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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 11(1); 1994 > Article
Original Article A Study on Eating Behavior of Students in Adolescents.
Jong Bum Lee, Hyung Bae Park, Hee Chang Lee
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1994;11:135.
Published online: June 30, 1994
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To evaluate the relationship between eating behavior and neurotic trait in middle school students, the authors applied eating scale, Middlesex Hospital Puestionaire and Zung's self-reting depression scale to 419 middle school students(male : 187, female : 232) in Taegu city in 1993. There was no significant relationship between weight devided groups. Female middle school students showed significant high scores(p<0.05) in all scales compared to male middle school students. The correlation between eating scale and the other two scales showed significant correlationship(p<0.05) Among psychosocial factors, the items related to dissatisfaction to present and future self image(each p<0.05, p<0.05), dissatisfaction to present environmental status(p<0.05) and dissatisfaction to future attitude showed significant high score in both sex. The item related to dissatisfaction to present interpersonal relationship (p<0.05) showed significant high score in male middle school students. The items related to eat consumption rate of 61-90% (p<0.05), unsatisfied to relationship with family(p<0.05), unsatisfied to childhood family atmosphere(p<0.05), unsatisfied to past self image(p<0.05) and unsatisfied to present relationship between parent(p<0.05) showed significant high score.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science