The emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens is a serious clinical problem in the treatment of infectious diseases that increase mortality, morbidity, hospitalization length, and the cost of healthcare. In particular, Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major etiologic pathogen of pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media, and meningitis. As the definition of penicillin resistance to S. pneumoniae was recently changed, macrolide-resistant S. pneumoniae is a major resistant pathogen in the community. Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant strains are associated with incorrect use of antibiotics and critical clinical outcomes. For the appropriate use of antibiotics to treat infections, physicians always should have up-to-date information on the current epidemiologic status of antibiotic resistance for common pathogens and their susceptibility to antimicrobials. Appropriate selection of antimicrobials, strict control of infection, vaccination, and development of a feasible national policy of infection control are important strategies for the control of antimicrobial resistance. This review article focuses on the current status of antibiotic-resistant S. pneumoniae in community-acquired pneumonia in Korea.