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Sang Kyun Sohn 2 Articles
Severe congenital neutropenia mimicking chronic idiopathic neutropenia: a case report
Juhyung Kim, Soyoon Hwang, Narae Hwang, Yeonji Lee, Hee Jeong Cho, Joon Ho Moon, Sang Kyun Sohn, Dong Won Baek
J Yeungnam Med Sci. 2023;40(3):283-288.   Published online July 28, 2022
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Severe chronic neutropenia is classified as severe congenital, cyclic, autoimmune, or idiopathic. However, there is a lot of uncertainty regarding the diagnosis of severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) and chronic idiopathic neutropenia, and this uncertainty affects further evaluations and treatments. A 20-year-old man presented with fever and knee abrasions after a bicycle accident. On admission, his initial absolute neutrophil count (ANC) was 30/µL. He had no medical history of persistent severe neutropenia with periodic oscillation of ANC. Although his fever resolved after appropriate antibiotic therapy, ANC remained at 80/µL. Bone marrow (BM) aspiration and biopsy were performed, and a BM smear showed myeloid maturation arrest. Moreover, genetic mutation test results showed a heterozygous missense variant in exon 4 of the neutrophil elastase ELANE: c597+1G>C (pV190-F199del). The patient was diagnosed with SCN. After discharge, we routinely checked his ANC level and monitored any signs of infection with minimum use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), considering its potential risk of leukemic transformation. Considering that SCN can be fatal, timely diagnosis and appropriate management with G-CSF are essential. We report the case of a patient with SCN caused by ELANE mutation who had atypical clinical manifestations. For a more accurate diagnosis and treatment of severe chronic neutropenia, further studies are needed to elucidate the various clinical features of ELANE.


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    Dmytro Maltsev
    Immunology and Allergology: Science and Practice.2024; (3-4): 37.     CrossRef
Clinical impact of spine magnetic resonance imaging as a valuable prognostic tool for patients with multiple myeloma: a retrospective study
Jung Min Lee, Hee Jeong Cho, Joon-Ho Moon, Sang Kyun Sohn, Byunggeon Park, Dong Won Baek
J Yeungnam Med Sci. 2022;39(4):300-308.   Published online March 23, 2022
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  • 1 Web of Science
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
This study investigated the prognostic impact of spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM).
We retrospectively evaluated 214 patients who were newly diagnosed with MM between March 2015 and December 2019. The patients were classified into five different infiltration patterns based on spine MRI as follows: (1) normal appearance, (2) focal, (3) diffuse, (4) combined focal and diffuse infiltration, and (5) “salt-and-pepper.”
Forty patients (18.7%) showed a normal appearance, whereas focal, diffuse, combined focal and diffuse infiltration, and “salt-and-pepper” patterns were identified in 68 (31.8%), 40 (18.7%), 52 (24.3%), and 14 patients (6.5%), respectively. The patients with normal and “salt-and-pepper” patterns were younger than patients with other patterns (median age, 61.6 vs. 66.8 years; p=0.001). Moreover, 63% and 59.3% of patients with normal and “salt-and-pepper” patterns were scored International Staging System (ISS) stage I and revised ISS (R-ISS) stage I, respectively, whereas only 12.5% of patients with other patterns were scored ISS stage I and R-ISS stage I. Patients with normal and “salt-and-pepper” patterns had a better prognosis than those with other patterns, whereas relapse and death rates were significantly higher in patients with focal, diffuse, and combined MRI patterns.
Characteristic MRI findings have a significant prognostic value for long-term survival in patients newly diagnosed with MM. In particular, focal, diffuse, and combined focal and diffuse infiltration patterns are unfavorable prognostic factors.


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  • Lesions of the spinal cord caused by multiple myeloma: A systematic review and meta-analysis regarding the neurosurgical aspects of patient management
    Daniel Encarnacion, Gennady E Chmutin, Ismail Bozkurt, Jack Wellington, Emmanuel Batista Geraldino, Bipin Chaurasia
    Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine.2023; 14(4): 313.     CrossRef

JYMS : Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science