- Myocardial Protective Effect of Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate Solution and Cold Blood Cardioplegic Solution in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery.
Tae Eun Jung, Dong Hyup Lee, Sung Sae Han
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2006;23(1):19-25. Published online June 30, 2006
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2006.23.1.19
There is limited data on comparisons between the effect of histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate (HTK) solution and cold blood cardioplegic (CBC) solution in pediatric cardiac surgery. The purpose of this study was to compare the myocardial protective effect of HTK solution and CBC solution in patients undergoing pediatric cardiac surgery. MATERILAS AND METHODS: We selected 49 patients with ventricular septal defect and atrial septal defect. HTK solution was used in 21 patients and CBC solution was used in 28 patents. HTK solution was given as a single dose, whereas CBC solution was used in the usual multi-dose method. The incidence of EKG change and concentration of Troponin T and CK-MB were compared for the evaluation of myocardial damage. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in the incidence of ST, T segment change by EKG and serial cardiac enzyme levels between two groups. CONCLUSION: These results suggested that the myocardial protective effect of HTK solution was similar to CBC solution in simple pediatric cardiac surgery.
- Recent Advances in Surgery for Atrial Fibrillation.
Dong Hyup Lee, Tae Eun Jung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2005;22(1):13-26. Published online June 30, 2005
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2005.22.1.13
- Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac rhythm disturbance, which carries significant cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The medical treatment for AF is cumbersome and unsatisfactory, which has highlighted the need to develop alternative treatments for AF. The recent discovery that AF is often initiated by atrial ectopic beats has resulted in treatments designed to target the ectopic sources, particularly those within the pulmonary veins. Building on the pioneering work of Cox et al., a recent reported series demonstrated the feasibility of treating patients undergoing cardiac surgery for other structural heart diseases with limited, left-atrial ablation lesion sets using alternative energy sources. As less complex modifications of the Maze procedure have been developed, a number of energy sources have been introduced to create of electrically isolating lesions within the atria. These sources have been used both endocardially in arrest heart procedures as well as epicardially in a beating heart setting. This review summarizes the recent advances in surgery for AF that will aid in the development of an effective, minimally invasive surgical procedure to cure patients with AF.
- Clinical Analysis of Patch Repair of Ventricular Septal Defect in Infant.
Tae Eun Jung, Jang Hoon Lee, Dong Hyup Lee, Jung Cheul Lee, Sung Sae Han, Sae Yeun Kim, Dae Lim Ji
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 2002;19(2):99-106. Published online December 31, 2002
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.2002.19.2.99
Simple ventricular septal defect(VSD) is the most common congenital heart disease. Although closure of VSD is currently associated with a relatively low risk, experience with younger and smaller infants has been variably less satisfactory. We assessed the results of surgical closure of VSD in infant. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1996 and 2000, 45 non-restrictive VSD patients underwent patch repair and retrospective analysis was done. Patients were divided into two groups based on weight: group I infants weighed 5kg or less(n=16), and group II infants weighed more than 5kg(n=29). Both groups had similar variation in sex, VSD location, aortic cross clamp time and total bypass time. But combined diseases (ASD, PDA, MR) were more in group I. We closed VSD with patch and used simple continuous suture method in all patients. RESULTS: There were no operative mortality, no reoperation for hemodynamically significant residual shunt and no surgically induced complete heart block. As a complication, pneumonia(group I: 2 cases, group II: 2 cases), transient seizure(group II: 2), wound infection(group I: 1, group II: 1), urinary tract infection(group I: 1) and chylopericardium(group I: 1) developed, and there was no significant difference between two groups(p>0.05). CONCLUSION: Early primary closure with simple continuous suture method was applicable in all patients with non-restrictive VSD without any serious complications.
- The Effects of Dimethly Sulfoxide and Sodium thiosulfate for the Prevention of Tissue Necrosis due to Extravasation of Mitomycin-C.
Sang Hyun Woo, Byung Cheol Choi, Ki Hyung Kim, Jung Hyun Seul, Tae Eun Jung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1996;13(2):243-250. Published online December 31, 1996
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1996.13.2.243
- Extravasation of toxic chemotherapeutic 'agents cause severe skin ulceration and necrosis which often need secondary surgical intervention. Still, there were not established antidote agent in case of extravasation with mitomycin-c. Dimethyl sulfoxide is known as an effective chemical scavenger of toxic hydroxyl free radical and sodium thiosulfate also was demonstrated significant protector from mitomycin-c induced ulceration by a few experimental studies. Author investigated necrotic area of mitomycin-c injected site and compare to the effectiveness of topical treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide and intradermal injection of sodium thiosulfate according to starting times, forty five mice were divided into 3 groups. Control group(n=5) had no treatment after subcutaneous injection of mitomycin-c. Experimental group I and 11 were 20 mice treated dimethyl sulfoxide and sodium.
