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Investigation of right ventricle function in patients with tetralogy of Fallot after total correction using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging
Woo Sung Jang, Hee Joung Choi, Jong Min Lee, Jae Bum Kim, Jae Hyun Kim, Jae Seok Jang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2017;34(2):238-241.   Published online December 31, 2017
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We investigated the difference in right ventricle (RV) volume and ejection fraction (EF) according to the pulmonary valve (PV) annular extension technique during Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) total correction. METHODS: We divided patients who underwent the procedure from 1993 to 2003 into two groups according to PV extension technique (group I: PV annular extension, group II: no PV annular extension) during TOF total correction. We then analyzed the three segmental (RV inlet, trabecular and outlet) and whole RV volume and EF by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESULTS: Fourteen patients were included in this study (group I: 10 patients, group II: four patients; male: nine patients, female: five patients). Cardiac MRI was conducted after a 16.1 years TOF total correction follow-up period. There was no statistical difference in RV segmental volume index or EF between groups (all p>0.05). Moreover, the total RV volume index and EF did not differ significantly between groups (all p>0.05). CONCLUSION: The RV volume and EF of the PV annular extension group did not differ from that of the PV annular extension group. Thus, PV annular preservation technique did not show the surgical advantage compared to PV annular extension technique in this study.

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science