- Use biologic fibrin adhesive in otologic surgery: compared with ammonium sulfate fibrin adhesive and tissellĀ®.
Hyung Chul Lee, Mi Gyeung Yang, Mun Heum Park
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1991;8(1):127-135. Published online June 30, 1991
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1991.8.1.127
- Successful middle ear surgery requires the availability of al safe, effective bonding material. Side effect caused by synthetic materials have led to the use of biologic adhesive, However, they carry the risk of transmission of infectious diseases if they are prepared from pooled human blood. The adhesive strength of ammonium sulfate fibrin adhesive produce an adhesive strength that is half that of the homologous commercial product. It is, however, good enough for use in several otolaryngological operations, tympanoplasty, facial nerve repair, reconstruction of ossicles. Reconstruction of posterior wall of ear canal and obliteration of frontal sinus and mastoid antrum using bone dust.