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HOME > J Yeungnam Med Sci > Volume 5(1); 1988 > Article
Original Article Radiologic Evaluation of Intraabdomenal Masses in Childhood.
Hyuk Po Kwon, Woo Mok Byun, Mi Soo Hwang, Son Yong Kim, Jae Chun Chang, Bok Hwan Park
Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science 1988;5:33.
Published online: June 30, 1988
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The abdominal tumors in children are different from those of adult. These tumors are the third most common one, preceded by leukemia and brain tumors, in children under 15 years. X-ray examination is the most important method among diagnostic approaches. The role of diagnostic imaging is to identify the precise anatomic location and extent of pathologic process with the minimal number of imaging procedures. 23 cases of abdominal tumors were reviewed in respect of age incidence, site of origin, radiologic findings. The results are briefly summarized as follows: 1. Neuroblastoma was the most common (6 cases) and wilm's tumor (5 cases), choledocal cyst (4 cases), ovarian mass (3 cases), hydronephrosis (2 cases), were descending order in frequency. 2. The most common site was retroperitoneum (60%) Kidney was the single most common site of origin. 3. Radiologic findings. The most common findings of plain radiography was ill defined soft tissue mass and this method was helpful in the presence of calcification especially in neuroblastoma. Ultrasonographic pattern was anechoic (cystic), echoic or mixed pattern, but this method provide less precise anatomical details, nevertheless Ultrasonography was particularly useful imaging modality for the pediatric abdominal tumors. IVP findings were renal displacement, caliceopelvic system distortion or nonvisualization of kidney, these information was helpful in determining the location of tumors. CT scan showed homogenous or inhomogeneous, cystic or solid, mass with their anatomic location. 4. Ultrasonography was the most widely used specific diagnostic method, but had limited value in detecting the anatomic location of tumors. CT scan was superior to ultrasound for determining the extent of tumors.

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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science