- Homogeneity of Phospholipase C of Bovine Uterus and Seminal Vesicle Compared with Brain Isozymes.
Jung Hye Kim, Ki Yung Lee, Sue Goo Rhee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(2):37-45. Published online December 31, 1988
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1988.5.2.37
- Phosphoinositide-specific Phospholipase C (PI-PLC) is a second messenger of signal transducer on cell membrane. In the previous study, PLC of bovine brain has been purified three isozymes. In this paper, uterus and seminal vesicle have been purified. Two peaks of PI-PLC activity were resolved when bovine uterus and seminal vesicle proteins were chromatographed on a DEAE and phenyl TSK 5PW HPLC column. Each two peak was compared with PI-PLC I, II and III from bovine brain and we got the retention time on HPLC. The peak fractions with PLC activity were tested homogeneity with brain PLC monoclonal antibodies (Mab). Mab-labeled affigels were bounded in the range of 73.8%~97.5% with PLC I, II and III. Homogeneity of fractions were revealed that DEAE F-1 and phenyl F-1-I were highest level of PLC III in uterus and seminal vesicle and DEAE F-2 and phenyl F-2-I were mixed PLC I and II.