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Original Article Design of a New Applicator for High-Dose Rate Vaginal Brachytherapy.
Sei One Shin
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 2000;17:123.
Published online: December 31, 2000
Department of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Taegu Korea.
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PURPOSE: This study was aimed to develop a new vaginal applicator(Shin's Applicator) for 2-channel high-dose rate vaginal brachytherapy to evaluate uniformity of surface dose, and to present 3-dimensional dose distribution of the applicator. METHODS: Shin's Applicator was inexpensively constructed using human soft tissue equivalent acrylic bar. We evaluated dose uniformity along the applicator surface using film densitometer and performed vaginal intracavitary brachytherapy after insertion of the applicator using HDR brachytherapy planning software and brachytherapy unit(Ralstron-20B). RESULTS: Shin's Applicator allows improved dose distribution than the existing 1-channel cylinder and achieves diminished urinary bladder and rectal dose by 20%. CONCLUSIONS: From the above results, it can be concluded that Shin's Applicator may be an improved form of a vaginal applicator. Furthermore, it can be suggested that this applicator has an advantage, for it prevents vaginal stenosis after radiation therapy and can be used as a disposable vaginal dilator. Further follow up examination with radiological study may be helpful to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of this applicator.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science