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Won Kyu Park 7 Articles
Nonsegmental Abnormal Arterial Attenuation : Transient Hyperperfusion of the Peripheral Zone of the Liver on Arterial Dominant Phase
Won Kyu Park, Jay Chun Chang, Jae Woon Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S310-318.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Purpose:This study was done to arrange the cases showing temporally hyperperfusion in the periphery of the liver, to check the etiology and mechanism, and to find out the new radiologic role on diffuse liver disease. Materials and Methods:We reviewed 12 cases of showing transient arterial hyperperfusion in the just peripheral portion of the liver on the arterial dominant phase on dynamic CT and the absence of abnormal perfusion between central and peripheral portion on tissue equilibrium phase. We retrospectively analyzed final diagnosis and the presence of main portal vein thrombi, and cavernous transformation.
:Final diagnosis in 12 cases was as follows: diffuse liver disease was in seven cases, pancreatitis in three and pyogenic portal thrombosis in two. Main portal vein thrombosis were detected all cases of pancreatitis and pyogenic portal thrombosis. In seven diffuse liver disease, two cases shown thrombosed, two cases shown normal and the other cases are collapsed. Cavernous transformation was in three cases of pancreatitis and two of diffuse liver disease.
:We think that the causes of this phenomenon maybe as follows: the difference of the hemodynamic compensation mechanism between central and peripheral zone of the liver, presence of microscopic thrombi in peripheral portal branch which cannot be detected by imaging technique, hypercoagulability in portal area, the systematic destruction of terminal portal branch and the development of ectopic portal pathway.
A Case of Reversed Intestinal Rotation
Won Kyu Park, Jae Ho Cho, Jay Chun Chang, Jae Woon Kim, Mi Soo Hwang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S632-635.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Diagnosis and treatment of a patient with a congenital anomaly of the midgut with persistent symptom in adult can be difficult because it is particularly in adults. Reversed rotation of the midgut is the rarest of all malrotation anomalies. We report a case of reversed intestinal rotation and review the embryology, clinical presentation, and radiographic findings of this disorder. Although this anomaly is rare, it may be diagnosed by the knowledge of embryology and anatomy.
Cystic Dystrophy in Heterotopic Pancreas of Duodenal Wall -A Case Report-
Mi Jin Gu, Won Kyu Park, Yeung Kyong Bae, Jae Ho Cho, Jay Chun Chang, Jae Woon Kim, Kil Ho Cho, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park, Joon Hyuk Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S647-651.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Cystic dystrophy is an uncommon, benign poorly understood disease. It is characterized by the development of cysts in heterotopic pancreatic tissue. A 57-year-old-man was hospitalized for abdominal pain for a week. He is a heavy alcohol drinker. There was a cyst at second portion of duodenum on CT. Under the impression of peptic ulcer perforation, Whipple’s operation was performed. Grossly, a cystic space, measuring 3.0 cm in diameter, was noted within the thickened duodenal wall. Microscopically, the cyst was lined by columnar epithelium and granulation tissue and embedded in ectopic pancreatic tissue. The adjacent pancreatic tissue showed focal chronic pancreatitis.
A Case of Vascular Anomaly in Swine: Infrahepatic Caudal/Inferior Vena Cava Interruption with Azygos/Hemiazygos Continuation
Won Kyu Park, Kil Ho Cho
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S719-724.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Absence of caudal/inferior vena cava (CVC/IVC) with azygos/hemiazygos continuation is an uncommon vascular anomaly. To the best of the investigators knowledge, this is the first report of absence of CVC/IVC with azygos/hemiazygos continuation in the swine in the world. In this case, absence of CVC/IVC was confirmed by venography and necropsy. The recognition of this congenital venous anomaly (CVC/IVC interruption with azygos/hemiazygos continuation) is important for interventional radiologist and cardiologist.
The Effect of Percutaneous Bilateral Metalic Stent for Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma.
