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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 26(1); 2009 > Article
Original Article Radiologic Findings of Renal Oncocytomas.
Jae Ho Cho
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 2009;26:30.
Published online: June 30, 2009
Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea.
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PURPOSE: To radiologically differentiate renal oncocytoma from other renal solid tumors, we analyzed and characterized, retrogradely, radiologic findings of renal oncocytomas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Radiologic findings of pathologically proven renal oncocytoma were analyzed in 9 patients. CT was performed in all patients, ultrasonography in 4 patients and MRI in 3 patients. (51) RESULTS: On ultrasonography, the echogenicity of the mass was slightly more hyperechoic than normal renal parenchyma in all 4 cases. Two cases were homogeneous and the remaining two cases were relatively homogeneous. On CT, all 8 cases showed iso-density to slightly low density compared to normal renal parenchyma and 5 cases were homogeneous but the central portion of the mass was of a slightly lower density than the peripheral portion in 3 cases. All six cases had an arterial phase scan and were heterogeneously enhanced. An irregular, lower-enhancing portion was found in the central portion of the mass. Segmental inversion of contrast enhancement was found in 5 of 6 cases that had a dynamic enhancement study. On MR T1-weighted imaging, the mass was of iso-signal intensity to normal renal parenchyma and the central portion of the mass had a slightly hypo-signal intensity than the peripheral portion. On T2-weighted imaging, 2 cases were heterogeneous; the peripheral portion was of low signal intensity and the central portion was of higher signal intensity than normal renal parenchyma. One case was relatively homogeneous and showed a slightly lower signal intensity than that of normal renal parenchyma, except for a central small portion showing high signal intensity. For 2 cases that had a dynamic study, a segmental inversion of contrast enhancement was noted. CONCLUSION: Renal oncocytoma is seen as a well-marginated solid mass lesion. On enhanced scans it is heterogeneously enhanced and segmental inversion of contrast enhancement may be seen. The possibility of oncocytoma can be suggested in cases showing these radiologic findings.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science