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Original Article Standard Index Development for Comparing the Glomerular Number.
Yong Jin Kim, Chi Eun Lee, Kook Joo Lee, Young Ho Choi, Jung Suk Hong
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 2001;18:85.
Published online: June 30, 2001
1Department of Pathology College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea.
2College of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea.
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The number of glomerulus has been considered one of the etiologic factors especially for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. However. glomeruli are too many to calculate them correctly. Although the fractionator method has became convinced, in which they used selected sections, not whole kidney sections, with same intervals, it is also very hard to get good results. Because it is still very time-consuming and laborous work which leads to make big observers' biases. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We designed the index for glomerular number to estimate the tendency of increase or decrease of the number of it in different kidneys and which was evaluated by other conventional methods including fractionator method. Index was based upon the theory by 1\yengaard: "the number of glomerulus correlates with the weight of kidney, which is positively correlated with body weight". Calculating formula is the number of glomeruli/surface areas of cortices which contain calculated glomeruli multiplies by kidney weight/body weight. RESULTS: We applied this index to kidneys of FGS/Kist mouse and those of RFM/ Nga mouse. The former is spontaneous glomerulosclerosis modelwith heavy protein uria and renal failure and the latter is the mother side of FGS/Kist mouse but has no glomerular disease or protein uria. The number of glomerulus of FGS/Kist mouse was decreased by 30% to those of RFM/Nga mouse. CONCLUSION: This index was useful and reliable for estimating the relative glomerular number between two groups.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science