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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 4(1); 1987 > Article
Original Article Clinical Review of Acute Gastric Anisakiasis.
Pill Young Kim, Moon Kwan Chung, Heon Ju Lee, Chong Suhi Kim
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1987;4:43.
Published online: August 31, 1987
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7 cases of acute gastric Anisakiasis have been reviewed at the Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University Hospital from March, 1983 to December 1986. 1. Of 7 cases, the ratio of male and female was 3:4 and the age 30s occupied most (5 cases) the 50s' followed (2 cases). 2. Chief complains were in order of epigastric pain (6 cases), vomiting (3 cases), Nause (2 cases), Ulticaria (1 case) & epigastric fulling sensation (1 case). 3. In all 7 cases, the causative fish in astroconcer myriaster. 4. The onset of symptoms was observed within 5 to 7 hours after eating the causative raw fish. 5. Gastrofiberscopic exam was undergo within 48 hours since onset of symptoms. 6. The gastrofiberscopic findings were gastric mucosal edema and redness in all 7 cases. One case also had mucosal erosion. The involved sites of the stomach were in frequency of order, the body (5 cases), the antrum (2 cases). 7. The symptoms of the patients relieved spontaneously without medical treatment after the extraction of the larva with biopsy forcep during gastrofiberscopy. 8. In Korea, many people take raw fish and there may be many patients of Anisakiasis so if much concern and careful observation are paid to whom with severe cramping epigastric pain after taking of raw marine fish in about 10 hours, we could find out and confirm more patients suffering from Anisakiasis by immediate endoscopic gastrofiberscopy.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science