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Seung Douck Cheung 1 Article
A Study on Obsessin & Lie in College Freshmen.
Jin Sung Kim, Byung Tak Park, Jong Bum Lee, Jung Hoon Lee, Seung Douck Cheung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(1):111-125.   Published online June 30, 1988
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The authors studied obsession, using Derogatis'SCL-90, and lie tendency using MMPI, in the subjects of 2586 male and 1206 female college freshmen of Yeungnam University. The authors collected the reports of self-rating Obsession scale and Lie scale during the periods from January to February, 1988, and applied ANOVA and t-test on obsession and lie scores in order to compare than between various psychosocial factor, and sexes. The results as follows: 1. There was not significant difference in the mean average of total obsession scores between male and female students: male students scored 10.26±5.21 m female students scored 10.54±5.01. 2. High scored items were doubting, indecisiveness, inattention, obsessive thoughts and preoccupation with accuracy. 3. 37 male students (1.4%) showed high obsession scores of 25 or higher, while 9 female students (0.7%) showed the same scores. 4. There was strong tendency toward higher obsession scores in the students who were dissatisfied with their home atmosphere, college, department and familiarity of parents and those who had pessimistic view of self in the past, present of future in both group (respectively P<0.001). The male students who attended the department of fine arts, who grew at the Up& Whose educational fees were paid by brothers & sisters showed higher level of obsession scores (respectively P<0.05, P<0.05, P<0.01). The female students who grew at the Myun & who were self-cook showed higher level of obsession scores (respectively P<0.05). 5. There was not significant difference in the mean averages of total lie scores between male and female students: male students scored 4.73±2.49, female students scored 4.70±2.16. 6. High scored items were NO. 14, 8, 11, 9 and 1 in the table 6. 7. 98 male students (3.7%) showed high lie scores of 70 or high, while 27 female students (2.2%) showed the same scores. 8. There was strong tendency toward higher lie scores in the students who were satisfied with their home atmosphere, college, department and familiarity of parents and those who had optimistic view of self in the past, present or future in both group(respectively P<0.001). The students who attended the department of pharmacy, music, evening programs showed higher level of lie scores (P<0.05).

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science