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Review Tests for Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Kyung Dong Kim
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 2001;18:13.
Published online: June 30, 2001
Department of Clinical Pathology College of Medicine, Yeungnam University Daegu, Korea.
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The enzyme activities of creatine kinase(CK), its isoenzyme MB(CK-MB) and of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme 1(LD-1) have been used for years in diagnosing patients with chest pain in order to differentiate patients with acute myocardial infarction(AMI) from non-AMI patients. These methods are easy to perform as automated analyses, but they are not specific for cardiac muscle damage. During the early 90's the situation changed. First, creatine kinase MB mass(CK-MB mass) replaced the measurement of CK-MB activity. Subsequently cardiac-specific proteins, troponin T(cTnT) and troponin I(cTnI) appeared and displacing LS-1 analysis. However troponin concentration in blood increase only from four to six hours after onset of chest pain. Therefore a rapid marker such as myoglobin, fatty acid binding protein or glycogen phosphorylase BB could be used in early diagnosis of AMI. On the other hand, CK-MB isoforms alone may also be useful in rapid diagnosis of cardiac muscle damage. Myoglobin, CK-MB mass, cTnT and cTnI are nowadays wisely used in diagnosing patients with acute chest pain. Myoglobin is not cardiac-specific and therefore requires supplementation with some other analysis such as troponins to support the myoglobin value. Troponins are very highly cardiac-specific. Only the sera of some patients with severe renal failure, which requires hemodialysis, have elevated cTnT and/or cTnI without there being any evidence of cardiac damage. The latest studies have shown that elevated troponin levels in sera of hemodialysis patients point to an increased risk of future cardiac events in a similar manner to the elevated troponin values in sera of patiets with unstable angina pectoris. In addition, the bedside tests for cTnT and cTnI alone or together with myoglobin and CK-MB mass can be used instead of quantitative analyses in the diagnosis of patients with chest pain. These rapid tests are easy to perform and they do not require expensive instrumentation. For the diagnosis patients with chest pain, routinely myoglobin and CK-MB mass measurements should be performed whenever they are requested (24 h/day) and cTnT and cTnI on admission to the hospital and then 4-6 and 12 hours later and maintained less than 10% imprecision.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science