A 25 year and 7 month old man patient who had Angle's class II division 2 malocclusion combined with anterior crowding of upper & lower part was treated by bioprogressive mechanism. After setting out objectives through the use of V. T. O., we programmed a sequence of mechanic. The possible objectives of treatment in the class II division 2 malocclusion can be listed as follows. 1) Relief of crowding & irregularities. 2) Relief of anterior gingival trauma & correction of interincisal inclination. 3) Correction of buccal segment relationship We'd applied the class II intermaxillary elastics, Quad helix, utility arch wire and sectional arch wire in order to achieve anticipated objectives. As compared with pre & post treatment cephalogram, the result accomplished by this mechanics showed to us that interincisal angle was improved and favorable molar relationship was achieved.