almost all of PTV for both techniques. Maximum and median dose for spinal cord were 36.8 Gy and 34.2 Gy in 3DCRT, 39.9 GY and 37.5 Gy in IMRT. For parotid glands, mean and median dose were 33.6 Gy and 37.6 Gy in 3DCRT, 24.9 Gy and 24.5 Gy in IMRT.
Conclusion :For the non-pharyngeal head and neck cancers, 3DCRT was cost effective radiation modality in prevention radiation therapy induced xerostomia.
Background :Unexpected antibodies can cause hemolytic transfusion reaction or decrease the survival of transfused red blood cells. Type and screen is recommended for efficient transfusion, so we perform antibody screening test for pre-transfusion test. In this study, we investigated the frequency and distribution of unexpected antibodies at Yeungnam University Hospital during recent 5 years.
Methods :We analyzed the results of 28,944 antibody screening test that were performed for preparation of packed red cells from 2002 to 2006. Screening and identification of unexpected antibodies were carried out using a column agglutination method with the DiaMed ID system.
Results :Unexpected antibodies were detected from 234 samples (0.84%) out of 28,944 samples. After exclusion of samples from same patients, 185 patients had unexpected antibodies. Identification of unexpected antibodies were performed from 108 patients. Antibody that was detected most frequently was anti-E (36.1%), followed by anti-C and anti-Lea (6.5%), anti-c (4.6%), anti-D (3.7%), anti-Jkb (3.0%), anti-Jka, anti-S, anti-Xga (1.9%), anti-e, anti-Fya, anti-M, anti-Jsa and anti-Lub (0.9%). 15 patients (13.9%) had autoantibodies and 20 cases (18.5%) could not be identified by LISS/Coombs method.
Conclusion :The frequency of unexpected antibodies at our hospital was 0.84%, and the most identified unexpected antibodies were clinically significant. Therefore, antibody screening and identification tests are critical step in pre-transfusion test.
Background s:In recent years, the incidence of tuberculosis has increased mainly in high-risk populations. Classical laboratory diagnostic methods for tuberculosis have low sensitivity and time consuming procedures. Thus, it is important to identify the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the clinical specimens earlier than the culture results for the decision to initiate anti-tuberculosis therapy. Lee et al. reported a species-specific repeated sequence from a Korean M. tuberculosis isolate, which was later proved to be a part of REP13E12 repetitive sequence.
Materials and Methods:In this study, we compared the acid-fast staining, culture, Amplicor MTB (Roche), and REP13E12 PCR for detection of M. tuberculosis using 88 clinical samples. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were compared.
Results :REP13E12 PCR showed equivalent score to Amplicor MTB. Both PCR-based methods showed better score than conventional stain and culture methods.
Conclusion :This result suggested that REP13E12 PCR is helpful for the rapid detection of the M. tuberculosis from clinical specimens.
Background :Dental implantation has become predictable treatment for dental prosthodontics. But maxillary posterior jaw region is often complicated by the pneumatization of the maxillary sinus and physiological resorption of the alveolar bone. When this occurs, the residual bone between the floor of the sinus and the crestal ridge is inadequate for the placement of implants. The sinus lift and sinus floor elevation with osteotome procedures provide a way to increase the amount of available bone and to allow the placement of longer implants.
Materials & methods:We studied 26 patients requiring the implant placements and the maxillary sinus elevation simultaneously from 1996 to 2007 in our clinic. Twenty were males and six were females, aged from 25 to 73 (mean=52.3). Fourteen patients had medical compromised states; angina pectoris, diabetes, hypertension, hepatitis, Penicillin allergy. All of the patients didn’t show any pathologic findings clinically or radiographically. We studied the success and survival rate of implants and factors increasing the osseointegrating capacity of implants.
Results :The success rate of osseointegration of implants with the maxillary sinus lift was 94%. The success rate of osseointegration of implants with the maxiilary sinus floor elevation used osteotome was 100%. At least 6 months after loading on implants, the survival rate of implants with the maxillary sinus lift was 82.3% and the survival rate of implants with the maxillary sinus floor elevation used osteotome was 100%. Autogenous bone graft and adequate residual bone height (>6mm) increased survival rate of implants.
Conclusion :Successful implant placement with maxillary sinus lift and maxillary sinus floor elevation used osteotome mainly depends on sufficient residual bone height, healthy maxillary sinus, autogenous bone graft.
Background :Inductive coupling links are frequently used for powering of implanted devices for functional electrical stimulation (FES) and cochlear. They are used in applications where implanted batteries are not capable of supplying a sufficient amount of power over the time of implantation or where continuous data exchange with external components is necessary like in a leg pacemaker.
Materials and Methods:This paper describes an inductive power transmission link, which was developed for an implantable stimulator for direct stimulation of denervated muscles. The carrier frequency is around 1 MHz, the transmitter coil has a diameter of 46 mm, and the implant coil is 46 mm. Data transmission to the implant with amplitude shift keying (ASK) and back to the transmitter with passive telemetry can be added without major design changes.
Results :We chose the range of coil spacing (2 to 30 mm) to care for lateral misalignment, as it occurs in practical use. If the transmitter coil has a well defined and reliable position in respect to the implant, a smaller working range might be sufficient. Under these conditions the link can be operated in fixed frequency mode, and reaches even higher efficiencies of up to 37%. The link transmits a current of 50 mA over a distance range of 2-15 mm with an efficiency of more than 20% in tracking frequency.
Conclusion :The efficiency of the link was optimized with different approaches. A class E transmitter was used to minimize losses of the power stage. The geometry and material of the transmitter coil was optimized for maximum coupling. Phase lock techniques were used to achieve frequency tracking, keeping the transmitter optimally tuned at different coupling conditions caused by coil distance variations.