Since discovery of X-rays, radiotherapy has evolved into one of the most scientific branches of medicine and has established its role as the primary line or the secondary line of attack, after surgery,. in the treatment of malignant cancers. Nowadays its importance is illustrated by the fact that as many as 70 per cent of all pastients with cancer will receive radiation therapy at sometime during their disease process. Biologic effects-of X-rays began to be apparant soon after the discovery by Roentgen in 1895. In clinical radiotherapy, the biologic endpoint of most importance is loss of cellular reproductive ability or clonogenicity. One of the commonest ;nays to assess cell survival is to use an in vitro plating assay. We analyzed radiation effect on colony formation of HaLa. S3(SC) cell line and obtained results are as follows The plating efficiency is 0.464. The shape of cell survival curve is similar to multi-target plus single hit component model. Estimated values of Do, Dq, and extrapolation number are 150 cGy, 80 cGy and 1.7 respectively. We reported these experimental data with review of literature.