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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 16(2); 1999 > Article
Original Article Analysis of Arrival Information and Status of the Patients in Emergency Department.
Sam Beom Lee, Byung Soo Do
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1999;16:277.
Published online: December 31, 1999
Department of Emergency Medicine College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Taegu, Korea.
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For effective and systematic management of patients in the emergency department (ED), the data on patient arrival and status in DE of Yeungnam University Hospital were evaluated, MATERIALS AND METHODS: During the seven days form Apr. 1 to. 7 , 1998, the general patient information such as onset time and place, factors associated with transportation. causes of admission, cared department and patient disposition were recorded. RESULTS: Total of 464 patients visited the ED during the seven days, and the mean number of patients per day was 66.3 Male to female ratio was 1:0.71. Daily staying patients were 17.3 and 83.6 patients were cared totally each day. The methods of transportation and distribution of patients according to region and event were as follows: visit by walk (57.3%), transportation by car(58.0%),place of event in residence(85.3%), regional distribution in Taegu(81.5%), and direct visit(97.4%). Cause of admission due to diseases was 74.6%. The percentages of department which cared the patients were internal medicine 26.6%, pediatrics 16.8%, orthopedics 8.6%, neurology 8.2%, neurosurgery 7.8% and other department including emergency medicine 8.2%, respectively. Patient dispositions were admission 38.4%, discharge 61.0% and death on arrival(DOA) 0.6%, but referred-patient-to -another-hospital was zero. CONCLUSION: Improvements in several aspects of ED's caring system such as "fast tracking" system and reinforcement of disease and trauma caring system, would be helpful for effective management of emergency patients.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science