- Effect of Hyperglycemia and Hyperlipidemia on Cardiac Muscle Glycogen Usage during Exercise in Rats.
Suck Kang Lee, Eun Jung Kim, Yong Woon Kim
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1998;15(1):29-35. Published online June 30, 1998
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1998.15.1.29
- Rats were studied during 45 minutes treadmill exercise to determine the effects of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia on the utilization of cardiac muscle glycogen, and the utilization of diaphragm muscle glycogen was also studied for comparing to cardiac muscle. The hyperglycemia was produced by ingestion of 25% glucose solution(1ml/100gm, BW) and the hyperlipidemia by 10% intralipose ingestion(1ml/100gm, BW) with intraperitoneal injection of heparin(500 IU) 15 minutes before treadmill exercise. The mean blood glucose concentrations(mg/dL) in control and hyperglycemic rats were 110 and 145, respectively, and the mean plasma free fatty acid concentrations(micronEq/L) in control, control exercise(control-E) and hyperlipidemia exercise(HL-E) rats were 247, 260 and 444, respectively. In the hyperglycemic trial, the cardiac muscle glycogen concentration was not significantly decreased by the exercise but the concentration in control rats was decreased to 73.9%(p<0.05). The glycogen concentration of diaphragm was significantly decreased in both groups by the exercise, but the hyperglycemia decreased the glycogen utilization by approximately 10% compared to the control. The cardiac muscle glycogen concentration was not decreased by the exercise in control and hyperlipidemic rats but the utilization of glycogen in hyperlipidemic rats is lower than that of the control. These data illustrate the sparing effect of hyperglycemia on cardiac muscle glycogen usage during exercise, but the effect of hyperlipidemia was not conclusive. In the skeletal muscle, the usage of glycogen by exercise was spared by both hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia.
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- The Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Blood components, Antioxidant enzymes and Reactive Oxygen in Hyperlipidemic Rats
Byeong-Ok Jung, Sang-Hun Jang, Hyun-Soo Bang Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine.2013; 8(1): 71. CrossRef
- The Charateristics of Glycogen Metabolism of Diaphragm in Rats.
Bok Hyun Nam, Eun Jung Kim, Suck Kang Lee
Yeungnam Univ J Med. 1997;14(1):46-52. Published online June 30, 1997
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12701/yujm.1997.14.1.46
- Diaphragm is though to play the most role in breathing and has a substantially greater proportion of slow oxidative and fast glycolytic fibers, and low proportion of fast oxidative fibers. The respiratory muscle, diaphragm, has the functional characteristics of slow speed of contraction, high resistance to fatigue and the ability to respond to intermittent ventilatory loads, for example of exercise. In the present study, the characteristics of the metabolism (depletion and repletion) of glycogen and the structural changes of diaphragm during depletion and repletion of glycogen were observed in rats. For comparison, the red gastrocnemius muscle which has a greater proportion of fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG) and slow oxidative (SO) fibers, and low proportion of fast glycolytic (FG) fiber, was also studied. The glycogen concentration of diaphragm in overnight fasted rats was 2.30+/-0.14mg/gm wet weight. The values of glycogen concentration at 60, 90 and 120minutes of treadmill exercise loaded rats was significantly decreased compared to that of the overnight fasted rats. There was no significant difference among the glycogen concentration of diaphragm at 60, 90 and 120minutes of exercises. The glycogen concentration of diaphragm was decreased to 1.12+/-0.17 from 2.30+/-0.14mg/gm wet weight by treadmill exercise. The glycogen depletion rats of diaphragm during exercise was faster than that of red gastrocnemius in both of the first 60minutes and 120minutes duration of exercise. The glycogen repletion of diaphragm after intragastric glucose administration by stomach tube was studied in control and exercise groups. The glycogen concentration was significantly increased after glucose administration in both of the control and exercise groups. All of the concentration of exercise group at 60, 120 and 180minutes after glucose administration was significantly higher than those of control group. In conclusion, one of the characterics of diaphragm in glycogen metabolism is fast glycogen depletion during exercise, and slowness of glycogen repletion after glucose ingestion in rats.