In patients with endometrial carcinoma, preoperative evaluation of exact staging has important prognostic and therapeutic implications. The incidence of pelvic and aortic lymph node involvement in endometrial carcinoma depends on grade of tumor differentiation and depth of myometrial invasion. MATERIAL AND METHOD: To evaluate whether MRI provides a preoperative assessment for staging of endometrial carcinoma, MRI was undertaken in 28 patients, a few weeks before operation. Myometrial invasion was devided in three categories, and involvement of cervix, adnexa, and pelvic cavity were classified. RESULTS: The results of MR imaging were compared with these of pathology. The preoperative MRI staging of endometrial carcinoma was correct in 22 out of 28 patients. In the evaluation of myometrial invasion, the MR imaging underestimated in 4 cases and overestimated in 1 case. CONCLUSION: In patients with endometrial carcinoma, MR imaging is very useful in the assessment of the depth of myometrial invasion, stromal invasion of cevix, lymphatic & pelvic metastases and extent of the lesion.