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Joon Hur 2 Articles
A Case of Small Bowel Intussusception Caused by Jejunal Hamartoma Confused as Hepatitis A in an Adult.
Joon Hur, Gu Min Cho, Young Ook Eum, Ji Young Park, Mi Sung Kim, Byung Seong Ko, Hyang Mi Shin, Seung Myoung Son
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2012;29(2):110-112.   Published online December 31, 2012
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Intussusception in adult is a rare disease and laparotomy is usually considered because of the probability of malignancy. Especially with obstruction symptom or sign, it might be needed emergency operation. This case was a simultaneous development of small bowel intussusception and acute hepatitis A. The patient had abdominal pain and vomiting. Intitial laboratory examination with elevated aminotransferase revealed that the diagnosis was acute hepatitis. As managing acute hepatitis, the abdominal pain was not improved and the patient had tenderness on periumbilical area on physical examination. A jejunal intussusception with a lead point was proved on the abdominal computed tomography scan. Fortunately, symptom of intussusception was relieved while nulli per os (NPO) and intravenous hydration. After recovery of acute hepatitis, laparotomy was done. The lead point was 2.5x3.0 cm sized hamartoma. This was the case that the symptom of intussusception was confused with that of acute hepatitis.
Rhabdomyolysis and Mild Kidney Injury in a Patient with Acute Hepatitis A.
Gu Min Cho, Chang Wook Kim, Hyeonjin Seong, Joon Hur, Bu Seok Jeon, Jonghwan Lee, Eun Hui Sim, Seok Jong Lee, Chang Don Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2012;29(1):28-30.   Published online June 30, 2012
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A 48-year-old male visited the emergency room of the authors' hospital due to nausea, vomiting, and myalgia for four days. Acute hepatitis A was identified from the serologic marker of the hepatitis A virus. Mild elevation of the serum creatinine and creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) suggested rhabomyolysis, which was confirmed with the serum aldolase, myoglobin, and urine myoglobin. With supportive care, both the liver and renal functions were recovered gradually and fully. This case shows that rhabdomyolysis can be one of the mechanisms of renal complication in cases of acute symptomatic hepatitis A.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science