55 consecutive anatrophic nephrolithotomies on 53 patients performed between July, 1983 and June, 1990 were reviewed. The patients (36 male and 19 female) ranged in age from 3 to 72 years. The operation time averaged 219.8 minutes with a range of 120-330 minutes, and the ischemic time ranged between 20 and 90 minutes, with a mean of 43.5 minutes. Postoperative complications developed in 18 patients, which were such as persistent urinary tract infection in 5cases (9.4%), atelectasis in 4 (7.5%), transient urine leak in 2 (3.8%), delayed bleeding in 2 (3.8%) and urinary retention in 2 (3.8%). Postoperative residual stones were identified in 15 (27.3%), but in 8 of these 15patients stones were delivered spontaneously and thus 48 of 55 cases (87.3%) became stone free. The recurrence of stone was noted in 2 out of 48 patients during the short follow up period. Anatrophic nephrolithotomy seems to be an effective method compared to other procedure because of decreasing recurrence of stone by complete stone removal and reconstruction of abnormal collecting system.