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JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science

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A Lateral Cephalometric Study of Maxillofacial Morphologic Features in Class III Malocclusion Children.
Woo Ill Sohn, Ic Jun Chang, Jae Chul Song, Byung Rho Chin
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2001;18(2):208-214.   Published online December 31, 2001
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When we make treatment plan of class III malocclusion children, it is difficult to determine whether we treat it with orthognathic surgery or without orthognathic surgery. To determine that, we must consider many factors, such as cephalometric analysis, growth pattern, family history, and skeletal age. A Harvold cephalometric analysis is useful in determining the amount of discrepancy by comparing the maxillary unit length with mandibular unit length. We tried this study to help the decision of treatment planning in class III malocclusion children by comparison in class III malocclusion and normal occlusion children using a Harvold analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The materials for this study consisted of 20 class III malocclusion children. Cephalometric tracing and measurements were performed by one investigator. The control group consisted of 18 normal occlusion children and lateral cephalograms were obtained from 8.5 to 14.5 years old children biannually. The relationships between class III malocclusion group and normal occlusion group were evaluated statistically. RESULTS: The lower anterior facial heights between two groups were not significantly different, although the lower anterior facial heights of class III malocclusion group was higher than those of normal occlusion group in all age groups. The Maxillary-mandibular unit length differences of class III malocclusion group were significantly higher than those of normal occlusion group(p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: A Harvold analysis was useful to make treatment planning for class III malocclusion children.
A Cephalometric Study of Lateral Morphologic Features in Adult Cleft Lip and Palate Patients.
Ic Jun Chang, Woo Ill Sohn, Jae Chul Song, Byung Rho Chin
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2001;18(1):112-122.   Published online June 30, 2001
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Cleft lip and palate deformity have unknown patterns of maxillofacial growth and development. The maxillofacial growth can be affected either by congenital or environmental factors such as infection and trauma. Surgical repair of cleft lip and palate may interfere the subsequent growth and development of maxillofacial region. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of maxillofacial growth patterns in adult cleft lip and palate patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The material for this study consisted of 17 adult male patients with cleft lip and palate. Cephalometric tracing and measurements were done by one investigator. The relationship between 17 cleft lip and palate patients and Korean norms were evaluated statistically. RESULTS: There were statistically difference in Na, perpendicular to point A, SNA angle, effective maxillary length, maxillofacial differencial, Wit's appraisal and upper incisor to point A (p < 0.01). Pogonion to Na. perpendicular also statistically differed (p < 0.05). Other measurements didn't statistically differ. CONCLUSION: It was evident that in adult cleft lip and palate patients, maxilla was retruded and short. Careful cleft lip and palate repair and treatment are recommended for facilitating normal growth of maxilla.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science