- A case of free-floating left atrial ball thrombus in mitral stenosis.
Young Jin Kim, Tea Il Lee, Kyo Won Choi, Seung Ho Kang, Dong Gu Sin, Young Jo Kim, Bong Sup Shim, Hyun Woo Lee, Eun Pyo Hong
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1993;10(1):237-244. Published online June 30, 1993
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1993.10.1.237
- A free-floating ball thrombus in the left atrium is a rare complication of the mitral valvular disease. A 53-year-old man was admitted for pain and paresthesia on both legs. On admission he had auscultatory sign of mitral stenosis and mitral regurgitation, and the roentgenogram of his chest revealed a slight pulmonary ve..ous congestion, enlargement of the pulmonary conus and cardiomegaly. Laboratory findings including complete blood counts, coagulation studies and blood chemistry were normal. An echocardiographic examination revealed a mitral stenosis and a free-floating ball thrombus in the left atrium. We performed the emergent open heart surgery for removal of the ball thrombus and mitral replacement successfuly with Duromedics 29 mm valve. The size of thrombus was 39 X 32 X 30 mm.
- Comparision of signal - averaged electrocardiography (SAECG) determined by flank lead system (FLS) and pyramidal lead system (PLS) in healthy young adults.
Byeong Ik Jang, Seung Ho Kang, Hyeung Il Kim, Dong Gu Sin, Young Jo Kim, Bong Sup Shim, Hyun Woo Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1993;10(1):179-189. Published online June 30, 1993
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1993.10.1.179
- It has recently become possible to record electrical activity originationg from abnormally conducting myocardium from the body surface with high-gain amplification and averaging technique. These signals, which result from delayed ventricular activation(late potentials), have been recorded in patients with documented ventricular tachyarrythmia. Several electrode lead system for detecting ventricular late potential were introduced. Pyramidal electrode lead system(PLS) is useful. Also interpretation of SAECG in the young could be of value in detecting those at risk for episodic ventricular tachycardia, but suffer from a lack of data in normal young people. There was no difference between normal values, determined by FLS and PLS at high pass filtering of 25 Hz and 80 Hz, but significant, difference was found in HFLAD and RMS-40 of 40 Hz (p<0.05). These results will provide a basis for interpretations of SAECG, determined by FLS and PLS in healthy young adults with normal QRS duration. SELECTION OF SUBJECTS: For this study, normal healthy young adult volunteers (age : mean 24 years) were recruited from the medical students at Yeungnam University Hospital, Internal Medicine. Twenty fourths male and seventeenths female subjects were selected. All subjects had normal resting ECGs as judged from both the standard 12 channel lead and echocardiography, and none had a history of cardiovascular disease. All subjects were considered to be in good general physical condition. SIGNAL-AVERAGED ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY: In order to obtain low noise recordings with a small number of averaging cycles, all subject ware asked to relax completely in the supine position. Silver/silver chloride electrodes were attached after the skin was cleaned with alcohol, to constitute classic flank lead system(FLS) and pyramidal lead system(PLS). Signals were recorded and processed using a commercially available microprocessor-augmented ECG cart(Marquette Electronics, USA) suitable for portable bedside recording.
- Toxic effect of azalea extract on cardiovascular system.
Jun Ha Chun, Sung Bok Chung, Seung Ho Kang, Yeong Jo Kim, Bong Sub Shim, Hyun Woo Lee, Dong Gu Shin, Jong Min Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(2):52-62. Published online December 31, 1991
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1991.8.2.52
- The toxic effect of azalea extract, especially on cardiovascular system, in relatively unclear. The purpose of this study is to study the possible underlying mechanism and effect of toxic ingredient of azalea on cardiovascular system. The 71 healthy rabbits were divided into 10 groups: In group as preliminary study; 4 cc of normal saline was administered intravenously (N); 0.7 gm/kg and 1.0 gm/kg of azalea extract was administered respectively in the same route, volume (A1, A2); atropine was administered intravenously (A); after pretreatment with atropine (0.04 mg/kg) to block parasympathetic system, azalea extract was injected like the above groups (AA1, AA2); normal saline, 0.7 gm/kg and 1.0 gm/kg of azalea extract were administered respectively with 0.2 cc (1:1000) epinephrine (E0, E1, E2). We measured the following indices at I minute interval during first 10 minutes and then 10 minute interval during next 30 minutes: RR interval, QTc interval, maximal systolic and diastolic pressure drop with occurring time and presence of significant arrhythmia. The results were as follows: 1. The changes of RR interval, QTc interval were significantly increased in groups by Azalea extract. The blood pressure change was significantly decreased in groups by Azalea extract. There were no significant differences according to dosage of Azalea extract. 2. The changes of RR interval, blood pressure were significant differences between administration of atropine and Azalea extract after pretreatment with atropine, but not in the change of QTc interval. 3. There were no significant differences in the change of RR interval, ATc interval, blood pressure drop according to pretreatment with atropine. 4. The interaction between epinephrine and Azalea extract was not noted by the effect of epinephrine itself. 5. The ST change by 0.7 gm/kg, 1.0 gm/kg of Azalea extract was revealed in 1 case (14.0%), 7 case (100%), respectively. 6. Most of all cases with arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, were noted in the group by epinephrine, except on case by Azalea extract (1.0 gm/kg). It was idioventricular rhythm. In conclusion, azalea extract has negative inotropic and chronotropic effect with arrhythmogenic potential possibly through direct myocardial ischemia or injury but we can't be absolutely exclusive of actions of autonomic nervous system, especially parasympathetic nervous system.