Kum Rae Kim, Joo Hyung Kim, Won Kyu Park, Jay Chun Jang, Jae Ho Cho, Tae Nyen Kim, Jun Hwan Kim, Byeng Ik Jang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2005;22(2):211-220.   Published online December 31, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a percutaneously placed self-expanding metallic stent for the relief of biliary obstruction in patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From November 2001 to December 2004, 48 patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma were prospectively studied. After percutaneous placement of bilateral self- expanding, uncovered metallic stents, follow-up evaluation was carried out until July 2005. RESULTS: There were 4 cases of Bismuth type II, 21 cases of Bismuth type IIIa, 8 cases of Bismuth type IIIb and 15 cases of Bismuth type IV. Stent placement was technically successful in all patients. All patients had satisfactory biliary drainage, resulting in one week drainage rate of 72.8% and final drainage rate of 91.1%. There were 12 cases (21.3%) of abdominal pain requiring analgesics and 1 case (7.1%) of cholangitis; both were successfully managed with conservative treatments. Late complications occurred in four patient (8.3%), including two patients with cholangitis, one patient with liver abscess, and one patient with biloma; all were appropriately managed by percutaneous drainage. The average length and median durations of stent patency and Median Survival Time Were 303 Days (Range, 60~815) And 338 Days (Range, 60~1175), Respectively. CONCLUSION: Placement of a percutaneous metallic stent is an effective and safe method for palliation of patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma.


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  • A Comparison of Y-Type and T-Type Metallic Bilateral Biliary Stents in Patients with Malignant Hilar Biliary Obstruction
    Esther Koh, Gong Yong Jin, Seung Bae Hwang, Eun Jung Choi, Ji Soo Song, Young Min Han, Keun Sang Kwon
    Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology.2013; 68(4): 297.     CrossRef
Significance of the AFP Level and HBsAg in Differentiation of Hepatic Masses.
Jae Woon Kim, Won Kyu Park, Jae Ho Cho, Jae Chun Chang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1996;13(2):302-307.   Published online December 31, 1996
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Hepatic masses show different enhancing patterns in N bolus computed tomography: Hepatocellular carcinoma shows high-attenuation in the early enhancing phase and low-attenuation in the late enhancing phase, hemangioma shows peripheral dot-like high-attenuation in the early enhancing phase and central high-attenuation in the late enhancing phase, and metastatic cancer and cholangiocelluar carcinoma show peripheral high-attenuation rim in the early enhancing phase and central portion gradulally high attenuation in the late enhancing phase. but sometimes enhancing patterns of the hepatic masses are confuse. To evaluate the significance of the AFP level and HBsAg in differentiation of the hepatic masses, we retrospectively analyzed AFP level and HBsAg' in 228 pathologically or radiologically confirmed hepatocellular carcinomas, and 137 pathologically nonhepatocellular cacinomas. The results were as follows In hepatocellular carcinoma, AFP level above 20ng/ml was 77.8% and HBsAg positve was 72.6%. In nonhepatocellular carcinoma, AFP level above 20ng/ml was 3.7% and HBsAg positve was 16.1%. We concluded that AFP level and HBsAg are helpful to distinguish hepatocellular carcinoma from nonhepatocellular carcinoma, when IV bolus computed tomogram finding is uncertain.
Use of Sonography in the Differential Diagnosis between Phylloides Tumor and Giant Fibroadenoma.
Jong Oh Choi, Jae Woon Kim, Won Kyu Park, Mi Soo Hwang, Bok Hwan Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1996;13(2):295-301.   Published online December 31, 1996
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Phylloides tumor is very similar to giant fibroadenoma in that they have benign appearance in breast radiologic image. Fibroadenoma has no malignant potential, but phylloides tumor is locally recurrent, invasive and may occasionally metastasize. It thus appears that evaluation of the differential point of the two tumor groups by radiologic study is very important. We retrospectively compared sonographic find;.ngs of 6 cases of phylloides tumor with those of 4 cases of fibroadenoma, which proved pathologically in Ye mgnam University Hospital from 1984 to 1986. The mean age of the patients were 31.8 years old(from 14 to 41 years old) in phylloides tumor and 28.8 years old (from 17 to 40 years old) in giant fibroadenoma, respectively. The viewpoints of this analysis were size, shape and contour of the masses, internal echo pattern, posterior enhancement, and especially the existence of peripheral cyst or septal band echo. We found that diffenentiation of these two tumors by sonography was difficult. But peripheral cyst was found only in phylloides tumor and septal band echo was found largely in giant fibroadenoma. Although the existence of peripheral cyst or septal band echo in the breast mass was not pathognomonic findings, we suggest that the existence of septal band echo is preferential finding to fibroadenoma, and peripheral cyst is preferential finding to phylloides tumor.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science