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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 5(1); 1988 > Article
Original Article Isolation of the Legionella Species from Specimens of Cooling Tower Water.
Jong Hak Chung, Pock Soo Kang, Seok Bhum Kim, Jun Sakong
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1988;5:77.
Published online: June 30, 1988
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The principal mode of the transmission of Legionnaires disease is an inhalation of the cooling tower water droplets in which Legionellae exist. As a central cooling system is popularized in many public buildings and large buildings nowadays, the number of cooling towers in rapidly increasing. Therefore the possibility of an outbreak of Legionnaires disease is likely increased. To determine the presence of Legionella in cooling tower water as the first step for the prevention of Legionnaires disease, 48 samples of cooling tower water were taken from 24 buildings in Taegu city in July and September 1987. Three samples out of 24 water samples in September yielded Legionella but it was not isolated in the samples of July. Isolated 3 Legionellas were identified as Legionella peumophila. It seems that Legionella from the cooling tower will be isolated more frequently in late summer than early because central cooling system is stopped operation during winter season which in cool. As based on our survey, Legionnaires disease can occur in Taegu city and if it happens it is most likely due to L. pneumophila.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science