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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 5(1); 1988 > Article
Original Article Physico-chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Tap Water in the Apartment in Taegu City.
Seok Bhum Kim, Pock Soo Kang, Jong Hak Chung
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1988;5:69.
Published online: June 30, 1988
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The drinking water in apartment is stored in reservoir tank and thereafter supplied each household. In case the drinking water in stored too long or insanitary, tap water might change in quality. This study was carried out to evaluate the physic-chemical and microbiological conditions of 36 samples of tap water of apartments compared to 18 samples of tap water of independence houses in Taegu City from May to October, 1987. Main findings are summarized as follows: PH values were within normal range in all samples. Samples less than 0.2ppm in residual chlorine accounted for 16.7% in the apartment and 5.6% in the independence house. Nitrite nitrogen was detected 2.8% of apartment samples only. Among the total of 54 samples, 11.1% of the apartment and independence samples were over the normal value in standard plate count. Samples more than 1.8 of most probable number (MPN) accounted for 27.8% in the apartment and 33.3% in the independence house. In result of test for residual chlorine, nitrite nitrogen, standard plate count, and MPN, the proportion of the samples revealed inappropriate in respect of drinking water standards. In case of all sorts of tests was 2.7% in apartment and nothing in independence houses, in case of 3 sorts of tests was 2.7% in apartment and 5.6% in independence houses, in case of 2 sorts of tests was 8.3% in apartment and 5.6% in independence houses, and in case of only 1 test was 25.0% in apartment and 22.2% in independence houses. Correlation between residual chorine and standard plate count, and between standard plate count and MPN were observed. It was found that the more years since construction of apartment were, the worse tap water was in quality.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science