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Hyun Jin Shin 3 Articles
The Effects of Nanoparticles for Irradiation.
Ji Woon Yea, Hyun Jin Shin
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2011;28(2):145-152.   Published online December 31, 2011
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To evaluate the changes in the radiation dose and temperature distribution on irradiated egg albumin and nanoparticle (Fe3O4) powder mixed egg albumin. METHODS: A new type of phantom was designed by fabricating a 30x30x30cm acryl square inside a 3x3x3cm small square and dividing it into two parts. In the control group, only egg albumin was irradiated, and in the test group, 25nm 20mg/cc, 25nm 40mg/cc, and 1 um 40 mg/cc nanoparticles with egg albumin were irradiated. The radiation isodose distributions and temperature changes were then observed. RESULTS: No significant changes were observed in the radiation dose and temperature distribution. CONCLUSION: The nanoparticles were considered not to have had any effect on the radiation dose and temperature distribution under the experimental conditions. Further studies can be conducted based on the changes in the mixture material.
Two Cases of Congenital Vaginal Absence
Sung Chul Park, Hyun Jin Shin, Hyo Hyun Kim, Tae Hyung Lee, Sung Ho Lee, Doo Jin Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2007;24(2 Suppl):S710-718.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Congenital absence of vagina(Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome) is found between 1 in 4,000 and 20,000 female births, and is frequently associated with various urinary tract and skeletal anomalies. As the patients have normal ovarian functions, they appear as normal female phenotype and have normal female karyotype 46, XX. Inability of coitus is one of the main problems they have, so the goal of treatment is to create a vagina adequate to allow sexual activity. Both surgical and nonsurgical approaches have been utilized. The authors experienced two cases of congenital absence of vagina successfully treated by surgical and nonsurgical method.
Development of Multichannel On-line Thermometry System.
Sei One Shin, Hyun Jin Shin, Myung Se Kim, Sung Kyu Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1999;16(2):193-199.   Published online December 31, 1999
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Measurement of body temperature is an important parameter inpatient management in many clinical condition. Failure to reach minimal acceptable and has necessitated the application of additional therapy. The authors developed a new, simple, accurate thermometry system, which could be used to undertake precise temperature measurement for various clinical conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A new thermometry system using a specially designed temperature detecting and display system was developed. This system contains a temperature detecting sensor(LM 35CZ), which enables multiple serual checking of heat, data collection and processing computer, and 3-dimensional display system. It provides realtime volumetric visualization of temperature of a defined volume and stores and prints the data. RESULTS: With this system, temperature can be measured at multiple interesting sites simultaneously , demonstrated as a 3-dimensional temperature distribution and stored. In well-controlled, systematic experiments a significant correlation has been observed between standard temperature using this system at carious measuring points. CONCLUSION: This thermonetry system is a real-time measurement system, which can demonstrate 3-dimensional heat distribution in experimental phantom and human body and can be used for diagnosing abnormal conditions. In addition, this system reduces the nursing staff work load, providing them more time for long term care to patients.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science