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Original Article
- Clinical Features of Cholestatic Hepatitis.
Sun Taek Choi, Jong Ryul Eun, Song Woo Lim, Bong Jun Kim, Heoon Ju Lee, Mi Jin Gu, Joon Hyuk Choi
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2001;18(1):51-58. Published online June 30, 2001
Cholestatic hepatitis is failure of bile to reach the duodenum with hepatocellular damage and no demonstable obstruction of the major bile ducts. The prognosis of usually good with recovery in less than 4 weeks after withdrawal of the offending drug. However, a prolonged causes of Chronic liver disease is needed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 1991 through January 2000, 14 patients diagnosed as cholestatic hepatitis by liver biopsy were included. The possible causative drug, clinical features, laboatory findings, and progression of cholestatic hepatitis were evaluated. The semiquantitative study of liver lesions was performed by two independent observers. RESULTS: Causes of cholestatic hepatitis are 5 cases of oriental medicine, 3 cases of anti-tuberculosis medication, 1 case of ticlopidine and antibiotics and 4 cases of unknown causes. The clinical features of cholestatic hepatitis were jaundice, itching, urine color change, and general weakness. During 6 to 50 months, LFT of 5 patients showed prolonged elevation. Elevated total cholesterol > or =250 mg/dL in 6 patients, pheripheral blood eosinophilia in 5 patients, auto-antibody positive in 6 patients were observed respectively. The biopsies showed intralobular bilirubinostasis with a mixed portal inflammatory infiltration. CONCLUSION: In chlestatic hepatitis, durations of abnormal LET are variable regardless of causative drugs. If chlestatic hepatitis progresses toward chronic course, viral hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, and autoimmune hepatitis should be differentially diagnosed and sequential liver biopsies are needed.