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Kyung Ho Lee 7 Articles
Correction of Malunited Fracture of Zygoma Through Limited Incisions.
young Ha Kim, Sung Ho Kim, Jeung Hyun Sel, Kyung Ho Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1996;13(1):22-31.   Published online June 30, 1996
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It is difficult to get a satisfactoryresult for the correction of malunited fracture of zygoma. Triple osteotomy and reposition of malunited zygoma is accepted as the better surgical method than camouflage surgery by means of onlays, if the orbital floor is to be reconstructed. The surgical approach can be divided into bicoronal, periorbital, intraoral and old scar. In 7 patients with malunited fracture of zygoma, the authors used a limited approach through extension of periorbital incision and intraoral incision instead of wide exposure including bicoronal incision. And we performed triple wteotomy and advancement of zygoma complex. The patients were followed for 4.5 months with acceptable result, and this approach was an effective method for the relatively simple tripod typemalunited fracture of zygoma. The authors obtained following conclusions: 1. Preoperative evaluation through thorough measurement of X-rays, investigation of photographs and detail communication with the patients was an important process.
Resurfacing of the Open Wound of the Hand with Free Arterialized Venous Falp.
Sang Hyun Woo, Seong Eon Kim, Jae Ho Jeong, Kyung Ho Lee, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1994;11(2):303-313.   Published online December 31, 1994
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Since introduction of venous flap in 1980, many experimental studies and clinical applications of various kinds of venous flaps were reported. Venous flap has the following advantages : (1) nonbulky and goo-quality of flap (2) long & large vascular pedicle (3) easy & rapid elevation of flap (4) no sacrifice of major arteries (5) a single operative field. But, we also have some disadvantages of difficult handling of the pliable veins and the tmcertainty of flap survival. For the better result we had to design the size of the flap larger than that of defect and increase the number of draining vein to reduce the postoperative edema of the flap. We have treated the defects of soft tissue of the hand using free arterialized venous flap from the flexor aspect of the forearm & had an excellent results.
A Study for Reducing Pain from Injection of Lidocaine Hydrochloride.
Jae Ho Jeong, Kyung Ho Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1994;11(1):30-34.   Published online June 30, 1994
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Local anesthetics produce pain during infiltration into skin. The relationship between local anesthetic-induced pain and pH of the local anesthetic solution has not been fully investigated. Commercial preparation of local anesthetics are prepared as acidic solutions of the salts to promote solubility and stability. And the acidity of local anesthetic solition may be related with the pain during infiltration of the solutione. So, we tried to neutralize the lidocaine hydrochloride solution which is one of the most frequently used local anesthetic agent. Sodium bicarbonate was used for neutralization. Sodium bicarbonate was mixed with lidocaine hydrochloride until the resulting pH of the solution become 7.4 which is identical to the acidity of body fluid. To identify the effect of neutralized lidocaine solution, we had a course of double blind test to 6 volunteers. Both forearm of each volunteer were injected with neutralized lidocaine and plain one and the degree of pain was estimated by each volunteers. According to subjective description by the volinteers, everyone felt neutralized lidocaine injection site was less painful than plain lidocaine. We concluded that we could reduce pain from infiltration of lidocaine hydrochloride by neutralization of the anesthetic solution with sodium bicarbonate.
Clinical experiences on the treatment of congenital cutis aplasia and craniosynostosis.
Kyung Ho Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1993;10(2):493-505.   Published online December 31, 1993
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The congenital cutis aplasia mainly occurs in head, sometimes involving the skull and dura mater. It's cause and the rate of falling ill are not known yet, it is the disease that rate of death is high by the infection, such as, the injured vascular hemorrhange of meningitis. Craniosynostosis is the disease the appears the skull as well as the facial deformity with growing, has from the developmental difficiency, visual distibance, motor disturbance, convulsion to the neurologic impairment of mental retardation, and accompanies the each characteristic deformity follwing the suture fused. Satsifactory results was achieved by local flap surgery and conservative treatment on the infant, diagnosed as the congenital cutis aplasia. case 1 Also successful treatment experiences of craniosynostosis(oxycephaly, brachycephaly, trigonocephaly, cloverleaf deformity) through the frontal bone advancement and the barrel stave asteotomy, were reviewed & pursues and investigates the intracranial volume of before and after of surgery, and then reports with the literature investigation.
Aesthetic facial bone contouring surgery in Koreans.
Sang Hyun Woo, Kyung Ho Lee, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1993;10(1):82-90.   Published online June 30, 1993
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No abstract available.
The treatment of congenital cutis aplasia.
Young Ha Kim, Gyu Ho Cha, Jae Ho Jung, Kyung Ho Lee, Jung Hyun Seul
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1992;9(2):422-426.   Published online December 31, 1992
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One case of congenital cutis aplasia is presented. The defect involved includes full-thickness skin defect of scalp and cranium. The patient was treated with debridement of dirty necrosed crust which covered exposed dura mater and with double opposing rotation flap including pericranium for bone regeneration. The donor site was covered with skin graft from right thigh. During operation, the superficial temporal artery was found to be short and weak. And after operation, the margin of flap were congested and finally necrotized. The necrotic wound was treated with conservative management. The vascular impairment is thought to be main course of congenital cutis aplasia. So we conclude that the treatment of choice is conservative management or careful flap surgery for coverage of defect area.
Pharyngoesophageal reconstruction.
Gyu Ho Cha, Jeong Cheol Kim, Kyung Ho Lee, Dong Bo Suh, Jang Su Suh
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1992;9(1):167-174.   Published online June 30, 1992
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Microvascular tissue transfers have facilitated primary closure of various complex defects after radical ablation of head and neck cancers. From Oct 1991 to Feb 1992, we used forearm free flap in two patients and delto-pectoral flap in one patient who had preoperative irradiation for pharyngoesophageal reconstruction. The stricture and fistula formation were most troublesome complication in forearm free flap, so we designed as lazy S shape in distal flap margin to prevent circular contraction and longitudinal margin was deepithelialized (5 mm) and sutured double layer to withstand fistular formation and this can be considered useful in place of a free jejuna transfer.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science