- A Case of Dissection in Marfan Syndrome with Ascending Aortic Aneurysm.
Bong Young Yoon, Chang Heon Yang, Young Jo Kim, Bong Sup Shim, Hyun Woo Lee, Han Young Ryu, Tae Eun Jung, Yee Tae Park, Sung Sae Han
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1989;6(1):179-184. Published online June 30, 1989
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1989.6.1.179
- The Marfan syndrome is a generalized connective tissue disease involving eye, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, and inherited autosomal dominant with various expression type. The cardiovascular complications such as aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, aortic regurgitation, mitral regurgitation and aortic dissection which usually occurs in previously normal sized aorta are poor prognostic factors. However, the aortic dissection which developed in patient with Marfan syndrome and aortic aneurysm was rare. We experienced one case of dissecting aneurysm in patient diagnosed as previous aortic aneurysm, aortic regurgitation, and Marfan syndrome, receiving successful operation.
- Clinical Study of 459 Cases Cardiovascular Surgery.
Han Young Ryu, Tae Eun Jung, Yee Tae Park, Sung Sae Han
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1988;5(2):101-110. Published online December 31, 1988
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1988.5.2.101
- Between April, 1984 and September 1988, 459 patients underwent cardiovascular surgery at the Yeungnam University Hospital. Of these, 355 cases were open heart surgeries and 104 cases were non-open heart surgeries. There were 237 patients of acyanotic congenital cardiac anomalies, 40 patients of cyanotic congenital cardiac anomalies, and 85 patients of acquired heart diseases. The sex ratio of cardiovascular diseases was represented as 1:1.3 in male and female. The age distribution was ranged from 1 day to 65 years old. The common congenital cardiovascular anomalies were ventricular septal defect (38.7%), patent ductus arteriosus (25.5%), atrial septal defect (20.7%), Tetralogy of Fallot (8.3%), and pulmonary stenosis (2.4%) in order of frequency. Among 87 acquired cardiovascular diseases, 81 patients underwent operation for cardiac valvular lesions, 51 patients had mitral valve replacement and 13 patients had aortic valve replacement and 17 patients had double valve replacement. The overall mortality of cardiovascular surgery was 3.3% and mortality of open heart surgery was 3.9%.
- The Clinical Analysis of Patient with Patent Ductus Arteriosus.
Myeun Shik Kang, Dong Hyup Lee, Cheol Joo Lee, Tae Eun Jung
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1986;3(1):287-292. Published online December 31, 1986
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1986.3.1.287
- A clinical analysis was performed on 61 cases of patent ductus arteriosus experienced at Yeungnam University Hospital during 3 years period from April, 1984 to December, 1986. Of the 61 patient of PDA, 13 patients were male and 48 patient were female and age ranged 2 months to 26 years old with the average age of 9.4 years. The chief complaints on admission were frequent URI and dyspnea on exertion. diagnostic procedure were Doppler echocardiogram (in 53 among 61). Three postoperative complication were developed, but there was no operative mortality.
- Anatomic Classification of Ventricular Septal Defects and Clinical Review of 99 Cases.
Cheol Joo Lee, Tae Eun Jung, Dong Hyup Lee, Myeun Shik Kang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1986;3(1):221-227. Published online December 31, 1986
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1986.3.1.221
- Ventricular septal defects is most common congenital cardiac anomaly in Korea and worldwide. And its clinical spectrum is well known. The anatomic classification had been undertaken by several authors, but recently Dr. Soto and Anderson's classification is widely used instead of Dr. Kirklin's it. From April, 1984 to December 1986, 99 cases of ventricular septal defects had been taken surgical repair under direct vision using conventional cardiopulmonary bypass technique at Yeungnam university hospital. The clinical spectrum was similar to other hospital, and postoperative mortality was 2%, the most common associated anomaly was patent foramen ovale, and the most common postoperative complication was incomplete or complete right bundle branch block. The rank of defects was as followings: 45 perimembranous inlet type, 21 doubly committed subarterial type, 17, perimembranous trabecular type, and 16 perimembranous outlet type. There was no muscular and mixed type.
- Clinical Analysis of Open Heart Surgery: A report of 111 cases.
Cheol Joo Lee, Tae Eun Jung, Dong Hyup Lee, Myeun Shik Kang
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1986;3(1):215-219. Published online December 31, 1986
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1986.3.1.215
- During 1986, 111 cases of open heart surgery were performed at Yeungnam University Hospital consisting 88 cases of congenital heart disease and 23 cases of acquired heart disease. Among 88 congenital heart disease, 72 were acyanotic group and 16 were cyanotic. Common congenital heart diseases were ventricular septal defect (51%), atrial septal defect (18%) and Tetralogy of Fallot (16%). Among 23 acquired heart disease, 22 cases were valvular heart disease and one was dissecting aortic aneurysm. Three cases of the postoperative death were present resulting 2.7% of surgical mortality rate.