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Jaehwang Kim 1 Article
Risk Factors of Acute Renal Failure after Colorectal Surgery.
Hae Mi Lee, Chang Jae Hwang, Jaehwang Kim, Heung Dae Kim, Dae Pal Park, Il Suk Seo, Sun Ok Song, Sae Yeon Kim, Deuk Hee Lee, Daelim Jee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2):275-286.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Acute renal failure is one of the leading causes of postoperative morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors that are associated with acute renal failure after colorectal surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Five hundred seventy patients who operated colorectal surgery at the Yeungnam University Medical Center over three years from 2004 to 2006 were enrolled in this study. The effects of gender, age, ASA classification, concomitant disease, surgery type and duration, reoperation, urogenital manipulation, medication, hypotension, hypovolemia, transfusion, and postoperative ventilatory care on the occurrence of acute renal failure after colorectal surgery were studied. RESULTS: The major risk factors of acute renal failure after colorectal surgery were age of patients (P=0.003), ASA classification (P<0.001), concomitant disease (P<0.001), duration of the time surgery (P=0.034), reoperation (P=0.001), use of intraoperative diuretics (P=0.005), use of postoperative diuretics (P<0.001), intraoperative hypotension (P=0.018), intraoperative transfusion (P<0.001), postoperative transfusion (P<0.001), and postoperative ventilatory care (P=0.001). CONCLUSION: Multiple factors cause synergistic effects on the development of acute renal failure after colorectal surgery. Therefore, efforts to reduce the risk factors associated with acute renal failure are needed. In addition, intensive postoperative care should be provided to all patients.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science