Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a benign proliferative disorder of uncertain etiology that affect synovial lined joints. This disesse is an uncommon that usually afflicts the knee joint. Two types of villi are present in this disease, localized form is called ‘nodular PVNS’ and non localized form is ‘diffuse PVNS’. On microscopy, PVNS is characterized by the presence of hemosiderin-laden, multinucleated, giant cells. But plain radiograph in PVNS shows normal finding exclude effusion, so cannot help diagnosis of PVNS. We experienced a case of a 59-years-old male patient who complained multiple arthralgia, swelling, limit of motion of Lt knee. We gave diagonsis of gout with PVNS by MRI and arthroscopic procedure. So we report this case with review of literature.