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Case report
- Shunt fracture as a sequela of cervical spine manipulation: a case report
El Kim
J Yeungnam Med Sci. 2023;40(Suppl):S109-S112. Published online July 17, 2023
- Shunt disconnection is an unreported complication of spinal mobilization and manipulation. We present the case of a young adult who underwent cystoperitoneal (CP) shunt placement for an arachnoid cyst at the age of 6 years. The shunt remained functional during a follow-up period of 11 years. The patient was admitted with headache and diplopia that started after cervical manipulation by a chiropractor. Radiography revealed fracture of the distal catheter and resultant enlargement of the temporosylvian cyst. The patient required replacement of the disconnected tubing caudal to the shunt valve. The distal catheter ruptured immediately below the outlet connector of the valve. The symptoms and signs resolved completely after insertion of a new distal tube into the peritoneum. This case report demonstrates that chiropractic manipulation of the neck may be a cause of tubing breakage in patients with CP shunts.
Case Report
- Page kidney after botulinum toxin injection during chiropractic care.
Han Min Park, Chung Jo Choi, Jin Hee Kim, Ja Kyung Kim, Bum Jun Kim, Jae Yong Seo, Yong Seol Jeong, Jwa Kyung Kim, Sung Gyun Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2015;32(2):143-145. Published online December 31, 2015
- Page kidney refers to the phenomenon of hypertension secondary to long-standing compression of renal parenchyma caused by renal subcapsular collection. The most common cause of renal subcapsular collection is a hematoma which usually occurs after a history of blunt trauma. A 42-year-old female patient who received botulinum toxin injection in her back during chiropractic care was admitted to the emergency room with sudden bilateral flank pain and hypertension. The computed tomography (CT) images demonstrated the presence of bilateral subcapsular renal hematoma. The patient was treated conservatively and recovered well. The follow up CT images showed markedly resolved bilateral hematoma.