Clinical and histopathological studies were made on 202 cases of malignancy of cervix, that were visited to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yeungnam University Hospital, during 5 years from 1983 to 1987. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Malignancies of the uterine cervix were 10% of total female malignancies. 2. Among 202 cases, 195 cases (96.5%) were squamous cell carcinoma, in which 60 cases (30.0%) of carcinoma in situ, 9 cases (4%) of microinvasive, and 126 cases (62.5%) of invasive carcinoma were included. 3. The average age of the patients with squamous cell carcinoma was 49.4 years old; In case of carcinoma in situ, it was 43.8, microinvasive, 40.0, invasive 52.1 years old. 4. Clinical symptoms of the patient with squamous cell carcinoma in order of frequency were as follows; vaginal bleeding (47.5%), abnormal cytology (15.4%), and abnormal vaginal discharge (9.4%). 5. Duration of the chief complaints was most commonly less than 6 months (73.2%), and the average duration was 3.8 months. 6. The most common age of marriage was between 19 to 22 years old (46.5%). The average was 21.5 years old. 7. The gravity was 51.5% in 5-8 times, and average 6.2 times. The parity was 61.9% in 1-4 times, and average 3.9 times. 8. The subdivision of 126 cases of invasive carcinoma was made according to FIGO stage classification, stage I, 40 cases (31.8%), stage II, 54 cases(42.9%), stage III, 11 cases (8.7%), and stage IV, 8 cases (6.3%). 9. The histologic subtypes of invasive squamous cell carcinoma were distributed as follows; large cell keratinizing type, 25 cases (19.8%), large cell nonkeratinizing type, 101 cases (80.2%). 10. In the cytologic diagnosis, class I was 2 cases (1.9%), class II was 16 cases (15.1%), class III was 33 cases (31.1%), class IV was 31 cases (29.3%), class V was 24 cases (24.6%). 11. The frequency of lymph node metastasis was 7.5% in stage I, and 11.1% in stage II.