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Jin Young Moon 3 Articles
Comparison of Three Third-generation Anti-HCV Enzyme Immunoassay Tests.
Hee Soon Cho, Jin Young Moon, Chae Hoon Lee, Kyung Dong Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1998;15(1):143-150.   Published online June 30, 1998
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The aim of this study was to evaluate domestic enzyme immunoassay(EIA) kit ?LG HCD 3.0?(LG) for the detection of antibody to hepatitis C virus(anti-HCV) in comparision with Axsym HCV version 3.0(Axsym), Cobas Core anti-HCV EIA(Cobas). Cobas kit shows better clear distinction between positive and negative by signal/cutoff ratio(S/C), but it also reveal relatively high false positive rate. The concordance rate of test results between LG and Axsym was 96.2%, between LG and Cobas was 95.5%, and total agreement between three EIA kit was 93.9%. LG were relative poor distinction between positive and negative results, but it could be applied clinically as a screening tool for hepatitis C in general population. The S/C of one false negative result by LG was 0.91, and false positive were less than 4.0, therefore we concluded it is necessary to confirm by immunoblotting assay when S/C were between 0.8 and 4.0.
8 cases of delayed onset P. vivax malaria.
Young Do Song, Jae Chun Lee, Young Hoon Hong, Eun Young Lee, Bong Jun Kim, Choong Ki Lee, Jin Young Moon
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1997;14(2):467-473.   Published online December 31, 1997
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South Korea has been free from endemic malaria by P. vivax since the mid-1980s, but malaria infections, including military outbreak in 1995, have been increasing steadily in the soldiers serving near the western part of Demilitarized Zone(DMZ) since its first resurgence in 1993. We experinced 8 cases of delayed onset P. vivax malaria in young men who had never been abroad and had no history of blood transfusion or parenteral use of drug. All the patients had served near the western part of DMZ during their military life. They were admitted to Yeungnam University hospital due to cyclic fever with chills and the clinical symptoms were developed 2 months to 11months after discharge from military service. Peripheral blood smears showed typical ring forms and trophozoites of P. vivax in red blood cell. Patients were treated with hydroxychloroquine and primaquine showing rapid clinical and hematologic responses in all cases, but 2 cases were relapsed later. We presumed that theses cases were delayed onset of P. vivax infection resulted from the recent outbreak in the western part of DMZ, in 1995. Therefore, we reported theses cases to emphasize the need of active surveillance and prevention.
Surface Marker Analysis in Acute Leukemias.
Jin Young Moon, Chae Hoon Lee, Kyung Dong Kim, Chung Sook Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1997;14(2):359-369.   Published online December 31, 1997
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We studied the expression of the cell surface antigen associated with myeloid and lymphoid leukemias on bone marrow or peripheral blood blast cells from 153 leukemic patients including 61 cases of acute myelogenous leukemias(AML), 46 of acute lymphocytic leukemias(ALL) and 12 of acute leukemias. They were analyzed by direct or indirect immunofluorescence method for reactivity with the monoclonal antibodies to B cells(CD10, CD19, SmIg), T cells(CD2, CD5, CD7, CD3, CD4, CD8), myeloid antigen(CD13, CD14, CD33, CD61) and a nonspecific antigen, HLA-DR. Lymphoid associated markers detected on AML is CD7 32.8%, CD10 14.8%, CD5 13.1%, CD2 6.6% and CD19 1.6%. TdT was positive in 4.9% of AMLs. Hybrid leukemias were 8 cases out 61 AML cases and were mainly composed of monocytic lineage, M4 and M5a. Myeloid markers detected in ALL were CD13 2.2% and CD33 2.2%. In this study, immunologically classified ALLs were composed of 65.2% of CALLA (+) B precursor type, 10.9% of CALLA (-) B precursor pattern, 8.7% of T cell type, 2.2% of B cell type, 4.5% of mixed lymphoid lineage(B&T), 2.2% of undifferentiated leukemia, and 6.5% of hybrid leukemia. Twelve cases of acute leukemias ware finally diagnosed to be 5 cases of hybrid leukemia, 3 cases of B lineage, 3 case of T lineage and 1 case of mixed lymphoid(B&T) leukemia. In summary, we think the best method for typing acute leukemias is by using a combination of FAB classification and immunophenotying.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science