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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 16(2); 1999 > Article
Original Article The Psychiatric Consideration on the Mind in the Treatise of Awakening Mahayana Faith.
Jin sung Kim
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1999;16:255.
Published online: December 31, 1999
Department of Psychiatry College of Medicine, Yeungnam Univercity, Taegu, Korea.
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The author investigated the structural theory of the mind. the origin of psychopathology. the resolving stage of the psychopathology. and nature of the true mind in the human mind. METHODS: the author reviewed the "Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana"by Mamyung and "The Commentary on the Treatise of Awakening Mahayana Faith" and "Expository Notes on the Treatise of Awakening Mahayana Faith" by Wonhyo. RESULTS: The author of the Treatise insistod on bellieving the true mind in the human being. Also in the treatise, Alayavijnana explained the harmonized mind of the true mind and the ignorant mind. The ignorant mind as the source of fundamental ignorance. which results in peripheral ignorance arising from the ego in relation with the extenal world. Also, he explains the origin of ignorance and encourages to abandon the deep attachment to ignorance. The developing and resolving stages of ignorance are similar to the developing and resolving stage of psychopathology. CONCLUSION: The author insists on the psychiatric application of the mind theory in the "Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana", "The Commentary on the Treatise of Awakening Mahayana Faith". and "Expository Notes on the Treatise of Awakening Mahayana Faith". Also. the author encourages deep faith of the true human mind.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science